Crazy Canucks weigh in



  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    My WI this morning was 236 even:) I started in later January at 267-ish so I'm happy with my progress. This month, with the exception of three days, I've walk at least 30 minutes but most day 60 minutes:)

    Sorry I'm really late with this WI:) just found the thread

    Great weight loss so far terraskye!!!:happy: Keep up your walking, you are doing awesome!!
  • healthymom2009
    Welcome to all the new members. I'm from Regina, SK. See ya Wednesday.
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member

    New members!! YAY!!! WELCOME ALL AND GOOD LUCK!!

    Thanks JAY83 on the pic compliment, that was taken when we went to GWL at the end of April/beginning of May if you recall me talking about it. That is my little guy in the pic with me, he just turned 1 on April 13th.
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    "2b125by45: Just found the thread for the Canadians. I'm in Ontario near London happy to join you all. Today is the first day of the rest of my life. "

    I live in London Ontario :happy:
    Originally from Windsor Ontario :happy:

    Starting weight 312
    Current weight 295.4
    Goal Weight 140
  • SillySkittles
    SillySkittles Posts: 202 Member
    Just joined last week! Helloooo everyone!

    From Waterloo, ON!

    Starting weight was 174 two weeks ago and this morning it is 271!
  • mxburke
    mxburke Posts: 226 Member
    Feeling pretty crappy today, yesterday was not good what so ever eating wise. Firstly I got called in for a night shift so I tried my best not to eat too much last night, but its hard to stay awake, and then this morning, before I even got all my sleep in, my bf's parents came to visit so we ended up going out to eat for Chinese buffet.....omg, way too deliscious, but way terrible for me.....and then i had a three hour nap when we came home, which couldn't of been healthy....either way, Im just going to forget about it for today....but I do admit that I need to stay away from eating out, cause the calories are way too insane!

    On another note, I am from Espanola, Ontario, its a little town near Sudbury, ON.....I am living in Sudbury right now, i just finished my third year of nursing at laurentian university, and overall i just wanna lose 45 lbs in approximately 6 months. Just looking for motivation and support and so far, this site is helping alot!

    Oh and by the way, i posted another topic trying to recruit more canadians!
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Welcome Falcon and SillySkittles!!:happy:

    Mxburke, just remember portion control when you are eating out. And dont beat yourself up about it either, today is a new day.:flowerforyou: Remember to drink your 8 glasses of water :drinker: today and push yourself a little harder in your next workout. Good luck!!:happy:
  • RebekahDelia
    My first weigh in: 121.6

    Any walking clubs in Burnaby Heights area (BC) ?

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Lotus42
    Lotus42 Posts: 13
    Hi All,

    I would also like to get in on the Crazy Canucks weigh in. :happy:

    See you wednesday!
  • mxburke
    mxburke Posts: 226 Member
    Got my 8 cups of water in today~!~
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member

    More new team mates!!

    Good Luck Everyone and see you on Wednesday!
  • tazspastic
    tazspastic Posts: 62 Member
    Hey everybody... ive been on this site for about 6 months now... not only have i not lost anything, but i have quit smoking and packed on an additional 10lbs! WTF is THAT??? So, I figured instead of just standing back and watching everybody else post and actually make some progress I should get out there, say hi and hold myself accountable for my sugar binges! :explode:

    Soooo! Hey everybody, here's my stats....

    Starting Weight (as of today) 145 lbs :cry:
    Goal Weight (ASAP) 115 lbs yaya! :drinker:

    Wish me luck, I HAVE to lose this weight because i am down to 2 pairs of work pants that i can actually get into (i wouldnt go so far as to say they FIT tho!) and cant affort to buy bigger ones!
  • Krystled
    Krystled Posts: 58
    see you tomorrow
  • chosen
    chosen Posts: 31
    :smile: :smile: hello everyone I am so glad to have found fellow canadians. I am a mother of two teenage boys 13 and 14 and I live in northern ontario (north bay). My starting weight is 212lbs, and I am so happy to be sharing this weight loss journey with other people who know how tough it can be sometimes to lose weight.

  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Another new canadian that would like to join.

    I'm from Just outside toronto, ontario.

    I joined last week of April. What weights do we give?
    Current (last week) and lbs lost per week?
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    WOW!!:noway: I am soooooo happy that there are so many new Canadians joining our team!!!:happy: Welcome to you all!!:flowerforyou:

    Remember Weigh In is TOMORROW!!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Just thought I would give an extra PUSH for your last minute workout for a GREAT weigh in tomorrow!!!
    So DO IT!!! Go and get a work out in. Push yourself a little harder and remember to drink your water!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Reminder: There will be a separate thread started tomorrow morning for everyone to check in. Give your starting weight as well as your weigh in. (your starting weight could possibly be your weight from last week, if you know it) It is easier for Jomickey to calculate the results when all the weigh ins are in one thread. so if you have checked in here, its ok, just resubmit your info on the new thread tomorrow. It should be titled "Crazy Canucks Weigh In: May 27". fyi, there is a new thread for each weigh in.

    See you all tomorrow and GOOD LUCK!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Lotus42
    Lotus42 Posts: 13
    Man... losing weight is hard. I have the unfortunate pear shape body that runs in my family. It's not totally out of control (yet) but I'm still heavier then I want to be. BMI just on the verge of being overweight. I think I would be happy with my weight if it was proportionate. People look at me and say "You so don't have to diet" (I know boohoo right?!). However, I was always smaller (before children) and can't except this new body.

    Since I joined this site (in April), I've only lost 2 pds, but have gone down a pant size. WOOHOO! I also quit smoking two weeks ago.. which usually comes with weight gain, so am trying not to be discouraged. I have also traded in my 6-10 double doubles(daily), for 3 black coffees. I swear that's why I lost a pant size, cause I've been a mostly healthy eater for a long time ( more portion size and time of day problems)

    Anyhoo... weigh in tomorrow, hoping for another pd!
  • mxburke
    mxburke Posts: 226 Member
    I am also so excited to be part of a Canadian team! got about 11 cups of water today! so did really well there, but unfortunately had some mashed potatoes for supper which really screwed me over for calories, went to the gym and gave it my all, but still managed to go over in calories cause of the potatoes, but oh well, tommorow is a new week! Good luck everyone!
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    I have created the new thread for today's weighin titled "Crazy Canucks weigh in May 27".
    Good Luck everyone!!:bigsmile:
  • arthkicker
    arthkicker Posts: 209 Member
    Holy I guess I have some work to do..lmao

    thanks Jay we needed to expand our team, great recuiting job !! :flowerforyou:

    I will post a new list of new members on this weeks weigh in so please if I forget someone speak up..:smile:

    Going to check this weeks weigh ins...and will hopefully get results and updated team list posted tomorrow !!!!

    Good Luck everyone !!