Crazy Canucks Weigh In May 27

Today's the day!!!:bigsmile: Good luck with the weigh in Canadians!!!:flowerforyou:

My weigh in: 148.6lbs:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
Looks like im back on track.

I was able to work out on the elliptical everyday for at least 30 minutes, and lowered my portion sizes. I start a new meal menu today and a different exercise routine so wish me luck. Tasha and I also recruited a friend to go with us to dance class tonight, so it should be fun!!! I'm excited!!!:happy: :happy:

Hope everyone does well!!:flowerforyou:


  • TheJackyl
    TheJackyl Posts: 88
    215.6 this morning, down 4.4 lbs since Friday.

    Adding an extra 3 days of cardio to my routine has really made the difference.
  • freezeframe
    freezeframe Posts: 184
    Ok, I just found this website on Monday, but I am from Canada as well, so can I start my weigh in next Wednesday??
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Good Morning My Fellow Canucks!

    Well I am joining you today for my first weigh in with you guys and its SO exciting!

    Last wed: 188.4
    Today: 187.8

    I am retaining today had about 3300 mg of sodium yesterday! Today is water and lemon to get it out of me!

    I am doing Beachbody's Slim In 6 Program which I just started last monday. I also do Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred and bike ride.

    Since starting week 2 of Slim In 6 I have been so pooped that I havent been doing any other workouts.

    Well good luck everyone and happy to be here with you all! :flowerforyou:

    PS Jay I drink 12 glasses of water per day!:drinker:
  • TashaS
    TashaS Posts: 199 Member
    Morning Everyone!

    I was nervous to step on the scale this morning, as my good ole friend Aunt Flo is here for a visit; but she hasn't done too much damage. Today I'm 222.2lbs - so I'm down 2.7lbs from last week (I'm so happy I was able to loose the weight I had gained the week before).

    For me my new challenge is to drink my 8 glasses of water a day. I was doing so well with it before, but since some changes at work I've only been getting about 3-4 glasses :grumble: My fix... I nice big water bottle that holds 6 glasses worth of water!! I will get all 8 glasses!!
    Tasha and I also recruited a friend to go with us to dance class tonight, so it should be fun!!! I'm excited!!!:happy: :happy:

    YEAH!! So excited that Krystle is coming with us! Jay, I'll pick you up about 6:30ish again today. It'll probably be pretty close to 6:30 this time or a bit after, I have to take my bridesmaid dress in for alterations today.

    Congrats to everyone! Looks like we all have had a good week so far! :bigsmile:
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hello everyone,

    211.5 last tuesday.
    210 today.

    I did some badness on saturday with quite a few beers. Really felt it the next 2 days. Never noticed it like that before.

    Today I let Tony kick my butt in P90 Cardio 3/4. 750 Calories burned.
  • mxburke
    mxburke Posts: 226 Member
    Weight last wednesday: 164 lbs
    Weight today: 164 lbs

    So no change for me... unfortunately:grumble: But thats okay, i think it might take another week to show up on that scale cause i have done alot of weight lifting along with my cardio....and also aunt flo is here for me aswell.....I also think its taking me a while to get used to eating healthy, did go over my calories a few times......but im going to try harder this week.....still glad that I maintained the 1 lb that I lost last week! Good luck everyone!
  • Cyndi1
    Cyndi1 Posts: 484 Member
    weigh in 164.4 for this week- just a small lost. Good luck all!

    Go Canada Go!

  • shagybear33
    shagybear33 Posts: 272
    Mornin all!!

    Great job everyone!!

    Last week's weight: 173.5
    Today's weight: 171

    I've been takin it easy on the bad carbs for the past few days and have increased my cardio over the last week.

    Hoping this will help!!

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    Good Afternoon!!

    Weighing in at 110.4 i know i'm down a bit from last week!!

    Good Luck Everyone and welcome to all the Newbies!!
  • Lotus42
    Lotus42 Posts: 13
    last wed.. 156
    today 152.5 :)
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Wow!! everyone did awesome this week. Great Job!!!

    See you at 6:30 Tasha!:bigsmile:
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Ok, I just found this website on Monday, but I am from Canada as well, so can I start my weigh in next Wednesday??

    Sure you can start next wednesday if you'd like. Welcome!:flowerforyou:
  • mxburke
    mxburke Posts: 226 Member
    Hey guys, i know this question has been posted over and over on mfp, but how does this whole eating exercise calories really work? cause i usually eat most of them, but then i feel as if nothing is happening, like i havent lost anything since last week, and ive been working my @ss off at the gym burning atleast 500 calories a day, but then i end up eating those calories, and a few days I went a little wee bit over I dunno, what do you guys suggest? What has worked for you guys?
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Here is a post tons of ppl on here use to help you realize why you need to eat them. Hope it helps
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hey guys, i know this question has been posted over and over on mfp, but how does this whole eating exercise calories really work? cause i usually eat most of them, but then i feel as if nothing is happening, like i havent lost anything since last week, and ive been working my @ss off at the gym burning atleast 500 calories a day, but then i end up eating those calories, and a few days I went a little wee bit over I dunno, what do you guys suggest? What has worked for you guys?

    From what I've been reading, there's a few opinions.

    I thought like many, eating those extra calories was weird, you work extra hard only to eat more.
    Reason being, your body still needs that minimum calorie count to function daily. When you work out, it's burning calories giving you a deficit.
    I found out 1-2 days where I didn't eat my exercise calories, that my stomach was grumbling by the end of the day.
    So I started eating my calories, but like you felt like this wasn't working as well.. I also had my daily lifestyle wrong, so I changed my "lifestyle" to the lowest, since I sit at a computer most of the day, which reduced my daily calories.

    So my basic is around 1300 calories(2300-1000) I'm aiming for 2lbs a week so weekly deficit of 1000/day X 7.
    I exercise 6 days, and if I burn 300 calories or 700 calories, I know I need to eat some extra food. Depending on how i'm feeling and my body's feeling, how much of those extra calories I eat. Some people have the same opinion (don't eat them all)

    Eating over one day, don't worry that much about it.
    If I ate 2000 calories one day, but I exercised and I still burned 400-500 calories, I would have taken in 1500-1600 calories.(Still a deficit compared to 2300 calories) .

    You said you feel like nothing is happening, and you haven't lost anything since last week.

    #1. Don't worry about lbs lost on the scale. Weight will come off.
    #2. Take measurements, people lose inches before they lose lbs.
    #3. Read #1

    I just started in April myself, but hope some of this helps.

  • arthkicker
    arthkicker Posts: 209 Member
    Hey there Freeze..can you just give me a starting weight for this week so I have something to put in the spreadsheet for next weeks weight loss..:happy:

    Wow, welcome everyone !!! I will get everyone inputed into my little spread sheet so we can determine our biggest loser for the week. Looks like everyone did awesome.
    My weigh is was good, I lost the 4lbs I put on last week so I'm happy with that. :happy:

    Check back tomorrow to find out who our biggest loser is !!!
  • chosen
    chosen Posts: 31
    :smile: :smile: :smile: starting weight 212
    weight today is 211.4

    Sorry for being late but my hours at work yesterday were crazy then by the time i got home made supper for the kids, cleaned up. It just seems like i never have enough time but anyway I am off today so i can get some stuff done!! Hope everyone has a great week!!

  • mxburke
    mxburke Posts: 226 Member
    Hey guys, i know this question has been posted over and over on mfp, but how does this whole eating exercise calories really work? cause i usually eat most of them, but then i feel as if nothing is happening, like i havent lost anything since last week, and ive been working my @ss off at the gym burning atleast 500 calories a day, but then i end up eating those calories, and a few days I went a little wee bit over I dunno, what do you guys suggest? What has worked for you guys?

    From what I've been reading, there's a few opinions.

    I thought like many, eating those extra calories was weird, you work extra hard only to eat more.
    Reason being, your body still needs that minimum calorie count to function daily. When you work out, it's burning calories giving you a deficit.
    I found out 1-2 days where I didn't eat my exercise calories, that my stomach was grumbling by the end of the day.
    So I started eating my calories, but like you felt like this wasn't working as well.. I also had my daily lifestyle wrong, so I changed my "lifestyle" to the lowest, since I sit at a computer most of the day, which reduced my daily calories.

    So my basic is around 1300 calories(2300-1000) I'm aiming for 2lbs a week so weekly deficit of 1000/day X 7.
    I exercise 6 days, and if I burn 300 calories or 700 calories, I know I need to eat some extra food. Depending on how i'm feeling and my body's feeling, how much of those extra calories I eat. Some people have the same opinion (don't eat them all)

    Eating over one day, don't worry that much about it.
    If I ate 2000 calories one day, but I exercised and I still burned 400-500 calories, I would have taken in 1500-1600 calories.(Still a deficit compared to 2300 calories) .

    You said you feel like nothing is happening, and you haven't lost anything since last week.

    #1. Don't worry about lbs lost on the scale. Weight will come off.
    #2. Take measurements, people lose inches before they lose lbs.
    #3. Read #1

    I just started in April myself, but hope some of this helps.


    Thanks alot for the help, this seems to clarify a little bit, and I also checked out that one thread and read it and it definitely makes sense. Thanks guys!
  • nhodgson
    nhodgson Posts: 9
    Good Morning All!

    Wondering if I can join your group? I'm new around here and need all the motivation and support I can get!

  • mxburke
    mxburke Posts: 226 Member
    You can definitely join our group, now we weigh in on Wednesdays so you can just post your start weight for this week and then start next week with the weigh ins, which will be a new thread titled Crazy Canucks Weigh In June 3rd. We start a new thread every week, and are always welcome to more new Canadian members!!!!!!! Good Luck!