Any More Chubby Twenties?



  • This is great. Yeah we should call the group the Chubby Twenties. It kind of fits. MercuryBlue, don't worry oabout the tiny set backs. Its not when you make a little mistake that makes you gain weight its the mentality of the all-or-nothing syndrome. I have it bad. If I mess up once I freak and just give up. That few bites of something didn't hurt me. Its the giving up that really hurts me.
  • i need to work on exercising more often. when i first started 7months ago, i would exercise 5 days a week for about 2 hours a day. now i exercise twice a week for 40 min at a time. this week i want to exercise everyday (except monday since my schedule starts at 6 in the morning and i work straight til 12 at night). my goal is to go running on tues, wed and friday, a martial arts class on thurs and a really long walk at 6 kmh on sat.
    im hoping you guys will all keep me accountable. since im restarting working out it should jump start my weight loss and by friday i want a 4 lbs loss (maybe thats a bit much, but a girl can dream, right?)

    good luck with the new week!
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Sara, I think your exercise goals are quite admirable. I am so out of shape right now I can only manage a light to moderate workout for 30 min. every day. I am happy to try to push you in the right direction even though you are miles ahead of me in the fitness dept. :happy:

    Well, even with Thanksgiving I decided to do my check-in today (I usually wait til Mon. but couldn't resist seeing how I'd done cheating and all :drinker: ) Yea! I lost 1 lb. and even more impressive I lost an inch from my waist and 4 in. overall in 6 days. I have to say I really went all out on exercise this week in anticipation of Thanksgiving, and then I got additional exercise readying my house for T-day. I also am working off a cold and I think that burns calories or something. Well, I hope some of you had some success despite Thanksgiving as well. :flowerforyou:
  • I'm 28, 5'2 and 167 lbs =/ I would like to get down to 130ish, we'll see =O)

    I had been doing really well and then fell off of the wagon but I'm getting back on it now!
  • Hey I am 24 and 5 foot 6 weigh 175. I have already lost over 100 pounds but I would like to lose 10 more. For my bone structure and body type I would look sick if I went much smaller. I would love to get to know everyone I am just not to thrilled with the group name.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Hi everyone! Nice to meet you. :) Feel free to friend me if you'd like!

    I hope you're all doing well!

    BamaRose0107 - Wow, a hundred pounds! That is VERY impressive! Good for you!

    jrbowers83 - I know all about cheating! This past weekend was definitely a test for me. I live in Canada, so we had our Thanksgiving last month. But this weekend was a double-whammy of temptation! Saturday I took my son to the movies (where I have a tendancy to eat BUTTLOADS of garbage) and Sunday was my other son's first birthday party. Both days, I did 'cheat'- but I made sure to keep careful track of what I was eating, counted the calories, and didn't go over my target range! So I definitely could have done better when it came to WHAT I was eating, but at least I minded my portions! Hurray for small victories! Now the weekend's over. I've ticked my husband off a bit and thrown out all the leftover birthday cake, hahaha. It's back to eating healthier foods now that the festivities are over!

    Sara- Good exercise goals! Honestly, I've been TERRIBLE about exercising. Since joining MFP, though, I've gotten MUCH better! I enjoy 'earning' extra calories. When I think of it that way, it makes the exercise more tolerable, lol. My goal is to do SOME form of exercise every day, for at least thirty minutes. I'm thrilled to find out how many calories housekeeping burns! I tell you, my house has never been cleaner!!!! :p

    Jessica- Haha. I was sort of joking when I referred to us as 'Chubby Twenties'. Though, I don't know if that would work as a group name! Because we're only 'chubby' NOW. We all know we're not going to be this way for long, right? Haha. I COMPLETELY agree with you when it comes to all or nothing syndrome! I have a bad case of it myself, usually. I always start out gung-ho, all out. Eating well, exercising, etc. The first thing to drop is usually the exercise. I'll overwork myself to the point where I get super-tired, then I don't want to do it anymore. So I take a 'rest day', but then the next day, I want ANOTHER rest day! So I say to myself, 'Meh, it's not a big deal. I can always lose weight just by counting calories." Which lasts another few days... until I'm tempted by SOMETHING. That's when the 'it's just for today' mantra starts. I eat something I shouldn't, and think, "Oh, well. Today is already shot. May as well eat whatever I want and start fresh tomorrow." Then the next day comes, and I always have some excuse to over-indulge. It's sad. Before I know it, I'm eating like crap again and hating myself.

    I think it's important to recognize these patterns in ourselves, because we can learn from them. This weekend has taught me that I can 'cheat' once and a while and that, while eating 'junk food' is FAR from ideal, we can indulge from time to time. We just need to track what we're eating, and not OVER indulge. I've also learned that just because you have one 'hiccup' doesn't mean the whole day is a write-off. It's just a matter of adjusting exercise and food intake for the rest of the day. A 'bad' day CAN be salvaged.

    I'm really enjoying MFP because it's making this whole process much less painless! And on the plus side, I have lost 3.4 pounds in the past week (I started trying to lose weight on November 23), one of those pounds since joining here!
  • pressica
    pressica Posts: 361
    I am 24. I am tired of feeling fat and not being confident in my own skin. I would love to join the chubby twenties. I hope that I can spend the other half of my twenties feeling better about myself. I want to feel like I deserve my hot boyfriend and not feel self-conscious around him. I think it is so great to get support.
  • I've also learned that just because you have one 'hiccup' doesn't mean the whole day is a write-off. It's just a matter of adjusting exercise and food intake for the rest of the day. A 'bad' day CAN be salvaged.

    Well said! I always struggle with the all or nothing syndrome, and have to remind myself that there's a big difference from taking one step off the path, and stepping off so far you tumble down the side of the mountain. I find when I condemn myself for straying just a little, I wind up feeling worse and stray farther and farther because if I'm going to beat myself up anyway, I may as well make it worth my while.

    I'm getting better, though. Last night I had planned for a pasta dinner, wound up going a little overboard by making dessert, too (bananas, leftover cranberry sauce, a few walnuts and a tiny bit of light whipped cream) so all told the meal was around 1000 calories. It was more than I was expecting, though I didn't wind up going over for the day anyway, but I had a moment where I was ready to pummel myself for having that tasty dessert. I decided it wasn't worth the grief; I had enjoyed every calorie of every bite, and overall the meal (and dessert) weren't particularly unhealthy (aside from the whipped cream...) so why bother? I resolved to be more conscientious today, rubbed my slightly too-full tummy, and moved on.
  • werp. posted twice. ignore!
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    When I cheated I didn't go over but only because I exercised like crazy to up my net calories for the day! Think that's how I managed to shave off a little weight. I'm back on track now, and I feel so much better for it. Didn't realize how sluggish and bloated the desserts made me feel til I went back to my veggies and lean meats.

    Mercury, you sound so much like me. Our weight and goals are about the same and we're both in our 20's with 2 kids. I have a 6 year old son, and my daughter just turned 1 Nov. 20. How old are yours? As far as her bday party I was smart, made lots of fruit and veggie apps, and some quiches and sandwiches I didn't eat. For the cake I made sugar free angel food cake in a rectangle pan, sliced in half and stuffed with strawberries, then iced with Light Cool Whip. So my daughter's bday cake was only about 100 cal a slice! And even the non dieters loved it. Just a suggestion for future bday parties, especially if you think you'll be tempted with leftover cake.:smile:

    It's nice to meet some of the newbies. Hope we can all share in our diet successes and failures lol.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Mercury, you sound so much like me. Our weight and goals are about the same and we're both in our 20's with 2 kids. I have a 6 year old son, and my daughter just turned 1 Nov. 20. How old are yours? As far as her bday party I was smart, made lots of fruit and veggie apps, and some quiches and sandwiches I didn't eat. For the cake I made sugar free angel food cake in a rectangle pan, sliced in half and stuffed with strawberries, then iced with Light Cool Whip. So my daughter's bday cake was only about 100 cal a slice! And even the non dieters loved it. Just a suggestion for future bday parties, especially if you think you'll be tempted with leftover cake.:smile:

    Angel food cake! My favorite! How embarrassed am I that I didn't even think about that, lol. It sounds so yummy!!!!!

    I made a root beer float cake. Everyone loved it and raved about how good it was, but I only able to eat a TINY slice. I made home-made burgers with lean ground beef and green onions- which were pretty good. Had a side salad. Definitely could have been healthier but overall, it wasn't TOO bad. Ideally I'd have liked to have some fruit/veggie platters, but I got so caught up that I didn't have time to go out and buy the fresh produce! Wound up putting out bowls of chips instead- boo! Lol- luckily I was too busy to eat any more than two or three of them! I counted 'a serving' in my food log, but honestly, I don't think I even had HALF a serving. That I can remember. I find that's the trouble with 'munching'- you wind up with food amnesia and seriously under-estimate what you've consumed!!!

    My son just turned 1 on November 29. Our kids are very close in age! My oldest will be turning 5 on March 24th....

    kaytbognar - Your dessert sounded yummy! And I totally agree. When I have slipped in the past, I have beaten myself up so much over it it's ridiculous. I just wind up hating myself, and in the long run, 'punish myself' by eating MORE junk food. It's amazing, the relationship a person can have with food, isn't it? But often, for me, one little slip can lead to a BIG fall because I think to myself "I'm already such a big failure, what's the point?" I've decided to have a positive attitude in general. Even if I have to 'fake it until I make it'. I've found that if I force myself to be happy and smile, even when I'm grumpy... often, that positivity transfers to other people, who bounce it back to me and before I know it I'm happy for real. When I'm happy, I don't feel the need to eat as much. It's like a good attitude is super-filling and a bad attitude is like air in the tummy!

    pressica - I understand what you mean about wanting to feel like you 'deserve' your hot boyfriend. My husband is this amazing, sexy, well-muscled guy. He's GORGEOUS. I used to be a sexy little thing too, if I dare say so myself, back before I had kids (haha. I didn't think it then but now that I've gotten bigger I'm like, 'look how small I was! I looked great! Wish I'd known it then!') and I want to go back to that. I feel like I haven't held up my side of the bargain- he's stayed the same (and if anything, looks better), but I've gotten bigger and bigger. Part of me worries he'll leave, even though I know that won't happen. I just want to look as good for him as he looks for me!

    That day will come, though! :)
  • vanimami
    vanimami Posts: 433 Member
    Hi guys, is this a group, can I join?? I'm chubby and in my twenties :embarassed: I weigh 152.8 this morning and am 5'8" I tend to stay around 145-155 mark and am hoping to break my pattern and be around 130-135. I'm hoping we can all motivate eachother!! :smile:
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Hi guys, is this a group, can I join?? I'm chubby and in my twenties :embarassed: I weigh 152.8 this morning and am 5'8" I tend to stay around 145-155 mark and am hoping to break my pattern and be around 130-135. I'm hoping we can all motivate eachother!! :smile:

    Welcome! I don't think of us as an exclusive group by any means... Just a bunch of under-thirties looking to carve a little bit of pudge off our frames! Lol.

    I know that we're all going to do great!
  • vanimami
    vanimami Posts: 433 Member
    Hi guys, is this a group, can I join?? I'm chubby and in my twenties :embarassed: I weigh 152.8 this morning and am 5'8" I tend to stay around 145-155 mark and am hoping to break my pattern and be around 130-135. I'm hoping we can all motivate eachother!! :smile:

    Welcome! I don't think of us as an exclusive group by any means... Just a bunch of under-thirties looking to carve a little bit of pudge off our frames! Lol.

    I know that we're all going to do great!

    Ok good! I'm looking to get this dang tire off of my waist and to slim down as well. My body fat is distrubted pretty much all over, but the last place to go (of course) is my one huge love handle :sad: Oh well, let's all stick together and lost it together!
  • OMG, I am right there in the chubby twenties category. I'm 24, 5'5" and 170 :( I used to be fairly muscular so it didn't look so bad (or at least, that's what I told myself), but I've always been the token big girl in every group, and it gets depressing to go out and have the time of my life in the prime of life when I feel embarrassed to be dressed up. I never want my picture taken because I'm just so embarrassed by how I look compared to everyone else in the photo - my face is just nothing but fat, and I don't wear anything sleeveless because my arms just look like turkey drumsticks or something :P Anywho, I'm just tired of feeling inhibited or timid or intimidated by my age group. Plus, my boyfriend is in perfect shape - Lord knows why he's with me, he's super sweet, but I hate to think people look at us and go. "gee, why is he with her?"

    So, yeah...totally on board with the chubby twenties group :)
  • Hi! I am a total chubby twenty! I am 26 will be 27 in about 2 weeks. My start weight is 163 and I am 5'2. I have been struggling for what seems like my entire life. I want to be able to go to the beach and wear a bikini and not feel so gross. Hell I live in Hawaii and I have not gone to the beach yet. I want to but I just don't want to go through the feeling of being a big slob in a baggy t-shirt.

    Are we going to do weekly challenges or anything like that?

    start: 163
    goal: 115
  • cherie2304
    cherie2304 Posts: 632 Member
    I'm 28, 5'2 and 167 lbs =/ I would like to get down to 130ish, we'll see =O)

    I had been doing really well and then fell off of the wagon but I'm getting back on it now!

    I'm not part of this group but I wanted to say that you and I are like twins. I'm 28, 5'2 and 163lbs. My goal is 150 and re-evaluate from there. I think I will want to be 140 in the end though. Just wanted to say hi.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    VLH243 - I can relate! I used to be 125 pounds before I had kids, and never worried about taking pictures. Now I go out with friends, or any other event where pictures are taken of me, and all I can ever think about is how big I look compared to everyone else! It's gotten to the point where I am the one behind the camera all the time. Which makes me sad. I miss out on enough of life because I'm too embarrassed due to my weight. But now, i'm going to 'erase' myself from the memories of the good times I DO enjoy? That was a big motivator to myself to get on track. Also, I don't want people to wonder why my hubby is with me. He's super attractive and social and draws girls like a magnet. In the past, I could always laugh it off but now I'm like, "What if some young, hot thing catches his attention? How can I compete?" My self esteem is tied WAY too close to my body image for my liking. Definitely something ELSE I need to work on. :)

    niky1215 - You live in Hawaii? JEALOUS! I hope that you're able to find the support here (and through MFP in general) that you need to get to the point where you can lose weight and feel good about yourself!! As for weekly challenges- I think that's a good idea! We could check in once a week not only to see how we're doing weight-wise, but to also mark how we're doing with the challenges!

    I think a good challenge this week would be for all of us to drink the recommended 8 cups of water! That's what I'm currently working hard towards. I feel like I've been going to the bathroom all day! Lol.
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    I would love to be part of this group.

    I'm 21, 5'8" and currently 176 lbs. I'm home from college for my winter break right now (until January 2nd). I want to lose weight before I go back.
    Start Weight - 178 lbs.
    Current Weight - 176 lbs.
    Goal Weight by New Year - 168 lbs.
    Goal Weight - 150 lbs.
  • Sorry if this seems negative but I have noticed a few people say things about how the want to look like they deserve their boyfriends or husbands or they compare their looks to that of their husband. That is not the point of a relationship. The problem with society today is people put so much stock in appearance. My husband loves me because I take care of him, I stand behind him and build him up, I am loyal to him and I respect him. It has nothing to do with the way I look. If he loves you you could be 300 pounds and he will think you are the hottest girl in the world. If you are looking at losing weight as a way to fix your self esteem it does not work that way. Young women need to wake up and stop looking at outward appearence because in the end it means nothing. Weightloss should be about health not looking good for some man. Seriously!
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