jbaca9602 Member


  • I'm starting tonight, too :) No worries!
  • I blamed it on my body and genes... I've always been "big boned", just like most of my family. Then one day I really let it sink in that I used to wear 33" waistlines and was a size 9, even though I feel I look the same as I did back then - but as a teen and young adult, I just thought I looked fat. I was actually just…
  • If we're at a gym or doing something together I can... mostly because though he's skinny and toned, he looks so much funnier than I ever could! He's 6'3" and with long lanky limbs so him kickboxing in his boxers is hilarious! He's willing to flail about if he gets frustrated with something, and that adds to my amusement.…
  • I've been up and down with weight since having my son... and for a while I focused specifically on the tummy. I got it to where it didn't "hang over" when I was standing, but it was never flat. I have a friend who was tiny her whole life and is still a size 8 after her 3 c-sections, and still has a bit of skin leftover…
  • When I'm feeling really bad, I give in to one of my cheating desires... Sandwich in a bowl - chop up all the ingredients and eat 'em like a salad Tomato slices with sugar Penne cooked w/ salsa and those cheap yellow American cheese slices Deviled eggs - en masse. All of them. I'm allergic to eggs, but what's a girl to do?…
  • Some ideas... Let her come home and see you cheating, see how she likes it Call her fat Bobby trap the door at night, tell her it shouldn't bother her if she's not expecting someone Approach her by telling her you know, and you just wish she'd told you, and just ask her why - so she'll fess up! Be careful, the internet has…
  • I like Ellen Barrett's Pick Your Level Pilates. I found it while recovering from an ankle injury as the lower level has low-key workouts but also depending on the workout you can do more if you can handle more. It doesn't teach you the breathing and posture as much, but still pretty easy to just copy what she's doing. I…
  • Happy New Year everyone! I'm starting again now that it's the new year. Since I've never eaten what I need, my focus is to first get used to that before I try losing weight so my body can adjust to full nutritional values. I never was able to get up to TDEE last year when I tried, and with the semester ending and a lot of…
  • The hotel my husband and I stayed in for our anniversary this year. I'm sure there are technically nicer hotels, but it was such a welcoming, quiet, relaxing stay.
  • Also, my husband used to be 300 lbs and was basically never single. I've been overweight since we met, when he was down to a lean 165 lbs at 6'2". He thinks I'm totally sexy and is actually a bit apprehensive about me losing weight because he doesn't want me to lose my curves and the way I look in a pair of jeans lol, but…
  • Yes, if you have a personality worth falling in love with! I have many friends in happy marriages, of all shapes and sizes. I have two best friends - the guy recently met a girl and fell in love with a girl at his work within days of meeting her. They were together less than 3 months, and there I was helping him pick out…
  • My first one, which culminated in 3 years of uneducated but somewhat successful and consistent loss, was having stretch marks at 19. My boyfriend at the time saw a red mark and was trying to point it out because he thought I'd hurt myself. I cried for HOURS but it made me want to change my lifestyle! I didn't have a…
  • We're saving for our vow renewal so we're pinching pennies wherever we can! I work out in my pajamas, to videos on YouTube. I shop the "eat it now before it goes bad" section at the co-op and otherwise shop sales. It's actually pretty cheap to eat healthier - my lunches are typically a salad with bell peppers, mushrooms,…
  • I have a friend who prepares her lunches for the week on Sunday (mostly salads), and portions them into tupperware containers so she can just grab one on the way out the door in the mornings. She does some where she'll keep the portions separate in baggies to be combined when reheating, but it's all portioned out and ready…
  • Also, I didn't take his post as misogynistic. It was apparent he was noting the presence of the particular females that are looking for drama, not the people contributing to valuable conversational exchange.
  • So... if someone's bored, they can't use the time to learn something? What are you supposed to do with your time? Oh, right - watch TV. Read fiction novels. Go drink and do dumb stuff and hope nobody took pictures. Just DON'T learn anything that doesn't relate to an imaginary character.
  • My favorite foods are homemade. I love bringing home ingredients from the co-op. That being said, I do have a "bachelor food" that I had been abstaining from because of calories that I'm letting myself eat now. I make a noodle dish with slices of Kraft cheese melted in, garlic & butter, with tuna and some mixed veggies.…
  • Well, I'm glad you've found a forum that's not too tough on you. Sorry about the big words tiring you out. *pats head*
  • I'm sorry, I neither fit into the demographic you're looking for, nor do I normally chat around here... but I saw this and was also curious why someone would be here and not log what they're doing. I saw the high school banter and had to chime in. "Make fun of all the smart people with creative thought process and…
  • How dare you try to learn more about humanity! This ain't no school! If we don't already know info, we must not need it! And anyone seeking to understand why people do the things they do should be made fun of with all the rage and ignorant stabbings possible. Come on, guys. He's not saying he thinks they should do it any…
  • Not necessarily the same stuff, but A couple that always make me move: Conquistador by Juno Reactor (really anything by them!) - Use part 1 as a warm up. Keep moving through it. Once part II starts, don't stop moving. It's really hard, even for skinny/fit people, no matter how many times you do it. It used to be a…
  • I agree with moving on, but I'd also like to suggest a bit of pilates for your arms... You could do a session in person, but there is actually a really great vid (Pick Your Level Pilates) that I used to see if I liked pilates... after just a couple days on it, I was able to do pushups for the first time in my life. They…
  • I heard from an acquaintance that it worked for her to do 2 days of 30DS, a day of cardio, 2 days of 30DS, a day of cardio, rest day. Another friend said alternating days with a day of rest. Either way, as much as I went into this wanting to just do 10 days of each level without rest, I see the benefit in switching it up…
  • @ashley I love that shirt! You seem happy in it!
  • I've always walked a lot, and that's not going to change. I'm not sure about rest days and such yet. I'll have to see how I feel tomorrow and the next day. It usually takes a couple days for soreness to set in for me, and as of now I'm feeling pretty good. So I don't want to gauge all of that yet.
  • I don't have a lot of arm strength. It was a few sessions of pilates before the arms and shoulders stopped creaking as I tried to raise and lower them. Also, I wasn't sure what weights to buy, but I did fill up a couple equal water bottles to the very top so there was no air, and the weight was pretty well distributed so I…
  • No, I don't count sugar from fruits. I don't watch my sugar number, and took it out of my diary. I watch my carbs and try to not eat stuff with added sugar, that's it. That's the point, right? Eat healthy stuff and don't eat junk food? Cranberries and apples aren't going to make me fat. You can abstain from certain fruits…
  • I found some kickboxing vids on SparkPeople's YouTube channel that I started with. I moved on to pilates that I found on Netflix, and now I'm on 30 Day Shred, which is on YouTube either in pieces for each level or as one whole video.
  • Well, I know that when you overstress muscles they come back larger, and where I used to have flat skin and bone in the front of my lower leg, now when I flex my feet the muscle pops out. That seems like bulk to me, in textbook definition. But whatever. Fighting about whether or not a walker is building muscle seems silly…
  • I built some pretty huge calf muscles walking. I could flex my calves and see the muscle under my knee pop out for the first time in my life - though my weight stayed pretty much the same and the inches around my calves didn't change. You build muscle by increasing tolerance, right? So if I increase from being able to use…