Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @christine--instead of viewing today a a failing, view it as a step in the right direction. The fact that you were willing to try walking at the zoo and even did so for a portion of the day, shows how far you've come! Next time, you will last longer and go farther, and eventually you won't need that cart at all! :flowerforyou:

    @jana--I can understand your BF wanting to get settled in his career before popping the question. I do, however, find it kind of odd that he holds YOU responsible for anyone else bringing it up. It would be one thing if you were pressuring him, but it seems unfair to get upset and put it off b/c someone else says something about it. Also, why does he need to be responsible for supporting BOTH of you when you have a teaching career? Are you planning to have kids right away and be a SAHM? Or is teaching not a stable field in your area? I'm not judging/criticizing his desire (though I admit it seems a bit old fashioned to me)--just really curious why he's so adamant that he be able to support both of you. Just wondering if he's feeling undo pressure that could be alleviated by having a conversation about how you will both be contributing to your financial well-being. Congrats on the shorts NSV!! I had a similar NSV with an old pair of jeans today. I hadn't worn them in years b/c they were too tight, and today when I finally decided to wear them, they were way too big. I'm glad, but kind of sad that I missed my window to wear them a few more times. :ohwell: Oh and as for making up for missed runs by doing 2-a-days--I would be careful of that. You need to give your running muscles recovery time if you want to improve your endurance and pace. Not saying you shouldn't do it, just be careful not to overdo it. :smile:

    @laurie--it sounds like what you call "interns" we call "student teachers." I've had a student teacher, and although it's nice to have someone take over the grading/teaching, I've found the mentoring responsibility to be just as much (if not more) work. I would rather spend my time doing what I love to do--teach literature--than teaching another person HOW to teach. I was hoping an intern was just someone who comes and grades your stuff, and that you could tell me the secret to obtaining such a magical creature. :wink:

    Grading goals:
    1. 49/49 AP essays DONE!!! :bigsmile:
    2. x/22 I/D clause practice
    3. 22/22 ACT practice tests DONE!!!
    5. x/11 AP analysis activities
    6. 58/58 V for Vendetta archetype charts DONE!!!
    7. 20/49 AP unit tests
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Saturday Success: I literally had no success yesterday besides losing about half of that water weight I got from that pizza a few days ago. Boy did that take awhile. I went WAY over on my sodium intake today when I had a 6in from subway.. I got wheat too! I thought that was supposed to be healthy, but it didn't feel too healthy when I logged it. I'm thinking I'll just be going right back up in weight tomorrow. I guess it doesn't count, because I log my weight here every Monday. A little fluctuation is okay, right?

    When I get more time and get used to my new daily schedule, I'll respond to all of your posts, guys. Been a little overwhelmed! :)

    I use to be so fixated with the scale and would weigh every day. Because my body fluctuates I just had to stop. Friday AM is my official weigh-in day. I may do a quick check on Monday's and that's it. While I track the weekly loss, I really focus on my monthly loss. It's better for me to see the bigger picture than the smaller fluctuations every week. I've been struggling with sodium lately as well. I had quite a bit the past few days so I'm going to try and increase my water intake plus stay under throughout the week days. It's a bit of a balance, but we can figure this out.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member

    Regular or turkey bacon? I actually tried a bacon flavored sunflower seed today. Not too bad. I've never been a big bacon fan, but I do like a good BLT. Just keep the bacon light and add an extra thick slice of the tomato. Yum!!

    Regular, center cut, bacon - its actually healthier for you than turkey bacon. I like bacon better than sausage. :smile:

    Thanks! If I buy regular bacon, this is the only kind I buy as well. I'm probably a sausage person myself. I normally add some turkey sausage crumbles to my eggs. Always looking for a little extra protein.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Well today is the first day. If we never had mirrors or clothes to fit into I probably wouldn't do this. Have gained 30 lbs over the past 5 years so I'm giving it everything I got. have been a member for 1 month but no progress, down 3 lbs, up 5. Time to get serious. I'll probably post here just so I can stay motivated.

    You can do this. Just take one day at a time. I've been overweight for a very long time. Always made excuses and never wanted to face the truth. I've tried just about every program out there. For whatever reason, this is FINALLY clicking for me. I still eat pretty normal, but it's all about portion control, tracking every single bite and exercising every day if possible. I've been using MFP for 7 weeks and I'm down 27 lbs. I check on MFP every day. This is the best group for support. There's a lot of folks on here. I'll check-in a few times throughout the week, but I've also reached out and created a solid friend list who seem to have similar goals and really changing our lifestyles for good. They are the ones who really encourage me every single day. Find some solid friends on here and you can do this!!!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Sunday share = the scale was kind to me this morning. Down 3.4 lbs this week. Didn't expect that but I am pleased. I'm an older lady, 61 next week, with a handful of health issues. Working hard to get as healthy as possible before my February doctor's appointment.

    Hoping everyone has a healthy and successful week. :drinker: :drinker:


    Nice loss!!!! Keep it up!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    I am feeling low tonight. This week has been the pits with being sick, unable to do my walks and going over my calories a couple of times this week. I did have a great time at the zoo with my family, but after walking a short ways and up a steep hill I had to give in to riding an electric cart. Felt like a failure, but didn't want to spoil the day for the rest of the family by holding them up. I am glad tomorrow is Monday and am looking forward to a fresh start. I know once I get back into my usual routine I will feel much better and things will look up again.

    For those newlings, I am a 62 yo widow with 4 grown children, 10 grandchildren and 1 great-granddaughter. I have several chronic ailments which hamper my exercise ability but I do love walking my little dog, Belle. I was a social worker for 30 years and loved helping others. Now life revolves around my church and family. I have tried most diets, had my stomach stapled in 1979 which led to numerous hospitalizations and several surgeries. I have found that keeping track of my calories, portion control, and making healthy choices is the way to lose weight. MFP has the most supportive and motivating people that help me with this journey. Thank you all for being here.


    The fact that you made it to the zoo after all these years is GREAT!! You wallked some and that's GREAT!! Like you said, you're battling some ailments. You're doing what you can do and I'm so proud of you. The fact you've lost 52 lbs is AWESOME!! Do what you can do and that's what you focus on. Hope you feel better this week and you'll be right back at it. Keep up the great work!!!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    My name is Susan. I'm 43 (soon to be 44 in October) and a single mom to an amazing 10-year old son who is the center of my life. I've been on this roller coaster for all of my life. Ever since I can remember my weight has been a battle. I've tried so many weight loss programs from WW, Jenny Craig, Nutri-System, cleanses, and so many other crazy one toos. Yes, I would lose weight on all of them, but always a temporary loss. I wasn't making permanent changes, but all quick fixes. In January, I tried Medifast and lost 25 lbs fast (started at 325). Again, I was still looking for a quick fix.

    In March, I decided to make a huge change in my life. I left a company I was with for 12 years in Atlanta and took a job 2,000 miles away in Las Vegas. I moved there in April and haven't looked back. For 2 months, I was living at Planet Hollywood waiting for my son to join me. With eating every meal out, it took everything in my power not to gain back all the weight. I was able to keep the gain to 9 lbs so I stayed at 309 for the next few months. My new company really supports health & wellness (free gym, nutritionist and even trainers every week). I finally decided I have these tools and it would be foolish not to use them. So 7 weeks ago I met with the nutrtionist and she shared MFP with me. I had never heard of it to be honest. I try to hit the gym 5 mornings a week or if I don't go I walk outside. I haven't met with the trainers yet, but that's on my list. I hit my 50th day of tracking the other day and so happy to say I'm down 27 lbs. Woo Hoo!!! I was able to buy a smaller size in skirts/pants - yipee!!! Twins haven't gone down yet, but I'm hoping they start to deflate soon. Well, that's me in a nutshell. I'm now making this change for life and love it!!!!!
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Nicole -- I'm currently not buying peanut butter or Nutella because my 12-yr-old has been eating them out of the jar with a spoon. I refuse to lock up the stuff (visions of crowbars, yes), but it does annoy me. I also get dried fruit and nuts to use in baking; luckily the kids don't tend to look there when they're searching for snacks, but every so often I'll go to cook something I've planned and discover an ingredient is missing. It's not so much the money, though these items are expensive treats, not everyday things; it's more that they were planned for treats for us all, and one person's nabbed the treat. No Twinkies here, and my kids mostly eat school dinners. When they get a packed lunch they're normally pretty healthy apart from a tiny treat (a mini bite, or a cookie, or a few sweeties or something like that).

    @SkinnyJeanz & Liz and others -- Morris dancing is a traditional English display dance. You dance outside pubs and pass the hat round; we also dance at charity events, summer fayres, things like that. You can see the lads from our side here: -- I'm playing in the band here but hardly visible. I don't think there's a video up of the dancing that I do -- it's North West (clog) style.

    @Jana -- you've reminded me that I really want to sort out a haircut this week. And maybe colour as well. I'm a bit fed up of being grey!

    @Christine -- oh, you managed some of the walking at the zoo, that's great. And next time you will be able to do a bit more, and you've been sick this week as well.

    Monday check-in -- 2 pounds down this week and I am very well pleased with that because it's been a bit hit and miss the last couple of weeks, and this weekend had beer, buffet, and suet puddings in it. It also gets me over 20 pounds which is a big psychological win for me. Onto the third ten pounds! Indoor exercise for me today because the UK is having horrid don't-go-out-unless-you-have-to weather. I'm going to make something warm and stew like for my lovely family tonight!

    -- Alison
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Monday check-in: I'm down 3.8# this week. So pleased. I've gone over a couple of times, but still under 1400 so I'm okay with that. I'll get my knee surgery scheduled on Fri. so then I will know how much time I have to get some more off.
  • 2S_1R
    2S_1R Posts: 171
    Monday Check-in: Finally relost the weight that I lost last Monday, so it's like last week didn't even happen! (besides all the hard work to get it back off!). I have 3 classes and work today, so here's to a bussssssy day! Cheers.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    monday checkin. i did okay this weekend except yesterday. i did not do well yesterday haha. but that's okay because today is a new day and it isn't anyone's birthday. pounding away at my 250 miles but i don't know if that will be too many miles. i calculated it out with riding every single day. so we'll see how it works out.
  • kristothae
    Monday check-in: I had an okay weekend. Lots of exercise because of moving for two days which did help limit my snacking. I did indulge in one too many chocolate chip cookies on Saturday and I tried on a pair of pants that used to be way too tight, so the whole time I'm trying them on I'm making negative comments (I know, shouldn't have) that I didn't realize they fit in the thighs now :) a little tight in the tummy but otherwise they fit!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Monday Check In::: My scale is WAY up and I'm the only one to blame. I know how it happened and I am upset with myself and ashamed. BUT I am SO back at it now. I am done making excuses for myself and just blowing it off. I'm basically looking at this as if I'm starting over. I'm going to focus more on my food first and then bring in the exercise again like I did when I first started. I have to start somewhere. I don't know what happened but it's done and OVER now.

    I have a new goal for myself and that is to be under 200lbs by Christmas! I usually don't like making a set date to lose by but this should push me to really work at it. I can do it, it's right at 2lbs a week to get to my goal. It's doable. When I was losing on a regular basis I was averaging 1.5lbs a week. So it's going to be tough but I got this!

    I am SO sorry I haven't been active on here and gone. But I want to say thank you to everyone who has been so supportive and helped motivate me to get back to my normal lifestyle.

    By this time next week my scale will have gone down!

    Happy Monday :)
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Monday Check-in - Nothing particularly exciting or new this weekend, I think I am taking the day off swimming and may back it down to 45 minutes for a few days after that. I've been kind of dragging lately and need I think I've been pushing too hard.

    Also emailed in sick to work today and came back to bed. Now I'm on the bottom of a cat pile and catching up on my Hulu queue.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    In the spirit of our September Challenge to recommit, I give you the following quote:

    “It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.”.- Muhammad Ali.

    Also, as they always say on the biggest loser, " Do the steps, trust the process, and you will see the results."
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Just caught up on 3 pages of posts - my computer was down yesterday. Its an awful feeling to be out of the loop that long.
    One personal - Vicki - hope you are recovering from your car accident OK - it sounded terribly scary! :flowerforyou:

    Glad the October Challenge has been welcomed so well.

    Have to see the doc this week. Have severe pains in both arms - had it before surgery but it has progressed now to the point where I can't lift my arms over my head. I think its a trapped nerve or something. Still haven't been swimming. TMI WARNING -
    had to wait til I went 24 hours without spotting and that hasn't happened yet. DARN.
  • threeohtwo
    threeohtwo Posts: 153 Member
    Hi. I'm new. I have too much weight to lose but I'd be happy with 100. Way happy. I'm Stacey.

    Monday - Check In - I'm ok. The weekend didn't kill me. Trying to stay motivated. I recently gained 6 pounds back of the weight I had lost and that was really frustrating but Im attacking it again. I think I'm going to start 30 DS tonight. If I don't die you'll hear back from me tomorrow.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Monday check inj: Great post. I am back up the 1.2 lbs lost last week. Like the do the process quote. I should do the process. Going to start logging food again. Humm that is a idea huh. lol. ok here we go. (again)
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Monday check-in~Not much to report. It was a good weekend, busy as they seem to be lately but good.
    In the spirit of our September Challenge to recommit, I give you the following quote:

    “It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.”.- Muhammad Ali.

    Also, as they always say on the biggest loser, " Do the steps, trust the process, and you will see the results."

    My trainer and I were just talking about this yesterday. I'm always in such a hurry and want to do more than my body is ready to do - he recognized this since I was running faster yesterday than he wanted me to, he basically reminded me that this is a process. Trust it, you're making great progress - I ran longer yesterday than I have and am noticing how much stronger my upper body is these days. I trust my trainer(s) and try to listen to their recommendations, I'm seeing results that's the important thing. Patience isn't my strongest quality! :grumble:
  • shygur
    shygur Posts: 171 Member
    I love that October challenge idea! I notice my carbs have been slowly creeping up a bit and I'm wondering how it will effect my A1C next week.

    Saturday success - Lost enough weight to hit my 100 lb mark this week! Very excited about that. Last night as I was leaving the pool my Dr intercepted me at the door. I didn't realize it but he arrived there just as I did and was in the lap lane next to me (wow, am I oblivious). He told that I "out swam" him and that he hadn't been able to go my full hour without stopping. I will also note that my Dr looks very good in tight swim shorts. :wink:

    Woohoo that is an awesome milestone in the weight loss!!
