JDunbar82 Member


  • I ran it! This was my first one. I pulled my groin muscle about a month ago and I was worried I wouldn't be able to complete it but I managed to wrap it up good( and some prescription Ibuprofen didn't hurt either haha) and I managed to run the whole thing. My pace was much slower than normal, but I was just happy I got to…
  • Looks like you're getting some great advice here. For what its worth you should also consider looking into IT band stretches. When I first started running I had terrible knee pain and I honestly thought maybe my knees just weren't cut out for it but I started doing a little research and realized it was really a problem…
  • Wow there's a lot of Hoosiers on here :) I'm from Indiana...but my father is from England and I have a brother that lives there(Southsea area).
  • I have Grave's and Hashimotos but had RAI back in 2003. To be honest my levels were out of control for about 8 years before I finally got put on Cytamel(synthetic T3) in addition to the Synthroid...total life changer. I've been able to drop the weight a little easier now, and almost all of the nerve and joint problems that…
  • [quote Um, you forgot to check out the corn fields of Indiana. Geez, they are epic and they have their own children. [/quote] haha I live here in the great Hoosier state and this past summer my brother( who's a Brit) came to visit and had to have his picture taken with our glorious cornfields...only got a few strange looks…
  • I had a 2 level spinal fusion( lower back) about 2 and a half years ago so I know back pain is no fun! Have you ever tried a heat wrap? I still have problems with my neck (arthritis) and I use one of those wraps you can put in the microwave...it has beans in it. They really help loosen things up...plus the one I have has a…
  • That's awesome! Hopefully you can get added to her policy...sounds like you might be able to beat them at their own game :)
  • Insurance is such a pain. First of all when did you sign up for your student insurance after you lost your other health insurance? I believe at this point they have to allow for a 60 day grace period in between coverages and cannot exclude you for a pre existing condition. I don't quite understand how they can deny you if…
  • You might consider buying some rewetting drops and see how your eyes feel. If those don't work it might be worth talking to your Dr about Restasis eye drops. I had horrible dry eyes for years ( to the point it was affecting my vision)...the restasis does help...and my eyes would be very dry and itchy...and have lots of…
  • Thanks for inviting me! I joined MFP last year after having baby #2. I gained quite a bit of weight starting in 2009 from baby #1 due to out of control thyroid levels and 2 disc herniations in my back that resulted in 3 surgeries...discectomy, 2 level spinal fusion and spinal cord stimulator placement( had nerve damage in…
  • I started running back in October with Couch to 5k(never had been a runner before in my life)...I've done a couple of 5k's since then but this past Saturday I ran over 8 miles and felt like I could keep going( I actually started MIni Marathon training about 3 weeks ago too...been logging a little over 20 miles a week so…
  • That's what I was going to say! You're already doing it! It'll be a lot of fun...you won't regret it! :)
  • I live in a small town in Clinton County( so a little more North than what you're asking) but I'd be happy to provide online support. I'm just a couple weeks into Mini Marathon training myself. :)
  • You should try Bigelow Vanilla Carmel tea...I add a splash of milk and a little sweetener ...good stuff! :)
  • Oh those jumps are killer! I would say no its not worth it if you're worried about your ankle. I modify a few of the twisting ab things we've been doing because I have a 2 level spinal fusion in my back and to me its not worth the extra stress its going to put on those joints doing that particular movement. But...that's…
  • I was at the 70 lb mark before anyone made any comments to me...in fact it wasn't until my surprise 30th birthday party one person noticed and then I was bombarded with questions haha!
  • I am not diabetic but I have Grave's Disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis and used to have terrible joint and nerve pain for years before finally getting put on some better medication(and actually had to have several surgeries to relieve nerve compression). Some of the things that worked for me were moist heat...bath's with…
  • Sounds like there's a lot of good ideas out there for you. This might seem like a silly suggestion, but you might consider checking your heart rate in the morning when you feel sick. I only suggest this because I've had issues with tachycardia for years(I have Grave Disease) and sometimes..especially in the morning when I…
  • http://www.active.com/directory/Running/5K/ Pretty good site...hope that helps! :)
  • I have Grave's Disease and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis(and actually PCOS too)....had RAI almost 10 years ago. It did take a long time for me to find the right combination of meds. I've had two babies, 3 back surgeries including a 2 level spinal fusion ( and at least 4 other nerve related surgeries)...and I am losing…
  • I'd give them a call...looks like you're hyper and your dose needs to be decreased :)
  • My friend and I are doing C25k together. We're getting ready to start our 3rd week. I don't have any fancy gadgets that tell me how many calories I burned so I usually just log how many minutes I ran at whatever pace...and then go back in and log how many minutes I walked at whatever pace. I'm sure its not 100% accurate…
    in C25K Comment by JDunbar82 October 2012
  • One afternoon I was folding laundry and my 3 yr old was helping. She grabbed up a pair of my panties and exclaimed " whoa mommy...you have BIG underwears!"...tell mommy something she doesn't know haha! :) When we were moving I had pulled her shelf out of her room and found a plastic pole that went to a pop up hamper that…
  • Not only are you my awesome brother...you are one of my biggest inspirations...amazing job Zach! :)
  • Bigelow Vanilla Caramel tea is delicious...I add a splash of milk and a little sweetener :)
  • If it were me...I'd keep going on as I was because you're obviously making great strides! Just because you're scale is off, doesn't mean you've lost any less weight...you just started at a different place. What about changing your start weight and your current weight so it'll still show the same amount of weight loss? My…
  • It is a high dose but I don't think its unheard of. At one point in my life I was taking 250 mcg daily of Synthroid. Now that my health is a whole lot better than what it was and I've gotten everything under control...I take 125 mcg of Synthroid and two doses of 5 mcg of Cytomel every day.
  • I've had tremendous success since my endo added T3 about this time last year. I have Grave's and Hashimotos...had RAI(radioactive iodine treatment)back in 2003...my levels have been wild ever since. It got to the point last year that even though my TSH was fine...I was actually starting to get a bald spot in my hair . I've…
  • Hi...thyroid problems are tricky! I was actually diagnosed with Grave's Disease and Hashimoto's when I was 20. I had Radioactive iodine treatment at the time and have battled the back and forth symptoms of hypo and hyper thyroid. The most important thing to remember is that everyone is different...different treatments work…
  • Hi! I'm 29 also...I had a disectomy and later a 2 level spinal fusion at L4/L5 and L5/S1....that was almost 2 years ago...and about a year ago I had a spinal cord stimulator implanted. It is a slow process..but it does get better. I think everyone on here is right...lots of walking...recumbant bike is good...and I did do…