redscylla Member


  • I say wear the bikini and use the moment as motivation to stick with it and lose the rest of your weight.
  • I have nothing to say about commitment, because I'm not sure the whole "if you really want it, you'll commit to it" is helpful. My problems were never a matter of commitment. So my question is, if you do well all day, what is behind that binge-eating once you get home from work? Why are you doing it? Are you prepared to…
  • You're not imagining it. My mother is morbidly obese and I can vouch for the fact that when we are somewhere together, people will always try to redirect the conversation to me, rather than talk to my mother. Which is doomed to fail, because I may be less fat but I am total introvert. I have noticed, now that I'm down…
  • It's less about working out for me, and more about weight loss. For about every ten pounds I've lost, I've had to endure a month of completely psychotic menstrual wackiness. My suspicion--releasing hormones stored in fat into my bloodstream is doing crazy things to my ovaries. So perhaps the same is true when you up your…
  • I'll add mine for comparison sake. I'm 5'5", currently weigh 172 lbs. My ankles are 9.5" and my calves are 14.5".
    in ankle size Comment by redscylla May 2013
  • I felt the same way when I first broke through from "Obese" to "Overweight." Like "WOOHOO! I'm overweight!!!" Congrats and good luck on the rest of your journey to "Normal."
  • So glad to see someone else on a "marathon." I started in January 2012. Have lost 37 lbs. since then. Your pics are great inspiration for me to just keep on plugging.
  • I need to lose another 40 to reach my goal weight. I'm nearly halfway there.
  • I use this great app called You Are Your Own Gym to do body weight exercise.
  • Tia, thank you so much for posting these comparisons! If one is going to have "thinspiration" let it be based on a real, obtainable image, not one that is so doctored as to be unreachable for anyone anywhere. It's like a horse looking for inspiration from photoshopped images of unicorns. Well, pretty pony, you'll never be…
  • It's doable, and you get your motivation where you can, even if it's a too small wedding dress. Just what this poster says: kill the sugars and simple carbs completely. Eat plenty of lean protein and green cruciferous veggies--think brussels sprouts, broccoli, asparagus, spinach, kale-- and find a good exercise you can…
  • This, too. I don't want to be a frail flower, but I would like to be light enough that I'm easy to carry on a horse or a motorcycle or in a man's arms. Why does the scale matter? Because my husband had to fireman carry me over the threshold on our wedding night. It was the only way he could pick me up and it was a close…
  • Short answer: because other people force me to be. Every year I have to have a health assessment for my job's insurance. Every year, they say, "You're in excellent health, but you need to lose weight." Well, *kitten* me. I am sooooo tired of this, because my blood sugar, my blood pressure, my cholesterol, EVERY ONE OF MY…
  • Well, I'm going to assume this is an emotional or psychological problem, since you use the language "scared of losing weight." It's not your body doing it to you, but your brain. Soooo... what have you promised yourself that you'll do once you lose the weight? Because I know a lot of us do that. We say, "Once I lose this…
  • Something I just recently tried out: It has helped talk me down from emotional eating three times already. The fourth time, that Kit-Kat was asking it for it, so I ate him anyway.
  • So if you keep this up, you'll have lost "only" 35 lbs in a year? What's the problem? :D
  • The problem with this is it puts responsibility for someone else's feelings on your shoulders. I was married for 11 years. In the end, my husband just wasn't willing to prioritize the work of maintaining the relationship. There was nothing I could do to make him want to put the effort in. I was already doing everything in…
  • Stay out of the sun. Even if you're wearing sunscreen to prevent a burn, you're absorbing the radiation that damages your skin. Wear a hat and you will always look younger than your peers who tanned. (Of course, I'm a redhead and incapable of tanning, so I have to comfort myself with the looking younger thing. :D )
  • Well, for me, Benadryl can jack up my metabolism quite a bit. Also, maybe you've been working out too much. There is such a thing as diminishing returns from exercise past a certain point. Maybe your body really needed this break from twice a day work outs. Similarly, perhaps the naps paid off by making your body feel less…
  • This was exactly what I needed today. I've bookmarked it on my mobile phone to try to keep heading off the emotional eating at the pass.
  • First of all, are you using a heart rate monitor to calculate your exercise calories? If not, you may be overestimating how many calories you're burning, and therefore you are eating too many calories. Secondly, how are you breaking down your calories into fat/protein/carbs? If you're feeling bloated, you may want to look…
  • This is the fourth time. Now I need to move on and lose the next 40 lbs. *sigh*
  • I can't vouch for whether it is truly working yet, but this is one of the reasons I'm doing the 5:2 fasting method that BBC covered a while back. I basically have two "fast" days per week (500 cals), then three moderate calorie days (1400-1600, so I'm still at a deficit) and then two relaxed days, usually Saturday and…
  • I can't get it to stay in burger form. It's great to mix in place of ground beef, but it won't hold a shape in my experience. I love using it in chili and spaghetti sauce.
  • Go swim, you'll make somebody's day. Of course, it might be the day of some pervy older woman like me who really loves big men, but think of that! You can go and give somebody a cheap thrill while you porpoise about and burn calories. I'd go swimming more often if I were guaranteed a glimpse of a big guy in his swim…
  • What about something like this? I laughed when I heard about it, but apparently they've done clinical trials that show it really does work.
  • The good news is: you've just been provided with a deadline. If your SIL is 2 months pregnant, you have 7 months to GET OUT of that situation. If you think it's bad now, it's going to be a thousand times worse once the baby is born. You've received a ton of good advice here, starting with help yourself and ask for the help…
  • After weeks of being stalled due to my own misbehaviors, I saw a 2 lb. loss as of this morning.
  • Bingo. I never really got over my ex-husband's attempts to motivate me into losing the weight I gained after we got married. The only person who can motivate your wife is her. You can contribute to a conducive environment by going what HoneyBadger suggests, but if you open your mouth, you will likely regret it, and so will…
  • Pizza & KitKats. I mostly do okay resisting them, but sometimes I just plan for an indulgence.