Crazy Canucks Weigh In June 10



  • arthkicker
    arthkicker Posts: 209 Member
    Great job everyone !!! WTG Jay !! I know that's my favorite part is putting on clothes that haven't fit for awhile, it helps keep us track to see the changes. :flowerforyou:

    So I go to walmart looking for Jillian's 30 day shred (oops I mean I sent and he couldn't find it, he did come home with a jillian michaels dvd but not the 30 day shred :sad:

    I did find it on u-tube but I seriously hate watching it on my little laptop screen, feel kinda like a dork exercising to my
  • WantToBeMoreActive
    With all the hype on MFP about the 30 day shred I wanted to try it out.

    I'm in England and when my friend came to visit a few weeks ago from Canada I asked her to bring me a copy. Maybe it's because she's in Quebec but she couldn't find it :sad:

    Who knew I could at least see what it was all about on you tube. :laugh:
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Thanks everyone!!:happy: Feels Great.

    My husband downloaded the dvd of 30 day shred for me(dont tell anyone) but my friend has been searching for it and finally found it yesturday. I'll have to ask her where.
  • mxburke
    mxburke Posts: 226 Member
    Hey everyone, i had a question, that im sure has been talked about on MFP quite a few times, but i wanted to ask you guys about excess skin, I have a good 40 more pounds to lose, which is a total of 60 lbs weight loss. Most of my weigh is in my stomach area, and im worried that once all my weight comes off, that my stomach will still look terrible and "saggy" and wont ever look firm......anyone have any tips or any experiences of their own with regards to skin and weight loss???
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    Way to go everyone!!!

    Way to go Jay!!

    I had a great day yesterday shopping!!

    Ok, so hubby and i go shopping yesterday and we go to Garage, i'm trying stuff on and everything i bought is either a 1 or a 14 yo daughter wears a 0!!!!!! She is so NOT wearing any of my new clothes!!! I forgot to mention, that all my new summer clothes i bought last year were falling off of me when i tried them on the other day,, that is why we went shopping! :happy: What sucked though is I had a pair of Abercrombie & Fitch shorts that i only wore a couple times and they are way too b ig now!! What a waste of money that was!! Oh well i'm almost skinny again which is a WAY better feeling !!!
  • WantToBeMoreActive
    Congrats Mom_To_5 :bigsmile: You are doing AWESOME :happy:
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    Congrats Mom_To_5 :bigsmile: You are doing AWESOME :happy:


    I kinda went over on the weekend though as we went out for dinner(The Keg) after shopping to celebrate our anniversary and then yesterday went to a bridal shower and couldn't help myself on some of the food, tried to eat mainly the fruit and veggies but they had these mini cheesecakes i just coudn't pass up.:bigsmile: Oh, well back at it today!!
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Hey Canadians!!!

    Hope everyone had a great weekend . . . . but now its the beginning of the week . . . couple days away from our next weigh in, so I just wanted to see how everyone is doing?
    Stay focussed, eat good food, exercise your butt off, drink your water and have FUN!!!:bigsmile:

    I moved to level three of 30 day shred, ya it kicked my butt . . . i think im going to move back to level two.:laugh: i better get at it.

    Keep truckin Canucks!!:flowerforyou: :happy:
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    I'm a new canuck on the board, can I join you guys?
    I'm in the GTA, Started in at 222, right now I'm at 212, my final goal is 155 but my mini goal is 202 by my vacaton on July 2nd!
  • WantToBeMoreActive
    Of course you can join us Daisy_May :bigsmile:

    Well done on your progress so far.

    Look for a new thread on Wednesday that will say something like Crazy Canuks & give the date. Wednesday is our weigh-in day but if you weigh in on another day just say on Wednesday (if you like) how you this for the week.

    Jay_83 I finished day 2 of the 30 day shred. I'm a bit sore today, yesterday wasn't too bad except for the lateral lunges with the arm raises. OUCH. I think I need something heavier to lift though. I usual use cans but they are a bit light now after a few months of using them in oter workouts.
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Jay_83 I finished day 2 of the 30 day shred. I'm a bit sore today, yesterday wasn't too bad except for the lateral lunges with the arm raises. OUCH. I think I need something heavier to lift though. I usual use cans but they are a bit light now after a few months of using them in oter workouts.

    You can always look for used hand weights at garage sales (its that time of year:laugh: ) and on kijiji. usually you can get them pretty cheap and someone just wants to get rid of them.
    i give you credit for starting 30 day shred. it's rough, but its soooooo worth it!!! you'll be laughin in no time when level one seems like a breeze.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: Good Luck!!!

    Welcome Daisy_May!!!:flowerforyou: Glad to have more Canucks!!
  • mxburke
    mxburke Posts: 226 Member
    Hey everyone, i had a question, that im sure has been talked about on MFP quite a few times, but i wanted to ask you guys about excess skin, I have a good 40 more pounds to lose, which is a total of 60 lbs weight loss. Most of my weigh is in my stomach area, and im worried that once all my weight comes off, that my stomach will still look terrible and "saggy" and wont ever look firm......anyone have any tips or any experiences of their own with regards to skin and weight loss???
  • WantToBeMoreActive
    mxburke I have no answers for you ...sorry

    I did see a thread about that on here a couple of months back. There is a way to do a search on here so you should be able to find it. It was a good one too because people who had lost a significant amount of weight were talking about their experiences.
  • stephica
    stephica Posts: 164 Member
    Hey everyone, i had a question, that im sure has been talked about on MFP quite a few times, but i wanted to ask you guys about excess skin, I have a good 40 more pounds to lose, which is a total of 60 lbs weight loss. Most of my weigh is in my stomach area, and im worried that once all my weight comes off, that my stomach will still look terrible and "saggy" and wont ever look firm......anyone have any tips or any experiences of their own with regards to skin and weight loss???

    Hummm, I have heard if you walk on the treadmill with it on a incline it could help, but I'm really not too sure! Sorry I'm not much more of a help.
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Good Luck for weigh in tomorrow everyone!!!:happy: :flowerforyou: