Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • pattynava
    Thursday Truth: My husband gave me a surprise bday party on Saturday, sent me flowers, and then yesterday my actuall bday cooked dinner....So here is my truth: I really just wanted the $...:blushing: My family came, but you spend $ on all of the "party" stuff, and it's for nothing....JEEZ...I KNOW I sound like an ungrateful b#@%H even as I type was all nice....but I could have taken what he spent and got something for ME...that is the point of MY BDAY yes? instead I had allot of relatives come eat, & leave.:noway:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy, Happy Birthday to all the birthday peeps the last several days. I hope all of your birthday wishes have come true! :flowerforyou:

    I got really depressed when I turned 30, I don't know why - but turning 40 was a breeze. I'll be 44 in November, another year closer to 50 - but I think 50 is going to be even better than 40, I'll be a lot healthier! :bigsmile:

    Thursday Truth: I'm finally feeling good and back to my normal way of eating and everything. Just got off track for awhile. I'm going to start working on a strict work out schedule that I will follow. Right now I think it's going to be Sat-Tues and every other Wed. So I wont have to get up at 4:30 on the days my husband works.

    As for financial aid for school. I received my letter and as long as I go full time 12credit hours I have been awarded $4350. Now I'm not really sure how this works cause I've never been to college. So I'm not sure if that's for the whole time I go to school or just this year I don't know. But I go Monday for my placement testing...nervous about that! And once I know what classes I need to take then I will go from there. If I can't get it to work around my work schedule I'm not sure if I will be able to go or not. I am praying and hoping that it all works out.
    I have not told my parents yet, I work for them. I am nervous that my Dad will be upset about it. I don't know how to tell them either. Just very nervous.

    Have a great Thursday everyone!

    @Tina~First, congratuations for getting back on track! Sounds like you're working towards a great workout plan, too. Awesome on school, usually you need to apply for financial aid annually (especially if it is something like a Pell Grant). Will you be attending a community college or a 4-year university? Most colleges offer late afternoon and evening classes - I know the university I attend offers classes in the late afternoon/evening at 4, 5 and 7pm. I take two classes and they are from 7-10pm twice a week. I know Nicole is going to school also, I think her classes are in the evening as well. Most colleges try to cater to those that have full-time jobs. I hope your parents are supportive of your education - maybe your dad will be lenient and let you off a little early to make a 4pm class.

    I'm looking at a community college. I know they have night classes BUT once the actual CNA classes start and then going for my RN it's going to be hard to work and do clinicals..that's what I'm mainly worried about. But I wont know anything until after I take my placement testing.
    Yeah I doubt he would be lenient, I'm on salary right now and he would probably put me back to hourly. So I don't know what I'm going to do. I feel bad. I like working for my parents, but I don't like my job if that makes sense. I like being apart of the company but what I do is NOT what I want to do. I LOVE the hours Mon-Fri 8am-4pm. I know being a nurse my schedule will be crazy and that scares me too, what if I can't handle the hectic schedule what if I never have time to see my family when right now I get quite a bit of time. So many questions and I don't know what the answers are right now. Kind of stressful at the moment lol

    YOU CAN DO IT!!! It will be really crazy, Tina, but it will be so worth it in the end. I do hope that your parents are happy that you are continuing your education. Once you get your CNA, you can work in the field while pursuing your BSN - I work in the medical field and know a lot of nurses that have done that. In fact, a lot of hospitals have "at-work" programs so you work part of the day and attend lectures/clinicals part of the day. That might be something to look into down the road.

    I had to quit and put off college when I was young due to some health issues, I returned to school 8 years ago, majoring in accounting, on a part-time basis while working full-time. It has been so hard - especially because some accounting classes make you want to claw your eyes out, it is so hard and stressful! I work really early hours and my bosses are so supportive of me finishing my degree, that they've made it worth the anguish. I'm 4 classes away from being finished and it has been so worth the stress and sleepless nights.

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thursday truth: I made some really good zucchini bread yesterday. I never should have done it! It is going to be tricky having it around, working some into my calorie limit and staying on program. I had a piece and some fruit for breakfast. Not much different than a muffin or a bagel, right?
    Welcome, newlings. I'm one myself. I find myself checking in several times a day because I am so inspired by all of the people here.
    I finished my new robe. It is really bright and pretty. Red is for courage. I hope it gives me the courage to see this through.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    thursday truth. i had three brownies for breakfast. :blushing: but i stayed within my breakfast calorie range which is fine, but really, amber? three brownies?
    I can relate to this one. I had zucchini bread for breakfast. The good thing is that I am the cook around here, so I can adjust the rest of the day.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I finished my new robe. It is really bright and pretty. Red is for courage. I hope it gives me the courage to see this through.

    It sounds beautiful but you don't need that for courage :) You have plenty and if it starts to fail a little just log on and we'll prop you up when you need it! :flowerforyou:

    On that note a co worker brought in apple/zucchini/walnut bread on Tuesday. I couldn't help myself, I had to adjust my day to fit in at least a half a slice. BOY was that good!!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    thursday truth. i had three brownies for breakfast. :blushing: but i stayed within my breakfast calorie range which is fine, but really, amber? three brownies?
    I can relate to this one. I had zucchini bread for breakfast. The good thing is that I am the cook around here, so I can adjust the rest of the day.

    oh, i love zucchini bread. we just don't keep sweets around the house almost ever because this is the kind of crap i do.
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Day not going as planned, but I am coping.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Truth: most likely going to blow my day at the pot luck at work. Wife made zucchini bread with apple sauce instead of oil, it is so good. Last night had to go to a dinner and ended up with chicken fried steak. I was getting full and just could not stop, I ate the whole thing! They forgot my order and I had to wait while everyone else was served, made me so hungry. So they gave me dessert for free, I ate it. well half the DW helped. I have a hard time stopping when I start to get full. I try to order or go to places where the serving size is better which has helped. The was just a bad choice.

    Welcome all Newbies!

    raven - Spit it out a couple times and see what that makes you feel like or think.
    Tina - That is great new about financial aid! It will be hard and you will love it. Remember whilst in the mist there is an end and you will emerge victorious again. One step at a time, this a great step.
    Lin – So sorry you are stressing, your father has such a wonderful daughter!
    Doug – Go for it! safely. Running at some point become more mental than physical. If you are running 3+ then you can do it!
  • GerritTheBlacksmith
    Thursday - Truth
    I have not got on the elliptical at my house for 2 weeks. i really need to get back on track with it.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Thursday truth - I did it. I signed up for the 5K!

    I looked at last year's results and the last place people were at 1 hour and 1 minute and were all over the age of 60. I contacted the co-ordinator and he emailed me back this morning and said that quite a few people walk it.

    Last night on the way home I drove around my block from my front step and back again. It's exactly 1.1 mile.

    Tonight I'll walk for 15 minutes (30 with the return trip) at a good pace and see how far I get. Then I'll decide how to proceed. C25K won't work for me since it has jogging and I don't think my knee will tolerate that at all. I'll have to come up with my own training plan once I see how well I do tonight.

    I have a little over 7 weeks so I'll alternate walking and swimming. 3 days each a week.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,140 Member
    Thursday truth - I did it. I signed up for the 5K!

    I looked at last year's results and the last place people were at 1 hour and 1 minute and were all over the age of 60. I contacted the co-ordinator and he emailed me back this morning and said that quite a few people walk it.

    Last night on the way home I drove around my block from my front step and back again. It's exactly 1.1 mile.

    Tonight I'll walk for 15 minutes (30 with the return trip) at a good pace and see how far I get. Then I'll decide how to proceed. C25K won't work for me since it has jogging and I don't think my knee will tolerate that at all. I'll have to come up with my own training plan once I see how well I do tonight.

    I have a little over 7 weeks so I'll alternate walking and swimming. 3 days each a week.

    EXCELLENT!! Woot...........:flowerforyou:
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Good afternoon friends! Nice day here in Kansas City, so nice to have cooler temps in the morning for Belle and my walk. Thursday truth is I had a really blah day yesterday and couldn't figure out why until my cold sore popped out. Hate how the virus makes me feel. But today is better mood-wise. Last night I made some wonderful turnip greens with bacon, onions and garlic. Loved it so much made that and a sweet potato my whole supper. Really have to clean my kitchen today, it is a disaster. I hate housework!!! I guess that's another Thursday truth, that and I am lazy. I have always envied people who have so much energy and never seem to stop. Since being on 2 antibiotics for my colon I have been craving and eating peanut butter sandwiches every day, although I have been staying withing my calories the last 3 days. Seems to calm my stomach down. I was just wondering what an avocado and p. butter sandwich would taste like? Ok enough of my loose associations, praying everyone has a wonderful day.

    Kris, happy birthday. For my 50th and 51st birthdays I went and got tattoos!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Doug, praying you have a great run Saturday.
    Lin, it takes awhile to recharge your battery, take care of yourself, that's an order!!!
    To all the newbies, welcome, this is such a fun, supportive and motivating place to hang out!
    To all the others, love ya, keeping you in my prayers and giving you my support!

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Christine~I have half a peanut butter sandwich almost every night for an evening snack. :happy:

    Kris~Congrats on entering the 5k, you've got a great plan for getting ready for it! I remember my first 5k, I didn't prepare at all - I thought "its just 3 miles how bad can it be?" My IT bands hurt for 2 days afterwards!
    OK is it sadistic of me to be thinking about increasing my running distance over the next few months to a 10k distance even before doing my first 5k? I've been running for less than a year and when I started, 1 minute as a daunting task. Now I'm running 3+ miles at a stretch and considering doing twice that much now. Whoda thunk it?

    If you can run 3+ miles now, you can probably easily run 6 - just increase it slowly. I think its sadistic for me to sign up for a Muddy Girl 5K! :laugh:
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Thursday truth - I did it. I signed up for the 5K!

    I looked at last year's results and the last place people were at 1 hour and 1 minute and were all over the age of 60. I contacted the co-ordinator and he emailed me back this morning and said that quite a few people walk it.

    Last night on the way home I drove around my block from my front step and back again. It's exactly 1.1 mile.

    Tonight I'll walk for 15 minutes (30 with the return trip) at a good pace and see how far I get. Then I'll decide how to proceed. C25K won't work for me since it has jogging and I don't think my knee will tolerate that at all. I'll have to come up with my own training plan once I see how well I do tonight.

    I have a little over 7 weeks so I'll alternate walking and swimming. 3 days each a week.

    So happy you are going for it
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,140 Member
    Allison - I got ready for the half marathon by walking on the treadmill. I know many people detest them but there you go. That's what I did. Never did make it all the way up to the 1/2 marathon distance of 13.1 miles but I did make it up to 9 miles beforehand. Did some rest days and varied the mileage. I also got a new pair of shoes a few weeks before and used them to walk in so I'd have them broken in but not worn out. I boosted my protein intake as well. Plus it was great to be doing the distance with a friend who is darn stubborn. No way we'd quit.

    I also read some online training for walkers (half marathon) info. There are several and I can't remember the one I used. Here's a link to one of them----

    It actually was fun and the weather was lovely. We enjoyed it..........

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Thursday Truth: This Yank knew what Morris dancing is.:noway: The sad part is how I learned what it is. It was a movie called Rock My World. A straight to video movie that has become a guilty pleasure for me.:blushing: I really do not like admitting that this is a movie I have watched more than once. The cast has some great actors and some not so great. I will watch anything with Peter O’Toole in it and Joan Plowright is also a favorite of mine.

    Peter O'Toole as Lord Foxley
    Joan Plowright as Lady Foxley
    Alicia Silverstone as Nat
    Jaimz Woolvett as Leo
    Keram Malicki-Sánchez as Flit
    Christopher Bolton as Carl
    Lochlyn Munro as Dave
    Martin Clunes as James Chancellor
    Amy Phillips as Georgia

    I paid $3.99 for the DVD which is pretty poor quality. I do laugh out loud during parts of it though, but I do have a weird sense of humor.

    Keep on getting healthy.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    My guilty pleasure movie........ Prepare yourself........

    The Happiest Millionaire with Fred McMurray. THere I said! I admit it! I watch it all the time and love it. In fact I love just about anything with Hermione Baddeley in it.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    My guilty pleasure movie: Calamity Jane staring Doris Day. Actually, almost any Doris Day movie fits the bill.
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    My guilty pleasure movie, well there's 2: 1. Stuart Saves His Family and 2. August Rush. Totally different movies for totally different moods.
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member

    Tom, enjoy that drink, you deserve it.

    26 mile bicycle ride. That's awesome. I am hoping to stay up on my bicycle for more than a few minutes. Havent rode in years.

    My guilty pleasure movie is Dr Zhivago. It never bores me