Robin_Bin Member


  • [Not reading all the other responses, so excuse repeats.] Don't give up anything that you aren't willing to give up for the rest of your life. Just eat it in moderation. I eat chocolate almost every day -- I've switched over time to higher quality, darker chocolate, but less of it. Some sweets have few to no calories. Have…
  • A collection of advice: Looks like you are consistently way over on sodium. It's not showing, but I bet you're way under on fiber. I'd try adjusting those. Good luck!
  • As a friend of mine told his spouse… I'll love you when we're old together, and I'll take care of your if you have lifestyle based illnesses, but I'll resent the good times we'll not be able to have together.
  • So he's wonderful, but you're ok with helping him develop illness and die sooner because of unhealthy eating? Ok, that was an extreme statement, but you started this thread with a rather extreme statement too. :-) Since he does hard physical labor, he can use the calories, but he still needs the nutrition. As long as he's…
  • No one hates all healthy food. Southern food -- try okra, greens (collard, kale, etc.), rice and beans. Use less butter or fat, but you can still add some -- maybe a bit of bacon or some of his fresh meat. Like tabasco sauce? Google healthy, southern food and you'll find hundreds of suggestions. Lots of ways to bake chick…
  • Glad you're trying to be healthy. Best wishes! I don't think there is any way to lose 15 lbs - over 10% of your current weight - in 2 months in a healthy way. And trying to lose too quickly just sets you up for a lifetime of yo-yo dieting where you lose quickly and gain even more just as quickly. Exercising -- not just in…
  • The goal is to be as close to 0 calories remaining at the end of the day. I think you have BMR and TDEE confused. Maybe this list of terms will help?
  • Eating amount will make a difference, but when you eat makes little to no difference. Exercise and increased muscle will raise your metabolic level. But you can probably eat calories faster than you can exercise them off. (It's pretty easy to eat 500 calories in a few minutes and hard to exercise 500 calories in an hour.)
  • That is smart. There's research indicating it's easier to replace a habit or create a new one rather than just "stopping" an old habit. In other words, you form a new habit that interferes with the old one. Good luck!
  • As you acknowledged, MFP already has a deficit based on what you put in your profile (roughly 500 cal/day if you said you wanted to lose a pound a week). Usually losing more than 2 pounds a week is not recommended. But with a great deal of weight to go (say over 100 lb and more than 25% of your starting weight), you have…
  • Some of the same issues come up multiple times a day. I've collected some of the ideas I thought were best on how to start here.
  • In my response above the period at the end of the URL was treated as part of the URL, so it didn't work. Corrected it in this post.
  • Wonder if you could alternate… ice cream cleanse in the warmer season and chocolate in the cooler? Darn! Wish I needed to do some "cleansing". :drinker:
  • You said it yourself. They both have different strengths, and you can learn different things from each. Limiting yourself to one teacher or way of doing things, especially before you have developed expertise about the exercises and how they work for you, seems like a mistake to me. I'd be honest with both instructors that…
  • No, neither is intended to be a meal replacement. The fiber bars have more fiber. If you want to eat them for a meal, fine. As Miamiuu suggested, it's good to read the labels -- on all foods. Learn more about nutrition and what your body needs, and you can take better care of it.
  • Good to ask and learn. I can't give you a definitive answer. It really depends on your goals and how your body reacts. Many people think that MFP's targets for protein are a bit low, so going over on those without going over on your total calories is probably fine. Similarly, fiber helps fill you up and serves many healthy…
  • Collected information - options, research and more
  • Muscle is denser than fat, but only about 18% denser, not 400%. And given the net 800 calories, lack of strength training and timing, it's unlikely that this gain is due to more muscle and less fat. But it's true that it makes sense to consider inch measurements as well as ounces. Two bodies can weight exactly the same…
  • You've got a positive attitude and that's great. Sometimes it's hard to take the criticism and conflicting advice with a good attitude. It does look like you would benefit from a better understanding of the site and your body. For instance, responding to some of the excerpts from your post… Your body needs fat. You…
  • You could weigh yourself hourly. You'd see even more variation. My weight varies by over 5 pounds within a single 24 hour timeframe. Overtime you can see the trend... while the line (if you graph) is wavy, it trends one way or another -- up / down /straight. Weighing less often smooths out some of the wavy or spikiness and…
  • Weight varies. Drink a pint of water and the scale will say you gained a pound. Salt or exercise makes you retain water -- same result. Did you do the cleanse before your starting weight? That would artificially lower it. Basically anytime you weight yourself, whatever's in your digestive track will be included. But it…
  • I don't enjoy doing it, but for me it seems to be necessary. Maybe eventually it won't be, but for now I do much better when I track. On the other hand, I don't track water anymore… I wasn't having trouble drinking at least 8 cups. Occasionally I track it for a day, and if I think I'm not drinking enough, I'll do it for…
  • ^ good answer Keep in mind that slower weight loss is more likely to be accompanied by the lifestyle changes which will keep the weight off.
  • You're not gaining muscle THAT fast. There's a lot of daily variation with weight. I can weigh more than 5 pounds different within a single day, but it has more to do with how much I just "input" (ate, drank, wore) or "output". When you first increase exercise, and I'm told this is especially true for intensive exercise,…
  • yoga, dancing, walking
  • No. 8 oz = 236.588 ml. But it's easier to remember 250 and close enough for most purposes. I think cans in "metric countries" tend to come in 250 ml rather than 8 oz, but I'm not positive how widespread that is.
  • Nicely put! That may not be hard for you, but it's obviously difficult for many people to offer in a positive but not-overbearing way. And then the other difficult thing is that if the person takes you up on your offer, listens and then seems to ignore the advice. Keep in mind that there are many reasons someone might do…
  • FYI: Other things besides pasta will change weight when cooked. Most meat changes size and weight. That's why you'll often see the same food in MFP and other guides with a cooked and uncooked weight -- or even different depending on how it was cooked. Grilled, raw or boiled vegetables could weight different amounts. Smart…