Crazy Canucks Weigh In June 10

Morning everyone, it's that day again. Here's to seeing a good week.

Last week: 215.4
This week: 212.6

I didn't get it into high gear as much as I'd have liked this week but can't argue with the results so I'll take it. :bigsmile:


  • freezeframe
    freezeframe Posts: 184
    Ok so since I have joined MFP I am very happy. I started at 203 on May 25 and as of this morning I am 197.2!!! Yay. Which puts me at 41 lost and only 38 to go. I am over 1/2 way now!!! I am a very happy Canuck.

    Last week 199.4
    Today 197.2

    Good luck everyone
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Weigh In: 146.4 lbs.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I'm SUPER happy with that!!!!!

    I did work my butt off yesturday, did level 1 and 2 ( one right after the other) of the 30 day shred. it kicked my butt but I felt great after!!!:happy: :happy:

    Good Luck Canadians!! Hope everyone did well this week!!:flowerforyou: :happy:
  • TashaS
    TashaS Posts: 199 Member
    Morning my fellow Canucks!

    Happy to report a 1.4lbs loss this week! I was really lucky considering I didn't get in as much exercise as I would've liked; but some is better than none I guess. :wink:

    Last Week: 220.5
    This Week: 219.1

    Hope everyone else had a good week! :flowerforyou:
  • arthkicker
    arthkicker Posts: 209 Member
    Good Morning Everyone !!! Having a bigger team has apparently brought out the competitveness
    in all of Great Job everyone !!! Can't wait to post results !!! :smile:

    I'm at 215.8 which is a 2.2 lb loss...woohooo I am very excited with that.....:flowerforyou:

    Good Luck everyone !!!
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    Morning EVeryone!!

    Seems everyone is doing good so far.

    I'm not weighing in this week, bad TOM so i will weigh in next week again.

    Good Luck to everyone!!!
  • Cyndi1
    Cyndi1 Posts: 484 Member
    weigh in no change for me 164.4. I am on that plateau again-goodie. Good luck everyone.

    Go Canada Go!
  • WantToBeMoreActive
    I all, I've been AWOL for a few weeks from MFP. A friend came for a 2 week visit and I fell off the bandwagon...OUCH, it hurt. :sad: So I'm accepting my 3 lb again (156 lbs now) and moving on...and looking forward to the scale moving down. :laugh:

    I am verrrrrry happy to say that unlike the old me who would have given up & continued to eat, drink & be merry...I've finally wrapped my head around getting back on track. Actually, I think if it wasn't for MFP, I probably would have thrown in the towel!

    So I'm exercising again (yeah), eathing healthy (yeah) and staying away from alcohol because it just makes me eat things that are bad for me.

    It's great to see all the new members here since I last check in.

  • Lotus42
    Lotus42 Posts: 13
    last week 155.5 < weighed at night instead of my usual morning so I only count this as .5pd loss
    this week 152
  • TashaS
    TashaS Posts: 199 Member
    Weigh In: 146.4 lbs.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I'm SUPER happy with that!!!!!

    I did work my butt off yesturday, did level 1 and 2 ( one right after the other) of the 30 day shred. it kicked my butt but I felt great after!!!:happy: :happy:

    OMG Jay!!! You only have 0.6lbs to loose to hit your goal!!! WTG!!! :bigsmile:
  • stephica
    stephica Posts: 164 Member
    Ohhhhh everyone is doing GREAT! Whoo Hoo.

    Last week - 161.5
    Weight in today - 159.0
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Weigh In: 146.4 lbs.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I'm SUPER happy with that!!!!!

    I did work my butt off yesturday, did level 1 and 2 ( one right after the other) of the 30 day shred. it kicked my butt but I felt great after!!!:happy: :happy:

    OMG Jay!!! You only have 0.6lbs to loose to hit your goal!!! WTG!!! :bigsmile:

    :happy: no man i still got 1.4 lbs. you got me a little excited there.:laugh: :laugh:

    I just changed my goal too, just so you don`t think you`re losin it.:laugh:
  • healthymom2009
    Sorry to report no change for me (180 lbs). Trying to stay on track and get more exercise this week.:grumble:

    Congrats to all who lost!!!:glasses:
  • chosen
    chosen Posts: 31
    :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: finally yeah!!!!

    todays weight 209.0

    good luck everyone with the week to come

  • mxburke
    mxburke Posts: 226 Member
    Sorry to report that I have not lost anything either, I am still at 161.6 lbs. Probably the lack of exercise and the bad eating at my mom's this week. But next week will be better!
  • mxburke
    mxburke Posts: 226 Member
    So I was thinking alot today, and I find that I'm having a hard time with this weight loss. I've been doing excellent working out everyday and burning 500+ calories per day, but it doesnt seem like my eating habits have been improving, which has put me on a plateau for this week.....I know part of my problem, staying away from the "junk food" but when i do stay away from this, i still manage to eat over my calories......if anyone maybe wants to share their typical meal plans that have really worked, that would really help, i just have trouble planning out an equal day of meals.....
  • arthkicker
    arthkicker Posts: 209 Member
    Great Job Team...congrats to Stephica for being the biggest loser this week !!! WTG !!!

    Stephica -2.5 lbs 1.55%
    Chosen -2.8lbs 1.32 %
    Thejackyl -2.8lbs 1.30%
    Freezeframe -2.2 lbs 1.10%
    Jay 83 -1.6 lbs 1.08%
    Jomickey -2.2 lbs 1.01%
    Tashas -1.4lbs 0.63%
    TammyWall -1.0lbs 0.60%
    Cyndi1 -0.6 lbs 0.36%
    lotus42 -0.5lbs 0.33%
    Healthymom2009 -3.0 lbs1.64% (2 week weight loss wtg !!)
    Mxburke 0 lbs 0%
    Momto5 checking in !!!
    Wanttobemoreactive(3.0lbs) (1.96%) Welcome back !!!

    Have a great week everyone !!! Drink your water !!!!
  • Lotus42
    Lotus42 Posts: 13
    So I was thinking alot today, and I find that I'm having a hard time with this weight loss. I've been doing excellent working out everyday and burning 500+ calories per day, but it doesnt seem like my eating habits have been improving, which has put me on a plateau for this week.....I know part of my problem, staying away from the "junk food" but when i do stay away from this, i still manage to eat over my calories......if anyone maybe wants to share their typical meal plans that have really worked, that would really help, i just have trouble planning out an equal day of meals.....

    The best way to avoid going over your calories is to plan your meals ahead. That way you can adjust the calories here and there if there's something you can stand to be without. Ex) leave out the meat or cheese from a dish, or skip the juice and have water instead. It's when we're already hungry that we make bad food choices. It's tough though, this site is telling me to meet my goals I can only have 1200 calories a day (without exercise)... its tough not to go over that with just breakfast and lunch.

    I also have a snack drawer at work that has things like almonds, granola bars, green tea, pita bread, whole wheat crackers etc... and I keep hummus and yogurt in the fridge.
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Wow!! Awesome Job everyone!!!!:bigsmile: Keep workin hard!

    I encourage everyone to get out this weekend, whether you are going out to the lake or stayin home, get out and go for walks, bike rides, rollarblading, swimming . . . anything to get you outside in this beautiful weather!!!:love: but remember to get lots of water with being outside, we dont need anyone gettin overheated.

    Challenge this week . . . I was thinking crunches. At the stretch and tone class that Tasha and I go to sometimes, we do crunches for an entire song. Sooooo my challenge to everyone is to do crunches for an entire song everyday, or every other day. Good Luck Canadians!:happy:

    mxburke, if you are having problems with eating junk food, don`t buy it. if it`s not in your house, you won`t eat it. buy healthy snacks instead. i have almonds and fruit sitting out. so everytime I get a craving, I grab a healthier choice. I also have cheesestrings and small yogurts available in the fridge for me to grab. I follow the Making the cut menu. So for breakfast today I had a cup of low fat cottage cheese with half teaspoon of splenda and half teaspoon of cinnamen. and a piece of Whole Grain toast. for dinner i`ll have Broccoli, Turkey and Cheese Wrap, snack ill have half an apple and a tablespoon of natural peanut butter. Supper ill have Chicken soft tacos with sauteed onions and apples. It doesnt exactly follow the menu for the day, but I mix and match with what i actually have in the house.

    Two exciting things happened the other day that I would like to share with everyone. When my husband and I went grocery shopping, I was picking up some asparagus while my husband meanderd towards the monster cookies(as usual). He put the cookies down and said that it wasnt even worth it. lol:laugh: This man has the highest metabolism ever and he put down the cookies after looking at the fat content. Looks like I`ve taught him well. :laugh:
    The second thing that happened was that I was trying on clothes that had been at the bottom of my pants drawer for a long time. I had tried on a pair of jeans that I wore in grade 12, and they fit . . . then I tried on a pair of board shorts that I had taken on the honeymoon that were quite tight on me, and they also fit (a little loose actually) and then I tried on a pair of boardshorts that I have owned for awhile. I think I bought them in 2005. They literally fell down when I did up the tie.:laugh: :laugh: I couldnt believe it!!! So when my husband came home, I told him about everything that had happened, so he said well here try my shorts on. Let me remind you that he is very skinny, hardly any fat on this guy, I think the scale said 8% body fat. I put the shorts on. ya they fit. :laugh: Seriously, they fit.:noway:
    It was that moment that I was the most thankful for joining this forum. This place has changed my life, as well as my husbands.:laugh: :laugh:

    Thanks for listening guys!!
    Have a great weekend!!:flowerforyou: :happy:
  • WantToBeMoreActive
    Way to go Jay_83!!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile:

    I love to hear about people's successes, especially when they're on our team. :happy:
  • freezeframe
    freezeframe Posts: 184
    Awesome Job Jay, you must feel amazing!!!