Crazy Canucks weigh in

Cyndi1 Posts: 484 Member
Good Morning All,

I am weigh in at 165 this week- 1 pound lost. Good luck all!

Go Canada Go!!!!

Have a great week


  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    Good Morning!!!

    My weight today 111.2, not sure what i was last time i weighed in. Hoping to get to my goal weight by my Birthday!! Wish me luck!! I'm almost there!!

  • TashaS
    TashaS Posts: 199 Member
    Morning Everyone!

    Well today I stepped on that scale, dreading it for the first time in months... and I'm up 1.8lbs :sad:

    No excuses, that's what I get after a week of not eating the best and hardly any exercise. :explode:
    But our company is gone now... so it's right back on the straight and narrow for me!

    We bought new bikes yesterday, so hopefully it'll warm up enough that we get to go out and use them this week.

    Good luck everyone!
  • arthkicker
    arthkicker Posts: 209 Member
    Morning Everyone!

    Well today I stepped on that scale, dreading it for the first time in months... and I'm up 1.8lbs :sad:

    No excuses, that's what I get after a week of not eating the best and hardly any exercise. :explode:
    But our company is gone now... so it's right back on the straight and narrow for me!

    We bought new bikes yesterday, so hopefully it'll warm up enough that we get to go out and use them this week.

    Good luck everyone!

    We just bought bikes a couple of weeks ago too and we love them. I recommend you go to Canadain Tire and buy a good gel seat before you go I had the gel cover and it totally didn't help, the seat is great !!!

    Apparently I didn't ride my bike this weekend ... all my excitement of breaking the 220 mark last week is gone this week. I just get so mad at myself, it takes forever to get to a certain point and only a day to wreck it..grrrrrrr !!!

    Good Luck to everyone !!!!

    Cyndi thanks for starting the thread ! I just have one tiny favor :blushing: could you add the date into the title of canucks weigh in..thanks so much !!! :happy:
  • Cyndi1
    Cyndi1 Posts: 484 Member
    Sure- sorry i guess that would help.
  • healthymom2009
    As of this morning, I am 183 lbs. That's 25 lbs lost!
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Weigh in: 151 lbs
    Just got back from going to a tone/stretch class and a hiphop class with Tasha. Had a great time!!!
    I was able to go for a bike ride this past weekend when we went camping as well as plan a few healthy meals for the trip. I also bought one of Jill's books (from the BL) and am enjoying it a lot. It was a great week for self challenges, not so much for weight loss.:ohwell:
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Where is everyone??:noway:
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    Where is everyone??:noway:

    I agree!!

    Where the heck is everyone?????????

    i know i forgot to post my hubby's weigh in, but where is everyone else??
  • arthkicker
    arthkicker Posts: 209 Member
    wooohooo Cyndi, you are the biggest loser for this week's weight loss !!!
    Keep it up !!!

    Cyndi1 -2.4 lbs 1.43%
    Momto5-1.2 lbs 1.07%
    Healthymom2009 -4..0 lbs 2.14% (2 week weight loss wtg !!)
    Jay 83 (0.8) lbs (0.53)%
    Jomickey lbs % checkin 
    Tashas (1.8)lbs (0.95)%

    We appear to be losing our team mates :cry:

    Good Luck this coming week everyone !!!!
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    I am going to try to recruit more Canadians. Wish me luck!:happy:
  • mxburke
    mxburke Posts: 226 Member
    Hey, I saw your thread about getting more members, im definitely in, i'm from Ontario, Canada, I recently joined the site last week, my starting weight was 165 lbs and today I weighed myself at 164, so a 1 lb loss....which is pretty good to begin.....anyways this sounds fun, maybe we can do some weekly challenges, like getting your daily fruits in for the week, or challenging to make sure we get enough water stuff like that.....or doing so many push ups per night for another challenge....anyhow, it might be fun....keep up the good work everyone!

    Oh, and mom_to_5 how did you get that BMI ticker? I want one!
  • TheJackyl
    TheJackyl Posts: 88
    You can add me. I won't be ever winning the biggest loser of the week though. Idealy I want to maitain my current weight by rebuilding my current muscle mass and cutting off the fat. Of course fat burns faster than muscle builds so I've changed my goal to get down to 210 which should take most the excess off and then I can concentrate on muscle growth.

    Starting Weight: 225
    Current Weight: 220
    Goal eight: 210
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Welcome new members!!:flowerforyou:

    Remember to get your eight glasses of water in a day!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    See you all on Wednesday for weigh in!:happy:

    I have decided that my "something new" this week is to make sure i get on that elliptical every day for at least 30 minutes. i have been slacking and i can tell with my weigh ins. I have to cut my portion sizes down as well. not all of us can eat as much as our high metabolismed husbands. lol:laugh: :laugh:
  • shagybear33
    shagybear33 Posts: 272
    I'm from Northern BC. Can I join your group please?

    Thanks!! :smile:
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    I'm from Northern BC. Can I join your group please?

    Thanks!! :smile:

    Yup!! You sure can join the team!!:happy: Welcome!
    Wednesday is weigh in day, there will be a new thread posted that day as " Crazy Canucks Weigh In May 27".
    You can post your starting weight there. Good Luck!!:flowerforyou:
  • 2b125by45
    2b125by45 Posts: 10
    Just found the thread for the Canadians. I'm in Ontario near London happy to join you all. Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

  • beyondchowhound
    beyondchowhound Posts: 2,102 Member
    Ok I'm crazy and I am a Canuck so can I join also?
    I seem to go back and forth between losing 8-10 pounds and I would love to be able to lose more than 10, real soon. This has been going on for a few weeks. Company doesn't help. Maybe if I am on your "team" I can be more diligent.

    Starting weight 161
    Current weight 152.5
    Goal weight 135

    Oh and I am from Nelson, BC
  • shagybear33
    shagybear33 Posts: 272

    Thanks bunches!!
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Great to have you here mxburke, TheJackyl, shagybear33, chowhound and 2b125by45!!:happy:

    If you are lookin for a fresh start, this is the place to be!!! Good Luck in your weight loss journey with us!!:flowerforyou:

    Tasha and Mom_to_5 !!! Your new pictures are great!!! Great Job Girls!!:happy: :happy:
  • terraskye
    terraskye Posts: 370 Member
    My WI this morning was 236 even:) I started in later January at 267-ish so I'm happy with my progress. This month, with the exception of three days, I've walk at least 30 minutes but most day 60 minutes:)

    Sorry I'm really late with this WI:) just found the thread