Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    ok I did it. One workout down and a lifetimes worth to go. It wasnt to bad and got real funny in the middle as my little doggy wasn't sure why mommy was lying on the floor but it put her in perfect range for lots of doggy kisses.:laugh: :laugh:
  • kittyx2
    kittyx2 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi again, I've managed to log in two days in a row, yeah!

    Wednesday wish, that all of my pants in my wardrobe would be the zipping/button-up variety, not the ones with elastic waists! Hopefully this time next year that wish will have come true. :)

    @Cath, I'm so sorry about your pup. My furbabies (the meowing kind, although my male kitty does wag his tail like a pup!) are the loves of my life, so I know how hard this is for you & your family.

    @Skinnyjeanz, Blake is my favorite poet. I was an ESL teacher years ago (although I taught elementary kids & an adult class 2 nights a week). I know those piles of papers to grade never end!

    @Morgori, I want to be in Onederland too! I think the BMI classes is a good way to break down the 100 lb weight loss, I like that idea.

    @Lin, I echo your Wednesday wish. I have joked for years that only a corpse has a lower metabolism than me. Now that I've been reading about insulin resistance, I believe I've found the true culprit.

    @MrsBonnie, welcome! I have a major sweet tooth too. An apple is an excellent way to 'indulge' it. Since I've cut way down on bad sugars, I appreciate fruit a lot more! (I still have a ways to go in eliminating bad sugars though)

    @Tina, yay on your student loans! Nursing is a challenging but rewarding career (my sister is a RN, also with an associates degree). Good luck this semester.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    got real funny in the middle as my little doggy wasn't sure why mommy was lying on the floor but it put her in perfect range for lots of doggy kisses.:laugh: :laugh:

    Lol! The first time I did Yoga (well, my first exercise EVER really) the cats both freaked out. They paced around me and yowled and yowled.

    They still tag team me when I do downward dog. I'm prone and they can nuzzle and rub against my face and I can't fight them off.
  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    @BohemianCoast I'm gonna definitely try. I'm gonna get back into dancing again starting to day. I just can't figure out why I'm so draggy.

    @Robin Honestly I was kind of thinking that after I posted. No lie, on my waist it's kind of hard for me to tell sometimes 'cause of the rolls. (Embarassing confession, but true enough). It could, I suppose, also be me not getting the tape measure in the same spot each time too. I suppose I need more practice. :(

    @Toots I really have been cutting out a lot of carbs here recently. I don't eat as much bread and pasta as I used to. Maybe I should up my carbs some and see if that gets some of my energy back. I hadn't thought of it but it makes sense.

    @Doug I can relate! lol I've been doing that for a little bit too. :/

    Wednesday Wish: to be back in a size 16 by 2013 (yeah probably not gonna happen but I can dream, can't I? lol)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! I know I said no personals until I catch up with grading, but I can't resist a few:

    @cath--so sorry about your puppy and your knee--I hope you get some positive news on both.

    @alison--so happy you are obese :wink:

    @tina--congrats on school!!

    Wed. Wish:
    That I catch up on my grading very soon, so I can spend more time with all of you. :heart:
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    :smile: Hugs to everyone!

    Wednesday wish - to be more back on track by the weekend. I'm so close to halfway... really close. I would love to start the new year (for me - so Nov 1st) half way to my goal weight. Next mini goal is to get to the ones - maybe by Yule!
  • CathEsh
    CathEsh Posts: 135 Member
    Wednesday wish: I have FOUR ...
    1) that I could stave off the munchies. I really don't do too bad, I don't think. My daughter brought home a bag of Oreos. I had three. In my B.MFP. days, I would have eaten half the bag!
    2) that my little Luna wouldn't be as sick as I think she is. (She is the little gray Italian Greyhound in my picture.) We will get news back from the second X-ray reading tomorrow.
    3) that the motor at the pool would be fixed already.
    4) that when I see my knee doc on Tuesday he tells me I didn't hurt my knee as bad as I think i did.
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    I spent yesterday avoiding tv and computer due to a migraine. I still have trouble looking at this terribly bright white screen. I am currently back down to needing to loose two pounds to be back to my pre-vacation weight. (It took me a week and a half to work off the one slice of cheese cake. Was it worth it? I think so. As long as a get off the extra weight before it obtains permanent residence status, I think the occasional night out is fun.) My goal continues to be, get my vacation gain off by the end of the month.

    Praying for you peeps and puppies who are ailing and hope your doctors can find a way to help you ASAP.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    :smile: Hello Everyone,

    Today has been really busy one at work seems like the clients were all having a bad day. So lots of melt downs; I was at work today by 8am than out at 6pm than went to our midweek service. Just go home about a half hour ago. Tomorrow we are taking the group to a corn maze.

    @ Lin I know were Iowa is. :laugh: lol

    Really tired

    I hope everyone has a good night.
    will check in later .

  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Just Wednesday Wishing everyone every success and happiness!

    (I subbed today! It's great being back in the classroom, even sporadically!)
  • QBMontana
    QBMontana Posts: 11 Member
    Good Morning All. Last night I couldn't sleep because I have too much energy. Wow. I started the HCG shots a week ago and I am down over 10 pounds now. I spent the first 3 days fat loading so really it has only been 4 days of reducing. I have not been hungry at all so that has been a blessing.

    I have been reading alot about the stress factors. How your body puts cortisol into the system which causes the fat to build up around the stomach area and slows the metabolism down at the same time. That's me to a tee. I realized that when I am under unusual stress (death in family, divorce, job change, etc...) is when I have put on the greatest amounts of weight that just stay with me. When the cortisol gets dumped into the system it creates a feeling of tiredness, lethargy, and makes your muscles weak. As though your depression isn't enough. The only thing that will counter this is exercise and this seems to be the time that you don't want to exercise you just want to crawl into you fetal position and veg. For me this is a revelation because now I know what needs to be done. Making sure I recongize this at the time that it counts will be my next hurdle.

    So I am committed to walking at least 5 days a week. Right now it is 15 minutes each time. Doesn't seem like much to some but it is to me. The most important part is that I do it, no matter how long it is. I am establishing a pattern right now. As the weight comes down, it will get easier. Zig Zigler once said that he bought a beautiful jogging outfit, made sure his neighbor accross the street noticed him stretching at the top of his driveway as he waved and then after they left, he ran all the way to the mail box. But he sure did look good. He said this was his first day of running every day.

    I missed my Wed Wish so I will do it today. I wish for more than enough. More then enough weight loss, more than enough happiness, more than enough friends, more than enough love.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @kah68 -- my 11" MacBook Air is 2 years old now and I still love it to bits. It didn't really feel that expensive as these things go; it's one of Apple's cheapest computers. Which is a bit like saying 'a bottom-end Ferrari', but there you go.
    @Robin -- you may need to keep some fruit, nuts or hard-boiled eggs around if you're going to regularly wake up starving in the night! I agree that bagels are not the thing.
    @Tom -- definitely feels better to be under 40, doesn't it?
    @Lin -- How long's your friend been on WW? If she's very overweight and doing WW's plan, she'll lose very quickly; when I was on WW they basically didn't give you any extra points for extra weight and I became obsessed with food.
    @Tammy -- good to hear from you! I think if you've got a partner who works away it's totally fine to relax and maintain when they're home and focus on MFP when they're away. Now. Somewhere in this house I have a resistance band! My kids laugh at me when I exercise...
    @Cath -- fingers crossed that the Xray results are good and your knee is fine.
    @Angelika -- that must have been some slice of cheesecake!
    @Helena -- great job on the subbing!
    @QBMontana -- one of the best choices I made was deciding that I'd do 30 minutes of cardio *every* day. I do take the occasional rest day but as long as I do it at least 6 days a week I'm happy. That feels like a permanent lifestyle change. Oddly, I've found it harder to stick to since running; something in my brain goes 'hey, I'm running 3x a week, isn't that enough for you?' But I'm still getting on and fitting in 30 minutes of *something* nearly every day. And a walk is fine, and doing it in bits is fine on those days when I can't find 30 minutes all at once, and doing step in front of the TV is fine... I'm really relaxed about *what* I do, and really determined about doing *something*.

    OK, plasterer back today to finish up, but first I must go for my run. W5D3 today!
  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member
    Happy Thursday everybody!

    My truth - I have not been as devoted to this process as I should be. I exercise and I try to eat well, but if I go over my calorie count I don't think it's that big a deal and therefore, I really have not seen the weightloss that I need to. So today I'm recommitting. I joined a group to lose 20 pounds by Christmas and I am going to get focused and stick to my plan like crazy and then see what results I get.

    I hope all of you are doing well today! Have a great one!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning & Happy Pre-Friday!

    Thursday Truth~I have been really lax with everything this week – well just Mon/Tues, as a result I’ve decided not to weigh until Saturday. I really let stress get to me this week, but the new stress supplement I am taking is helping to take the edge off – I don’t feel as anxious. It’s supposed to help regulate cortisol, DHEA and control stress eating – one of my trainers thought it was time to put this into play since I’m in adrenal fatigue. I got home really late from the chiropractor but managed a 30 minute run (at a very slow pace) – so at least I kept that promise to myself.

    @Cath~I really hope you receive good news on the pup and your knee.

    @Karen~Hope you’re getting caught up with your grading.

    Have a super day!

  • mrsbonnie72
    Thursday truth-This week has been a struggle, I feel as though my commitment to weight loss is going down hill (and I just started) I need to get my butt in gear!.
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    My trusth: I am having a difficult time keeping motivated. Didnt log all day yesterday. Worked in the garden and can hardly walk today. Did water aerobics. And wieghed in. Gained 3 lbs.

    The only positive from that is that it clearly shows how not watching what I eat can add lbs for the future. I knew I had (I don't want to say cheated, but I am cheating myself of health and vitality and not being true to myself)

    Will post more later

  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Thursday Truth::: I stepped on the scale today and it shows a 4lb gain in 2DAYS.........WHAT!?!?!? I know I went over calories on Tuesday but I didn't yesterday, and I know I didn't go over enough on Tuesday to gain 4lbs....I had gained 2lbs yesterday and 2lbs this morning. I was 217.6 on Tuesday and today was 221....I don't get it. I do feel really bloated and uncomfortable. And haven't um been able to "go" for a day or two. But really, really 4lbs??? So frustrating.

  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    bloating can cause four pounds, easy
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Update on Naceto - Nicole is swamped with 2 classes right now but is doing well - just heard from her.

    All the bagels are gone and I'm looking forward to eggs this morning - hooray for temptation being out of the house!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Thursday truth. Freaking out a little bit this morning. I woke up and MowMow was no where to be seen (my 8 year old cat). I found him in the back of the closet staring blankly at the wall. I coaxed him out and offered him breakfast, but he only ate about 1/4 of it and then laid in front of the heating vent....staring blankly at the wall.

    I called him up on the bed after my shower (his favorite cuddle time) and he settled next to me but just laid there.....sort of listless and still staring.

    He just had a checkup about two weeks ago and other than a cavity that is going to have removed in January he was in excellent health. I'm hoping it's just some tummy upset or something simple. I left him laying on his favorite pink fuzzy blanket and shut the bedroom door so the kitten (1.5 years old) doesn't bother him.

    I'll head home at lunch to check on him and called the vet to get some wei ling tang just in case it's his stomach (although I have to get him to EAT something to get that into his stomach....)