long water question

I did search the forums (first two page results), did not find the complete answer I was looking for so here goes..

I am not a big fan of water, but I make myself drink it daily. I have a container that holds up to 4qts of water. I usually fill it with filtered tap from home and take it to work . Within my (12 hour) work shift or less I will finish it off. My job does not require much physical activity. My problem is that I have to pee frequently. In fact sometimes it gets so annoying to the point, that I try to hold off as long I can before I have to go. Does anyone else have to run to the bathroom often, when you are drinking water constantly. Also it seems like I no more drink a bunch and my bladder feels like its filling up again. Water, it seems, goes right through me?

Today for example, I've been drinking my water off and on, I did drink a 20 ounce bottle of diet Dr. Pepper this morning and for lunch I had a pound of watermelon, yes, 16 ounces. Also other fruits. I am aware that pop is a diuretic and watermelon, well is mainly water. But not everyday do I have these items, I still pee often when drinking constant. I feel like it would be better to drink smaller amount of water, less trips to the bathroom.

Also what makes a person mouth feel so dry (thirsty) right after consuming a glass. This sometimes happens to me, especially in the morning. I thought the idea of drinking water was to quench your thirst?

Any dietitians out there?

Thanks everyone!

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  • tig3rang3l
    tig3rang3l Posts: 270 Member
    Hey, I'm not a dietitian, but I thought I would weigh in anyway... Read the disclaimer at the bottom of the page :tongue:

    First, try cutting out the pop... caffeine and sodium tend to dry you out. Also, I find that herbal tea doesn't go through me quite as fast as water.

    Second, on the dry mouth... do you have diabetes? Have you been checked? That is generally a warning sign... if you have any other symptoms, check in with your doc.
  • Lotus42
    Lotus42 Posts: 13
    You're def not alone on this....
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Not a dietician but it does get better over time as long as your consistent with it. I only have to leave the theater once during the movie these days, hehe.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    I think if you are drinking the right amount of water, you are suppose to pee every 2 hours.
  • stratdl
    stratdl Posts: 303 Member
    Hi Todd,

    Here's a post that has a really long explanation about water--I don't know if you saw that in your thread search or not, but I thought I'd let you know about it, anyway:


    In the article posted, it does mention that, after a while, the trips to the bathroom have a tendency to decrease in frequency. I have found that my trips have. What makes the frequency increase is when I have a "naughty" non-water drink (i.e., soda or coffee, etc.). :wink: So I generally try to stick with water as much as I can.

    As for the feeling of a dry mouth right after drinking a glass of water--I have that feeling, too. It may have something to do with your sodium intake. I'm not sure. It is a weird feeling, that's for sure! :tongue:

    I hope that this helps you out somewhat.

    Cheers, :drinker:
  • Pangus
    Pangus Posts: 24
    I too, am not a physician; but my mother was a diabetic and constant thirst is often a symptom. However, I discovered that when I only drink filtered water, I still feel thirsty at times. I switched to bottled mineral water and it actually began satisfying my thirst. I think sometimes we take too much out of the water. Luckily I am in an area now, that has wonderful drinking water, straight from the tap.
  • tech_sarah
    tech_sarah Posts: 91
    I also use the potty alot bc I drink so much. It doesnt really matter what Im drinking: coffee, water, tea, diet soda - it all goes through me the same.
    I also always carry some type of chapstick with me... in my purse, in my jacket at work, to the gym, on a run or bike ride... it will def help with the dry mouth feeling, thats why I carry it all the time.
    Have a good day!
  • toddf67
    toddf67 Posts: 22
    Thanks everyone for the quick post, thoughts and suggestions!

    You know, I really never thought about sodium intake and the thought of diabetes never crossed my mind. I drink so much water because I have read not only is it good for you but helps in the weight loss. So maybe the trips to the bathroom will decrease over time. I will say I do feel so much better since I began this diet. I am not so tired anymore!

    Thanks REDSOXGIRL13 for finding the post on "why water is so important". I shall read it.

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  • stef_e_b
    stef_e_b Posts: 593
    I was drinking a lot and my teachers would get bad at me because I would take a bathroom break every single class. I found that when I would drink diluted juice I didn't pee as often. I have no idea why this is.
  • azwildcatfan94
    azwildcatfan94 Posts: 314 Member
    some medications can also cause dry - mouth. With those, you tend to get used to it.
  • SillySkittles
    SillySkittles Posts: 202 Member
    You're definitely not alone! When I first started the whole health and nutrition way that I'm now on, I started with more water and it came to a point where my co-workers would jokingly tell me they were going to cut me off from going because I spent more time in the washroom than at my desk!

    I've been doing it for about two weeks now and have found that it's getting better and that I don't have to go as often. Except that when the weekend comes, I drink less because I'm usually around and not at my desk with the water in front of me, so when Monday comes, it kind of feels like I have to go a bunch of times again.

    It could also be the chemicals/minerals in water that makes you feel like you have a dry mouth.
    I just finished off a big glass of water and I've got that same feeling in my mouth, but then again, even though it FEELS like you're drinking a lot of water, to your body it may not really be all that much. Now that the weather is warmer and depending on the types of food you are eating, this may have an effect on what you're feeling...when I first started trying to drink more water, I was eating a lot of salty foods to make me want to drink water (as I usually HATE water!).
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I also had this problem.

    I started drinking water during the day at work, and had to slow down near the end of my day.
    Several days, I would have had to go pee before I leave work, on the way home (being a guys is so much easier :laugh: , and then again when I got home.

    I don't seem to have as much of a problem anymore, but I've also read, that we should sip the water, and not gulp/chug it down.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    My doctor told me to drink an 8 oz glass of water an hour.

    I said " Oh wow, will that flush out the fat?"

    "No " he said, " But it will get in an additional 1000 steps a day when you get up and go to the bathroom!"

  • Lotus42
    Lotus42 Posts: 13
    My doctor told me to drink an 8 oz glass of water an hour.

    I said " Oh wow, will that flush out the fat?"

    "No " he said, " But it will get in an additional 1000 steps a day when you get up and go to the bathroom!"


    HAhahahaha :drinker:
  • SillySkittles
    SillySkittles Posts: 202 Member
    My doctor told me to drink an 8 oz glass of water an hour.

    I said " Oh wow, will that flush out the fat?"

    "No " he said, " But it will get in an additional 1000 steps a day when you get up and go to the bathroom!"


    BWAHAHAHAAHA...so maybe there is no weight-loss benefits in actually drinking the water..it's all in the amount of steps you take in the multiple times you go to the bathroom!!! *LOL* J/K!
  • toddf67
    toddf67 Posts: 22
    arewethereyet...thats a good one!

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