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Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    In the spirit of our September Challenge to recommit, I give you the following quote:

    “It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.”.- Muhammad Ali.

    Also, as they always say on the biggest loser, " Do the steps, trust the process, and you will see the results."

    LOVE it!
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Checking in one more time!!! I survived my first on campus class without throwing up on the instructor!!! :bigsmile: I even learned some stuff!!!

    Awesome, great job:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Soooooo behind! First a few personals:

    Robin, congrats on the good medical news!

    MNwalkingqueen, congrats on the house!

    Toots, did the blood work come back? Also, be aware that not every palpitation is A-fib. A-flutter looks different than a-fib but is very easy to see on an EKG, so that's not it, either. My husband has occasional "extra" beats (acronym is PVC, for Premature Ventricular Complex) that come and go. He doesn't notice them, but I do.

    Vicki, hope the insurance company is speedy and helpful and that you and yours feel better.

    Nicole, you seem almost giddy these days. Good for you, you deserve it!

    Kris, congrats on reaching the 100 pound mark! Also, props on the stamina in the pool!!

    Tina, glad you're back on the wagon.

    Robin, I am totally in on the carb-counting and measuring challenge for October. I confess that I actually do better when the group has similar goals than when I'm just setting my own. And keeping my carbs down is a huge factor in keeping cravings under control.

    Chris, glad you feel better, and great effort walking at the zoo! You'll appreciate this: had frozen custard yesterday. In Oregon! New place opened up about 25 minutes away. It was good, so I'm really glad it isn't closer!

    My Monday check in is that I had a pretty crap week as far as food choices went. Over calories several days. Only green yesterday because I think that playing at a water park for 6 hours probably burned a few calories. Very few crowds this time of year (wonder what it'll be like in December? It's indoors....), so climbed 8 or so flights of stairs, carrying a 2-person inner tube, several times without having to pause much. Also did Zumba again today and it did not kick my butt as much as it did last week.

    I am not confident that I'll make my goal of a size 16 gown for the NAMI benefit dinner I'm attending in 2 weeks. We'll see!

    Okay, it's late and I'm sleepy. G'night, all!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    Tuesday Goals~Rights now I'm just trying to survive. I'm having a lot of issues with my cardio and having problems getting my heart rate up to where it needs to be, so my workouts are just leaving me exhausted. My trainer thinks I'm run down (don't really feel run-down), so he wants me to take it easy this week - just do what my body wants to do and not overdo it. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, she'll check my TSH and female hormone levels (been having night sweats lately - refuse HRT so we'll see what the other alternatives are).

    I may be hit and miss through Friday - its our annual employee appreciation day is this week and I'm getting pulled in all different directions trying to prepare.

    @Nicole~Glad it was a successful first day of class - its always nice when you learn something! :laugh: Hope your second day goes equally well.

    Have a great day!

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Tuesday goal: Increase water to 8 glasses. I've only been getting 4-6. I think that will help me in my overall goal of losing as much as possible before surgery.
  • gigi_to_4
    gigi_to_4 Posts: 17 Member
    I started C25K this morning. The first workout is walk 5 minutes, then alternate between jogging for 90 seconds and walking for 90 seconds until you have finished a 30 minute workout. I made it the whole 30 minutes so I was very proud.

    My goal to complete the C25K workouts for week one that entails doing this workout 2 more times this week. I am thinking Thursday and Saturday.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Tuesday Goal::: To focus this week on getting back at logging everything everyday and staying at or under my calorie goal daily.
    Yesterday was a huge success and I even stayed under on my sodium!!!! That's a big thing for me!

    Hopefully can catch up to everyone later, works been a bit hectic.

    Have a terrific Tuesday!
  • 2S_1R
    2S_1R Posts: 171
    Tuesday goal: may sound silly, but i'm addicted to seeing if my hard work has been paying off so I check weight everyday. My goal is to not check it again before next Monday. Can I doooo it?
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Toots, did the blood work come back? Also, be aware that not every palpitation is A-fib. A-flutter looks different than a-fib but is very easy to see on an EKG, so that's not it, either. My husband has occasional "extra" beats (acronym is PVC, for Premature Ventricular Complex) that come and go. He doesn't notice them, but I do.

    I haven't heard back. it will probably take a week or two. i think they are banking on something unusual just because of the sheer number. it's at least twice a day. sometimes as much as 20 or 30 times a day. they did a very involved EKG. i've had them before but not like that one. they even had sensors on my ankles. it was kind of crazy. anyway, yeah, i haven't heard back yet, so i guess we'll see.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Tuesday goal: may sound silly, but i'm addicted to seeing if my hard work has been paying off so I check weight everyday. My goal is to not check it again before next Monday. Can I doooo it?

    You can do it! When I first started I weighed once a week. Well then I sort of hit a plateau and started weighing daily. Still something I'm working on. But you can do it and I will do it with you and weight until next Monday to weigh in! Although I have to weigh in Friday for a challenge I'm doing.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Tue goal: Back to drinking water 8 cups a day and logging my food.

    Tina - Great job jumping back on the wagon! Sodium is very hard for me too.
    sunshine freckle's - Good luck on not jumping on that scale, maybe give it to a neighbor?
    gigi - Great job on the C25K! That is great!
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Good morning to all my friends. Belle decided this morning we were going to walk for 35 minutes rather than the 20 I had planned. She pretty much gets her way around here, nothing like a spoiled pom! Hmm, I just got a message that 3 people unfriended me. Hope I didn't offend anyone. I know there was one person who was always very, very low on cals. consistently and I made the remark I was worried she wasn't getting enough nutrients for her body. I am going to stop worrying about it, can't please everybody I guess, just the old me wanting everyone to like me. My Tuesday goal is to get my 2 walks in a day plus start doing some walk push-ups to work on my arms. That's also supposed to be good for expanding the lungs for those who have COPD. Get to spend time with my granddaughter who I adore this afternoon and if it isn't raining will spending time pushing her on the swing. Take care all, hope everyone has a blessed day.

  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    happy tuesday!
    My goal for today: to continue the great progress I began to make yesterday.
    I had a day where I felt absolutely satisfied, food-wise, and didn't realize I was below my allotments until I totaled everything up.
    I'm beginning to understand how I need to eat in order to feel well satisfied and not like I want to BINGE BINGE BINGE.
    I had a really bad bingefest over the weekend, and I am strongly NOT wanting to go there again!
    Hugs to all ....
  • @ Christine, I also had the 3 unfriended message......think it's a way to get you to use their app because I'm new aand don't have any MFP friends yet.
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    happy tuesday!
    My goal for today: to continue the great progress I began to make yesterday.
    I had a day where I felt absolutely satisfied, food-wise, and didn't realize I was below my allotments until I totaled everything up.
    I'm beginning to understand how I need to eat in order to feel well satisfied and not like I want to BINGE BINGE BINGE.
    I had a really bad bingefest over the weekend, and I am strongly NOT wanting to go there again!
    Hugs to all ....

    So know how you feel after my slip ups last week. Iam so motivated to not do that again!!!
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    @ Christine, I also had the 3 unfriended message......think it's a way to get you to use their app because I'm new aand don't have any MFP friends yet.

    Thanks, I finally figured that out, I'm not the sharpest tack in the box when it comes to the computer.

  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    Tuesday Goals: I'm doing pretty good so far this week. My headaches haven't been back since I've been taking in caffeine everyday. Granted (since I don't have honey right now) I've been drinking sodas again- HOWEVER the great thing is I'm only taking in one a day so I'm proud of myself.

    My goals are to get back on track with dancing because for the past few days I've not done any. (Failing this challenge miserably at the moment) but I've been making up for it by doing other things. I'm hoping it pays off regardless.

    Fitness goals: I want to do more dance each day and I want to get more strength training in throughout the week too.

    Nonfitness related goals: I've been playing with this 3D program working on making random things. I want to get this program down so I can get into making more things. It's fun... but it's certainly not easy!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Welcome newbies - you'll find this a great place to assist you on your journey!

    ushkii - YES - YIKES! you must get in the habit again - abso-figging-lutely!

    MowMow and Toots - wicked humor, both of you!

    Monarchris - oh housework yes, it does pile up when you're sick doesn't it. I try to give thanks that I have clothes and a home when I do housework...

    Vinson - that sounds like a HUGE job you dealt with - I bet you burned tons of extra calories :drinker:

    Laurie - good luck with the new trainer on Thursday!

    Shrink - do you have a back up for the size 16 dress? Or will it be 2 layers of spanx that night?:wink:
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    I have a question, I have a friend on MFP who is way, way, way low on calories to get skinny for a guy, several people have tried talking to her about what she is doing to her body. Would you unfriend her?
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I have a question, I have a friend on MFP who is way, way, way low on calories to get skinny for a guy, several people have tried talking to her about what she is doing to her body. Would you unfriend her?
    I would only unfriend her if having her as a friend is causing you stress. If you are worried about her to the point that it is interfering with your journey, don't keep her. Its not worth it, especially since you know you can't really help her.