

  • hey everyone! ive been MIA for the past week, and unfortunately its not only on the thread. i had a half birthday last week, and as funny as it sounds, i always party harder on my half birthday than on my real bday. less baggage attached i guess. anyway, i made choc cheese cake and it was downhill from there, but now im…
  • i had couscous topped with steamed veggies for dinner, yummy! its my fav!! i also made a veggie soup with blended carrots, zucchini, red pepper, onion and garlic, with salt and cumin to taste, it was delicious! i went to the supermarket today and i made a very interesting discovery, ,they started importing jelly bellies…
  • on the topic of mental health :) ive decided this week that i was going to stop shrinking away from compliments about my weight loss and figure ( I have a FIGURE!!!! not just a blob!) my friend told me that i look amazing and i just said thank you. ive never done that before! as for the drinking challenge, im in! but for…
  • i had the same problem as you ( i think, from how you described it) for months my ankle was swollen and it only hurt when i moved it in one specific direction. when i went to a chiropractor for my back, i mentioned it to him. he yanked at my ankle and within an hour all the swelling had gone down and hadnt returned. it was…
  • i need to work on exercising more often. when i first started 7months ago, i would exercise 5 days a week for about 2 hours a day. now i exercise twice a week for 40 min at a time. this week i want to exercise everyday (except monday since my schedule starts at 6 in the morning and i work straight til 12 at night). my goal…
  • hey, im 21 and 5'6. i started at 238 lbs and now im down to about 180. but imnot losing anymore and its my own fault, id love to join a 90 day challenge. my goal for the 90 days is to lose 20 lbs and get to 160. sara
  • this guy happens to be an amazing person and he's always been a great friend, the fact that he noticed is just fun, its not like he said,oh, now that ur skinny, lets go out... i agree with you 100% that the health benefits are amazing, i have soo much more energy and can accomplish so much more in a day. although i know…
  • ive been doing this for 5 months now. i started because walking across my college campus was starting to get really difficult and i was suffering from really terrible back pains. to add insult to injury, im a martial artist and have been one for 10 yrs now and i was embarrassed to workout with my class because i was having…
  • im from the middle east and the way we cook it is basically the directions on the bag and we boil in a separate pot: potatoes, sweetpotatoes, chick peas, carrots, zucchini and onion with chicken soup mix. boil the veggies for quite a while and then serve it on top of the couscous the second recipe i use is a cold salad mix…
  • im 21 and i want in. ive got a whole lot of weight to lose but im getting there! this week im hoping to reach my half way mark. g'luck to everyone!
  • try adding some water to the frozen strawberries instead of ice. it works for me :)
  • i could never run, i was sooo scared of running for my entire life (granted im only 21 but still :)) when i started this i was at 237 lbs and first tried to start running. so i ran for about three minutes (im totally exaggerating btw) and i thought my lungs were going to collapse. since i was scared to start running again…
    in Running Comment by sarachana August 2009
  • i also get insane migraines and i need to eat to control them. i also find that bland foods are the best for me for snacking. before i started dieting that meant a bowl of plain pasta was ideal for me (uch) now i usually have some air popped popcorn (kernels and salt in a bowl in the microwave with a cover for 5 min). its…
  • thanks for the support guys!:smile: hopefully this new sport will help me lose the next 55lbs good luck to us all!
    in I Ran!!! Comment by sarachana July 2009
  • even in the metric system, one cup is the same size. 8fl oz. or 240ml
  • back in the beginning when george got to do his first surgery he dropped the appendix and he was named 007. that was his nickname.
  • I am from the middle east where hummus is like a national food. ive noticed that everyone on this site refers to hummus as a good dieting food. here, it is the first thing we take off our diet when we want to lose weight. can someone help me understand this? its hard to keep ignoring the hummus at every meal... (and trust…
    in Hummus Comment by sarachana May 2009