The best way to avoid going over your calories is to plan your meals ahead. That way you can adjust the calories here and there if there's something you can stand to be without. Ex) leave out the meat or cheese from a dish, or skip the juice and have water instead. It's when we're already hungry that we make bad food…
Awesome websites! THANK YOU!
last week 155.5 < weighed at night instead of my usual morning so I only count this as .5pd loss this week 152
Don't be discouraged, muscle weighs more then fat! :bigsmile:
Horrible week for me :( last week 152.5 this week 155.5 I forgot to weigh myself this morning though, so I just did it now... probably not AS accurate, but can't be that far off
I also make a healthier version of what I'm craving. My main vise now that I've given up on the double doubles... is cheese. I'm sure if I just stopped eating cheese, I'd loose 10pds. HOWEVER, ALL THINGS IN MODERATION. DON"T DEPRIVE YOURSELF - if you do, your more likely to over indulge.
Well, I def won't be on the top of the list this week... Yucky weather quickly turns into not much movement. I did notice something this weekend. I'm VERY good about drinking water and eating regularly and properly at work, however, weekends are brutal! I still eat healthy, but forget about water consumption it's coffee…
last wed.. 156 today 152.5 :)
Man... losing weight is hard. I have the unfortunate pear shape body that runs in my family. It's not totally out of control (yet) but I'm still heavier then I want to be. BMI just on the verge of being overweight. I think I would be happy with my weight if it was proportionate. People look at me and say "You so don't have…
Hi All, I would also like to get in on the Crazy Canucks weigh in. :happy: See you wednesday!
HAhahahaha :drinker:
You're def not alone on this....