Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,:smile:

    @ Robin glad to hear that you are feeling a bit better. Hey sorry to hear about the bagels. It happens we are human. Know its just one day

    @Tom Hang in there regarding the smokes its so hard to kick believe in you and know you can do it. We are hear for you.

    @Lin -- I am sure you will do great with adding weights to your workouts.

    That is it for now. Wishing everyone a good evening :flowerforyou:

    Thank you,

    Liz :drinker: :drinker:
  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    Ok... methinks I need a swift kick in the *kitten* at this point. I've been kind of lacks here recently and I dunno what's wrong with me- be it discouragement or depression or whatever it may be... I need to get back in gear. Here's why...


    Waist 47.0 on 10/24/12
    Hips 51.0 on 10/24/12
    Chest 47.0 on 10/24/12
    Arms 18.5 on 10/24/12
    Tummy 53.0 on 10/24/12
    Thigh 30.0 on 10/24/12
    Calf 20.0 on 10/24/12

    And since its been a while since I've updated my measurements... that is...

    Gained 1/2 inch on waist
    Lost 1 1/2 inch on hips
    Stayed the same 47 in on chest
    Gained 1/2 inch on arms
    lost 1 1/2 inch on tummy
    gained 1/2 inch on thigh
    stayed the same on calf

    Although I've been making better choices food wise, cut out sodas entirely and this time not looking back (coffee junky with little sugar now), I've somehow become less energetic than before. :/
  • lmackbethl
    Well, I'm back from my travels. Missed my goal last week which was to maintain while away. So this week's goal is to lose at least the 1.4 pounds I added. My Wednesday wish is for health, happiness, and success for all of us, and for a little free time to catch up on the posts I've missed over the past week...
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Thanks for all the support on getting under BMI 40. It's great to have a space where everyone understands what a big deal that is!
    On stomachs: yup, I'm a tunic & forgiving trousers kind of girl too. Wednesday wish is that when this is all done, I have lovely tight skin like a teenager! That's so not going to happen.

    @Laurie -- maintaining for a year is seriously dedicated, you know. 50g a day of carbs is amazingly low; I'm not sure I could do that.
    @Skinnyjeanz -- good luck with the grading. That does look like a lot.
    @Cath -- sorry to hear about your knee and your little dog. Is that Luna in your photo?
    @Raven -- I'm not sure people really benefit from an *kitten*-kicking. But perhaps you could squeeze a bit more exercise into your life? Just for a week and see how it goes?
    @LMackbeth -- 1.4 pounds is nothing; it'll come straight off if you get back on plan.

    Cheers all! I've just been watching the Apple keynote, and I'm going to spend today dreaming about my new computer... and our ceiling is being fixed *right now* so our weekend plans are no longer in disarray.

    -- Alison
  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member
    I've been slacking like crazy on this thread, sorry. It's harder to keep up than i originally thought.
    Anyways... I made a goal yesterday so I thought I would come & share it with you all =]

    Goal 1 -->
    -20 by xmas
    I am already -7.
    Only 13lbs to go.
    Goal 2 -->
    Go to Curves no less than 3x per week
    2 mini, reachable goals =]

    Good luck with your goals this week everyone.

    feel free to add me.

    I joined a 20 pounds down by Christmas group if you'd like to join for some extra motivation!
  • beachgirl613
    beachgirl613 Posts: 139 Member
    @Butterfly - thank you for sharing your story. That was me with my first husband and I lived that way for 5 years. We've been divorced for 10 years now and my daughter and I haven't seen him in over 5 years since he remarried. For a long time I blamed myself wondering what I could have done to make him less mad, but I came to the fact that it was him and not me.
  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member
    @CathE - So sorry to hear about your dog and your knee. I am a huge animal lover myself and my Bailey is definitely a family member. I certainly hope the it turns out for the best. Do you think you'll be getting to the doctor soon for your knee? I sincerely hope that it isn't anything too serious. Hugs and happy thoughts.

    I was really proud of myself yesterday. I forced myself to walk the dog and work out when I got home from work even though I was exhausted and it was the last thing I wanted to do. I felt great after I did it and it motivated me to get some other things done around my house. Awesome feeling!

    Finally, I know a bunch of you recommended the biggest loser DVDs, particularly cardio max, to me and I just want to say thanks! The workout is great and I love watching real people who have lost the weight workout and see that even they struggle and screw up sometimes. Bob encourages you to just keep moving and you will see results. It's awesome.

    Have a wonderful day everybody!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    I've been so busy at work lately, I haven't had much time for personals - we have a manager on vacation and I have to fill in for him while he is gone, so I'm being pulled in all kinds of directions.

    I've been really stressed out so haven't been eating the best and missed a workout - just started a stress supplement which will hopefully help and regardless of what time I get done at the chiropractor this afternoon I WILL get my workout in either at home or the gym.

    Wednesday Wish~That things didn't have to be so stressful sometimes!

    @Alison~Awesome on your BMI, I'm almost there myself. I have the same Apple dreams, have my sights on the new MacBook Air - now if only I didn't have champagne tastes on a beer budget! :happy:

    Cath~So sorry to hear the diagnosis on your puppy, our pets become such a huge part of our families. Hugs to you.

    Duty calls...
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    CathEsh - sorry to hear the news about your puppy Luna, and the toll it is taking on your whole family. Stay strong and hold together. My prayers are with you.

    Raven - I'm wondering if your tape measurement differences are due to you not being a "perfect" measure-er just yet.....its hard to swing 1/2 inch in your waist in just a few days.....I support your efforts so keep trying, and remember to pull that tape solid tight each time!

    Laurie - such resolve to stick to 50 gms of carbs a day - keep us in the loop - I'd like to hear how the next couple of days go!

    BohoCoast - your ceiling problems sound like a regular nightmare - how frightful that must have been! And what a mess! So thankful you were able to get help and labor to get it fixed right away!

    nzenczak - sure glad your enjoying your biggest loser workout tapes ! Your enthusiam is catching!

    Kah - sorry you're so busy at work, glad you have time to check in!

    My lovely disease is giving me hot flashes, and I'm talking the long, hot sweating, open-the-windows -turn on the air-conditioning type of hot flashes. As well as my enormous appetite! I awoke at 6 this am, and just roared into the kitchen for a bagel, then realized how full I felt after I ate it. NO MORE BAGELS IN THIS HOUSE!!!!!! back to scrambled eggs for breakfast, gotta get the carbs away from me and hopefully that will re-set my appestat!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Although I've been making better choices food wise, cut out sodas entirely and this time not looking back (coffee junky with little sugar now), I've somehow become less energetic than before. :/

    have you tried cutting back on carbs? that seems to be making a huge difference for me. i was MORE tired at first when i cut carbs out but now it's better than it was when i was eating carbs.
    Also, I took our little puppy, Luna, to the vet today with concern about a cough that will not go away. Sad to find out she has an enlarged heart. Prognosis may not be so good.

    i'm so sorry. it's so hard to lose a pet.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Wednesday Wish::: Well my wish from yesterday came true :) I got student loans and am officially signed up for Spring Semester classes!!! I am SO excited and SO proud of myself! I never thought I would actually do it!

    Now onto weight related wishes. I really wish that I just keep doing what I'm doing. Yesterday I woke up weighing 217.6 this morning was 219.4.....I mean i know I went over on my calories but not enough to gain that much!! Or any! I know it's probably just water weight or something. But I will get it figured out :)

    I'm ready for school to start now but also I am going to cherish these next few months before my life becomes extra busy!!!

    Have a wonderful Wednesday!
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    Hello everyone! Sorry I haven't been around at all lately. I think I'm just getting in the excuse trap. "I'm tired tonight so I'll run tomorrow" or "One oreo won't hurt". Granted I haven't gained anything but I'm not losing anything either. Right now I have no excuse NOT to workout. Its been a few weeks since my race and I haven't run at all and my foot feels 100%. What's holding me back? One word "excuses". It's pissing me off.

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Wednesday Wish::: Well my wish from yesterday came true :) I got student loans and am officially signed up for Spring Semester classes!!! I am SO excited and SO proud of myself! I never thought I would actually do it!

    Now onto weight related wishes. I really wish that I just keep doing what I'm doing. Yesterday I woke up weighing 217.6 this morning was 219.4.....I mean i know I went over on my calories but not enough to gain that much!! Or any! I know it's probably just water weight or something. But I will get it figured out :)

    I'm ready for school to start now but also I am going to cherish these next few months before my life becomes extra busy!!!

    Have a wonderful Wednesday!

    HOORAY, Tina!!!!!!!!! That's awesome news on school, I'm so excited for you. :bigsmile:

    Remember that as women our weight fluctuates - DAILY (heck probably hourly), so that gain may not be a "real" gain and is just temporary. Just keep doing what you're doing and everything will even out. You're doing great!

    @Robin~Sorry for the continued issues with the disease you're battling. I hope the rumbly in the tumbly settles soon - definitely get those bagels out of the house. I don't even buy them anymore - I treat myself every once in a while to a bagel from a bagel place here, otherwise I don't even buy them. Carbs are just plain evil! :wink:
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    @Alison - Way to go on the BMI! I just recently made it out of morbidly obesity and into obesity (Class 2).:bigsmile: Right now I'm 39.45 and need to get to 34.99 for Obesity (Class 1) for my height that means 243.3 lbs. To get out of Obesity and into Overweight I need a BMI of 29.99 for my height that means 209 lbs. To get a BMI of Normal Weight 24.99 I need to weigh 173.5
    My goal is to break into Onederland and stay there, even if it is 199.99999999999 lbs.:drinker:

    BMI Classification
    18.5 or less Underweight
    18.5 to 24.99 Normal Weight
    25 to 29.99 Overweight
    30 to 34.99 Obesity (Class 1)
    35 to 39.99 Obesity (Class 2)
    40 or greater Morbid Obesity

    Have all the men in this group gone into hibernation? Seems like not many have been around. Doug, Aug, Joe, Ushkii, etc. My Wednesday Wish is that all the males in this group are getting healthier! Of course I am proud to be part of this group of amazing men and women and wish the women healthier lifestyles also!
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Can not believe the weather we are having, it is suppose to be a high of 86 today! It was very muggy out when Belle and I walked this morning. Scale was not nice to me this morning, water weight:angry::angry: :angry: I know it will be off soon and that it isnt fat! Tired today, had migraine yesterday and intestinal problems, but better today. Going to take care of granddaughter this afternoon. Wednesday wish is that everyone here have a fantastic week and bunches of SVs and NSVs.

    CathE, so sorry about your knee and puppy. Praying for both.
    Doug, good to hear from you and praying you get motivated again.
    Tom, praying your tests come back all in normal range.
    Robin, sorry you need the predisone long term, praying the bagels leave you alone.

    Love to all,

  • mrsbonnie72
    Wednesday Wish....that my sweet tooth would go away. I am so craving something sweet and bad to eat. But instead I will eat my apple and drink a big bottle of water!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Wednesday Wish....that my sweet tooth would go away. I am so craving something sweet and bad to eat. But instead I will eat my apple and drink a big bottle of water!

    Try something high in protein instead. It might ease that craving. Some low cal yogurt or some almonds.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,139 Member
    Hello everyone - Wednesday wish.

    I wish I had a good metabolism.

    I just met with a friend who is about my age, not very active, and is on WW. She is losing weight with apparently no effort whatsoever: 2 to 4 lbs a week. They've told her she's losing too fast. WHAT??? :huh: :huh: What the heck is that---no one has ever told me that. Get this: she told me she quit WW some years ago because she went through a PLATEAU and didn't lose anything for 4 weeks. Really? :angry: I think my eyes just about bugged out of my head. :noway:

    I know, we are all different. I just had to rant a bit here. I'll get over it. I just have to do what I've been doing---shake it off girl. :noway:

    Here's to you! :drinker:


  • mrsbonnie72
    Thank you will try that!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi and happy Wednesday to everyone. Sory I have been so hit and miss the last month or so. When the hubby is home I dont get a lot of quiet time. We are a true case of oppisites attacting. I am a stay at home and read a book kind of person very happy with just my own company. He is a bouncy get up and go got to always be busy kind of person. That is one reason his job works so well for him. 12 hour days seven days a week when he is on the boat. No time to be bored. But when he is home we are all go go go. I love him like crazy but thank god he flew out yesterday. The quiet is Amazing :). I have been working on this job hunting thing for the last week or so. I have turned in several applications so far but havent hear anything back yet. I know it hasnt been that long but I just really hate the whole process. I purged the house of the residual junk food from my hsband being home yesterday and went grocery shopping for the good for me stuff that had started to disappear and am now ready to get back at this one hundred percent instead of the more relaxed maintaining thing I had been doing. I bought some resistance bands and a food scale at the store. I am pretty good at eyeballing portions but i want to do some actual measuring and make sure I am still being fairly accurate. As for the bands I found a workout I think I will be able to handle and am going to give it a try when I get done writing this. I know if I want any real long term results I am going to have to commit to some of kind of exercise and the walking thing just really isnt happening so I am looking for something else.To those of you hurting and not feeling good my thoughts are with you and I hope things get better soon. For those of you with the NSV an SV congratualtions and feel proud as you worked hard to earn those. I hope everyone has a wonderful day.