

  • the weight loss also tapers off and then you can't lose any more. its too expensive for so little results. Was on it for a year, quit it in March and while experimenting what my 'tdee' was...i gained quite a bit. Hard lesson for me to learn, i went up past my starting weight on here...and now I have found what works for me…
  • my advice: don't take others advice. i did the tdee thing: gained weight. I did the whole restarting my metabolism: gained weight. i have my fitbit and love it..but while I enjoy my achieving 10000 steps a day, I focus more on the active minutes. After months of gaining weight on others advice, and getting shabby medical…
  • everything everyone has said is a myth to someone else. I spent so much time listening and taking advice from others, that I gained weight based on the advice. I stopped...got angry...took stock in what was happening and asked myself...what if this advice is wrong for me? And it was. I have learned that things that work…
  • I was using songza on my phone and discovered some great mashups and mixes. So i went online to find more. One of my favorite mashups is a Katy perry medley by tommie sunshine megasix mashup of teenage dream. I also got some good mashups from steady130.com. You can search for remixes and mashups by bpm there as well. Got…
  • love cats. great pics.
  • Update: this post was to help me hit rock bottom so I could come out fighting. After I read the posts and stopped feeling sorry for myself I went through my journal to look at the months I was successful, the tdee goal wasn't working, increasing calories wasn't working but I knew something had worked, so now i am using the…
  • Thank you for those who offered your support.
  • I closed my diary because I knew there would be negative people just ready to kick someone when rhey are down. I have seen it too often on here. To sumit up, my diary looks like someone struggling to find the right macros and caloric rate for success and didn't have much luck. I exercise between 3 and 5 hours at med to…
  • I've tried eating all my exercise calories, not eating all my exercise categories, weightlifting, reducing my calories, increasing my calories, heart rate monitor, adjusting my macros, increasing my exercise, decreasing and increasing my exercise, adjusting my tdee to find an optimal caloric rate (never found). I won't…
  • I live in Korea. Doctor isn't very supportive. Just says dont give up, but thebmedicationnis expensive and lack of results doesn't warrant the price. Definition of crazy is doing the same thing over again and expecting different results. I have no idea what is going on with my body and nothng seems to be working. They…
  • ok i changed from lightly active to sedentary. And will log in my exercise. So i am at 1560 now. we will see how it goes.
  • this is why i am so confused. Everyone is giving me a different answer. I have no idea what I should do. some people say i should eat 1700, some are saying i should eat more, some less. Who is right?
  • just to let everyone know i adjusted my calorie goal to 1730 from 1580. i am going to try and be a better logger and eat some of my exercise calories back and see how that works. Thank you everyone for your responses.
  • this is why i am confused. THe hospital body scan says my bmr is 1445. Other calculators say its 1600-1700. and then the tdee difference is over 200 so i really have no clue where i am at. i've tried 1900 1700 1300 1500 and i can't find the perfect place yet. and i have tried eating all my exercise calories, eating only…
  • so would i be lightly or moderately active. Right now I am at sedentary but like i said five days a week i am on my feet for 2 hours and 40 minutes a day and four to five times a week i work out 30 minutes with average heart rate of 138 to 148.
  • My doctor says I should eat 1700. And i thought about doing that again. But it terrifies me because in the past year my body has become a stranger to me. I'm afraid to feed it that much because i am scared i will gain and it won't come off. From Jan to Feb last year I gained 9 lbs and just have finally gotten it off.…
  • Also. for over the last two weeks I tried experimenting eating 1583 calories a day no matter what and not recording my exercise. I was trying to nudge myself out of the plateau over the last month.
  • i am on my feet about 2 hours and 40 minutes a day teaching. I work out four to five times a week, with my average heart rate in 30 minutes between 138 and 148, which i think is moderate to intense. But other than that i am on my butt. My diary will be opened shortly.
  • Thanks. I haven't been trying to avoid fats. I tried eating all the exercise calories back but then I gained weight. So even if i am not active at all during the day and do 4-5 workouts i should change my activity level for my tdee? I wasn't sure about this. I don't feel active.
  • My doctor has prescribed it for me to curb my chocolate addiction. For my whole life, chocolate has been a problem for me. But the cravings and desire for it were eliminated right away. It is the one thing that kept me from losing weight. I was eating healthier other than that and exercising every day. ANd it was driving…
  • they have tons of episodes on youtube. i grew up with that show. loved tvo...jeremy, adventures of the green forest...etc.
  • getting my period today and what normally fills me up in the mornings didn't today. I ate my lunch at 1045. So i have no meals or snack from now until after 530. I feel like my hunger can't be satisfied today. Weirdly its not my usual chocolate craving. just a general i am hungry feeling. Hope it goes away and i can get…
  • I used to weigh myself once a day or even several times a day. I know how weight fluctuates through out the day. But then I became obsessed and really wasn't seeing the loss I wanted. I knew I needed help. So I went to the doctor. Now I weigh in once a month with the doctor. I am on a plan that works for me, advised by…
  • two things happen to me...intense carb cravings (especially chocolate) and loss of inhibition when it comes to money. I have a chocolate and money hangover once my period starts.
  • Going on cruises. Love visiting many places in one trip.