How does anyone actually commit to this?



  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    Honestly nobody can help you. If you don't want this bad enough yet all the encouragement and motivation in the world won't make you do it. Sorry you have to do this all by yourself and when you are truly ready the commitment and motivation will come.
    Good luck.

    I am not doing this for my husband, son, friends or anything other then myself. It's a choice you make everyday, every meal and every exercise session. You either do it or you don't.

    Yup, I feel the same.
  • redscylla
    redscylla Posts: 211 Member
    I have nothing to say about commitment, because I'm not sure the whole "if you really want it, you'll commit to it" is helpful. My problems were never a matter of commitment.

    So my question is, if you do well all day, what is behind that binge-eating once you get home from work? Why are you doing it? Are you prepared to sit down and have a conversation with yourself about possible reasons you may be cramming your face with food once you're at home? What's different at home? How are your feelings at home different? Are you self-sabotaging for a reason? Is it related to your boyfriend "joking" about you needing to give up on losing the weight?

    I'm just saying that whenever I slide, it has zero to do with my motivation or my commitment, and everything to do with the emotional needs I *think* I'm filling with food. Figuring that out has helped more than any pep talk I've ever heard.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Quote: My boyfriend is amazing but he can be a butthead sometimes and told me last night we should just throw away the clothes I wore at my lowest weight because it's not like I'm going to fit into them again anyways.

    Save them, make up your mind to do this to fit back into them and prove him wrong.
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    You cannot do this unless you, and only you, are ready to do it. Nothing anyone is going to say will help you. You have to do it for you.

    I started this journey with my boyfriend by my side and he dropped off within a month or so. I could have easily dropped with him but I didn't, I kept going, because it wasn't about US, it was about ME.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Honestly nobody can help you. If you don't want this bad enough yet all the encouragement and motivation in the world won't make you do it. Sorry you have to do this all by yourself and when you are truly ready the commitment and motivation will come.
    Good luck.

  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    Hard work is never (cliche, I know)...once I started seeing the changes, I could not stop. It's now a habit for me and it's great. Keep at, ask yourself why you're doing it because if you're not in this for yourself then you won't have the success you need. Don't throw the smaller clothes out, one day show your boyfriend how good you look in them. :wink:

  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    Honestly nobody can help you. If you don't want this bad enough yet all the encouragement and motivation in the world won't make you do it. Sorry you have to do this all by yourself and when you are truly ready the commitment and motivation will come.
    Good luck.

    This is very true. Your internal fire has to be lit. You light that fire by taking time to reflect on all of the things you hate about your current lifestyle...and specific reasons why you want to get healthier. If those things matter enough to you, your internal fire will be lit and you will find the motivation to make consistent healthy decisions. It really does come down to how bad you want this...which depends on how badly you hate your current lifestyle and how badly you want something else. You need to really define those things so you know why you're doing this.
  • pjol79
    pjol79 Posts: 50 Member
    I had an MFP friend post this on his wall not too long ago. Points to ponder :)
  • glheureux56
    Well, in my situation I really didnt care. Doctor has been on my behind for years to lose weight. BAH. Diet. Exercise. Bad Bad words. Even sent me to a cardiologist. Heart perfect. Cholesterol perfect. Ha ha ha. Doc - you lose. Pizza time...... Then I got diagnosed with diabetes (truly) and I had to change my attitude. It was either needles 3 times a day or something else. Well, lets see if this losing weight thing has any merit. So, I still havent met my goal, but I've made considerable progress. I dont wheeze when I walk. My heart rate is down from 99 to 73. The top number of my blood pressure is what the bottom number used to be. So that keeps me motivated. I had to get right in my own head. that what the key point for me -- Get right in your mind. I go off sometimes. Like right now, Im injured. So for the 6 or 7 days Im not exercising, Ill make poor food choices. But I know that I'll get mack on track in about 3 more days.

  • gpiercebutler
    gpiercebutler Posts: 15 Member
    For me I didn't commit to a diet until I was better psychologically. I saw a therapist for a bit and started feeling better generally and then it was easy because I believed that it was possible for me to succeed at something. Before I'd just given up at any tiny hurdle because I believed I was nothing but a failure
  • dellaquilaa
    dellaquilaa Posts: 230 Member
    I've made multiple, tiny changes - any time I try to change everything (like eating well and exercising) at the same time, I'd burn out quickly and just go back to my old ways. This time, I cut out pop and started chugging water. Then I limited fast food. Then I swapped my morning bagel & cream cheese for oatmeal and fruit. Then I started buying fresh veggies. Then I started buying multple kinds of veggies every week.

    Those added up, and I didn't really realize it. But now I'm a (mostly) caffeine-free, fruit & veggie eating person that takes their lunch to work every single day and snacks on cheese, yogurt, nuts and fruit. It just happened. I think it was also easier for me this time, because I don't say "absolutely not" to anything - if I want a piece of cake, I have a piece of cake. It's just a small one.

    Good luck
  • CindaWhite
    CindaWhite Posts: 104 Member
    FORGOT TO QUOTE So I cut and pasted!
    July 02, 2013 4:29 pm - themanda04

    i honestly don't know. what i do know is that the times i've made major, substantial changes to my life i didn't have to 'try'. i channeled my inner yoda, and i just did it. i quit smoking, cold turkey, over fifteen years ago because i had an epiphany moment and just became a non-smoker. it wasn't a struggle for me coming off a nearly two pack a day habit of ten+ years, because in my mind i wasn't a smoker any longer. marriage ended and i walked away pretty easily (the constant contact of sharing a child has made things...interesting...but i didn't grieve the end of the marriage). when i decided i was sick and tired of being fat, i started to make changes to make me not-fat. i didn't have to force myself to do anything, i just accepted and welcomed my change of status and started to learn how to live this new lifestyle.

    Well there's the smack in the head I needed! I quit smoking the same way you did, I could have started this plan years ago if I had remembered how my mind set was back then (October 5th 1990!) Thanks for the reminder!

  • akal0423
    akal0423 Posts: 9 Member
    thank you so much, everyone. I would love to join a challenge group! I've been pushing myself the past few days and trying to push through the self doubt. Seeing so many responses was uplifting! I made my diary public, and if whoever said they could offer advice based on what I've been eating is more than welcome to PM me or friend me!