Any More Chubby Twenties?

MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
I'm wondering how many people here are in their twenties and trying to lose weight?

For me, I feel SO FRUSTRATED that I'm my size at this point in my life. I feel like this is supposed to be when so much of the 'good stuff' happens. We're young, we're 'hip', we're in our 'prime'. I don't like waking up every day feeling like I'm in my forties! I'd much rather be in my forties and feeling like I'm twenty!

I'm sick-sick-SICK to death of putting things off because of my weight.

"Oh, hubby and I will have a REAL wedding when I'm small enough to not look ridiculous in a wedding dress."


"We'll take that trip to Mexico when I am not ashamed to be seen in a bathing suit."

Blah. Bleck. I'm looking at doing a 90-day plan. I want to lose at least 20-25 pounds in that time.

Current Weight: 163.4
30-Day Goal: 155
60-Day Goal: 146
90-Day Goal: 138

After that point, I want to lose another 15 pounds... but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. :D

So, any other twenty-somethings wanna lose weight with me? Share your 30, 60 and 90 day goals here.



  • I weighed in this morning at 163 and I'm 5'8. My ultimate goal would be 140lbs but right now I'm focusing on getting down to 150lbs.
  • Hey girl I'm with ya,I am 24, I have been exercising and eating healthier for the past 3 weeks and lost 14 pounds but I want to loose another 80. I have the same problem be and my husband didnt have the big wedding I really wanted becuase it would not be fun at 275 pounds. I have set a goal to loose 20 pounds before Christmas break and have went from 265 to 250 in the past 3 weeks!!!
    I would doa 90 day challenge I joined yesterday and need motivation!!!

    Current weight 250


    30 days- 240
    60 days- 232
    90 days- 225

    I'm hoping for alot more but want to set goals I can reach!!!!
    Good luck you can do it!

  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    Yeah, you're definitely not alone in this one!

    90 day challenge eh? Why not!?

    For me every DAY is a challenge - haha, but it's always good to have goals so that each one you reach feels like a victory and helps a person feel motivated.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    For me every DAY is a challenge - haha, but it's always good to have goals so that each one you reach feels like a victory and helps a person feel motivated.

    Amen to that. EVERY day is a challenge for me these days. But I've found in the past, when I set vague goals for myself, I always fall short. I believe that having a clear plan about what I want to accomplish will help me in the long run.

    I actually have drafted out a 180-day plan... but I've decided to focus on the first 90 days!

    First, I just need to survive the week!

    Brandy- it sounds like you've done very well so far! Good work! I know that we'll be able to meet our goals together. :)

    running_girl_84: I think it's good to have mini-goals like yours. I definitely have my final, ideal, 'happy-weight' in mind... but I tell you, I'll be excited just to lost ten pounds at this point!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I'm 5'6", 27 years old, and my starting weight was 248. I would like to lose 100 lbs by my next birthday in September. Most days I'm excited to eat right, workout, and change my life once and for all.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I just turned 26 - my weight has gone from 140ish when I was in my mid-teens to almost 230 this last summer. That was the breaking point for me - I knew I HAD to do something. I'm young - I want to feel like it!! Plus, I just got out of a long-term relationship this last spring and I want to be more confident and feel more attractive when I get around to dating again.

    Since I started using MFP I've llost over 20 lbs...I'm (hopefully) two or three weeks away from dipping below 200 for the first time in a couple years. I'm excited about the progress I've made and looking forward to reaching my goal weight sometime next summer, if all goes as planned.

    Since we're talking about a 90 day challenge, my goal is to lose about 25 pounds in the next 90 days - that's just about 2 pounds a week, which is something I think I can do. (I've done it so far!)
  • Yeah I'm 22. We should make the 20's group. Because if you look at if most of us will lose and gain about the same because we are all along the same age. I think we should try. I will add you all so far as my friend.
  • jenniffer86
    jenniffer86 Posts: 65 Member
    I would love to join, I started MFP at 184lbs back in june, and now i'm at 164lbs.. in the next 90 days I'd like to get down to my goal weight of 140lbs =) o btw I'm 23yrs old, and 5'6. I have been struggling latley to get exercise in, but am working hard at eating better. For some reason I can't seem to get both together at the same time, much longer than a week. I"ve really been considering doing the south beach diet, just to see a good amount of weight come off in a short period of time =) lol .. only thing is.. will this help me in the long run?? I know, slow weight loss is the best because then you know it's off for good.. but I too, am sick of feeling fat "in my prime" if this is the hottest I'am ever gonna look I better step it up and asap!! hahaha good luck everyone!!
  • Emilydmo
    Emilydmo Posts: 101
    I'm definitely in on this 90 day challenge - it'll help me get back on track after eating so much today! I've been losing weight on my own (down from 255 to 214. I'm 24 years old and close to 6 feet tall), but just recently discovered less than a week ago. My 90 day plan would be to hit my goal weight of 170! :)
  • hey, im 21 and 5'6. i started at 238 lbs and now im down to about 180. but imnot losing anymore and its my own fault, id love to join a 90 day challenge. my goal for the 90 days is to lose 20 lbs and get to 160.
  • Can I get on this train, too? I'm 24 and can't remember ever weighing less than 150lbs. I sick of being everybody's chubby buddy and dragging my *kitten* around everywhere I go.

    I was around 180lbs when I moved to puerto rico a month ago. I haven't had a scale since then, but in the last four weeks I've lost 3.5 inches off my waist and hips respectively. I would LOVE to get down to 140 by the time I go back home in May, and for 90 days my goal is to shave off another 3 - 5 inches off my hips/waist (Maybe I'll get a scale for Christmas as be able to set weight-related goals after that.)
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member

    For me, I feel SO FRUSTRATED that I'm my size at this point in my life. I feel like this is supposed to be when so much of the 'good stuff' happens. We're young, we're 'hip', we're in our 'prime'. I don't like waking up every day feeling like I'm in my forties! I'd much rather be in my forties and feeling like I'm twenty!

    I feel exactly this same way. I'm 26, 5'3" and 163 lbs. I hate that my belly sticks out so much it actually hurts me (how sad is that, my fat hurts) and I have so many health problems attributed to my weight. When my dr. told me I was at risk of having a stroke my bp was so high last month, I committed to change. I was 170 at that visit, so I'm down 7 lbs. in a mo. (not recorded here cuz I just started MFP a few days ago.) So I would love the motivation of speaking to others in my shoes, and maybe we can help each other

    Goal 1: 156.5 by Christmas
    Goal 2: 150 by Jan. 25
    Goal 3: 145 by March 15 (my 7 year wedding anniversary)

    And I want to lose more, but don't want to get too far ahead of myself only to fail. Better to be safe and then surpass the goals I set.

    BTW I lost my first 7 lbs. by following the meal planners on dietbites. Here's a link if anyone would like to give it a try.
  • laur89
    laur89 Posts: 30 Member
    I'll join you all! I'm currently at 187lb, 5'6" and 20 years old. I was chubby as a teen and I don't want to continue to be in my 20's now. I want to be between 137-140lbs.

    30 days 180
    60days 170
    90 days 160
  • LadyAshe
    LadyAshe Posts: 12 Member
    I so want in this challenge too! I am 24 (soon to be 25 in a week!) and am 149 pounds (5'4). I recently gained 13 pounds in ONE month because of new birth control and quitting smoking, and as frustrating as that is the worst part is that I'm not bouncing back like I would have even a few years ago. So my brother mentioned this site and I love it! In 90 days I would love to be back to my normal weight of 137, but if I really want to kick butt I will exercise and maybe I could reach 125? I definitely have not seen the 20's since grade nine...haha. Well here goes, good luck to all the other 20 somethings!!! And don't forget ladies, we are in prime baby making stages, which could explain some of our frustrations with weight at this point in our lives.....
  • Im so in for this challenge as well..

    I am 21 and by my 22nd birthday (5 months) I want to be able to fit into a gorgeous size 16-18 summer dress :)

    In 90 days I hope to be under 90kilos :) SO this means in 3 months I wish to lose 12.5 kilos which is totally do-able with work and uni :)

    I feel frustrated sometimes as well.. as most of my friends this age still go out and party and live the social life, where as I would prefer to stay indoor as my weight seems to have taken over my confidence and self esteem...

    Is there anyone else who works full time and does uni after work? I would really apprieciate some tips on how people manage to find time for exercise and juggle everything.. I would be nice to chat to somone in the same boat :)
  • etey7
    etey7 Posts: 44
    I'm 21 and would like to join the challenge.. I've been on MFP for awhile and was successful at losing weight but lately, i find myself pigging out and stuffing my face until i'm full.. then wait a bit and stuff myself again.. I feel so ashamed and disgusted with myself..i've gained about 7-8 pounds in about a months time.. I really need to get my life back..

    This is our prime years.. the excess pounds shouldn't hold us back...

    Current Weight: 128 lbs
    Goal Weight: 107 lbs

    30 days: 124
    60 days: 120
    90 days: 116
  • stef_e_b
    stef_e_b Posts: 593
    Me too! Although I'm way past "chubby" I started last september at 262 pounds and now I'm 235. I need to find a way to keep myself moving and a way from the junk!
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    I'd like to do this since I think it's so important to have a goal to work toward. I'm 27, 5'5" and was at 228 at my last weigh-in -- down 17 lbs since the end of September. I've been overweight just about my whole life, except for the times when I was working out and eating right and was able to reach a healthier weight. My goal for this 90 days is to get under 200 lbs. So, now I've got to really kick up my exercise to meet this challenge!

  • I would love to be a part of this challenge. I'm 27 and have gained 50 lbs in the last 3 years!!!! Granted, I gained 10 lbs after my pregnancy, but I really need to get this weight off. When I see pictures of myself, I don't think they look like me at all.

    I've been using MFP for about the last week and working out for the last 10 days everyday. I'm seeing a huge difference in my stamina and my eating habits have really shaped up. The "new" is about to wear off though and I just want to stay motivated!!!
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Good to meet everyone!!! It's always encouraging to find people in the same boat.

    I had a bit of a setback yesterday. I managed to split my head open on my sons' bunkbed and had to get three stitches and a tetanus shot! I was also in bed for much of the day. My hubby was ultra helpful and supportive... except he did the meal prep and I wound up eating Mac and Cheese! Ick! I think overall, my calorie intake for the day wasn't too high but nonetheless, I would have liked to have done better!

    On the plus side I'm feeling much better today and can't wait to get active!!!!
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