need tdee help, ive read the posts but very confused.



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Ok, first mistake I noticed is you are not sedentary if you work out moderately for four to fives times a week. If you base your TDEE on a sedentary lifestyle, you will probably still not be eating enough.

    Secondly, it is not about low fat. That's the trap many people seem to fall into. Fats are good for you.

    It's fairly hard to judge what you should be eating as we don't know your stats, but if you go by MFP, you should be aiming to lose 1lb a week and with a HRM should eat back the majority of your exercise cals.

    My dietitian and physician both say that under NO circumstances should you eat back exercise calories UNLESS you are a fitness buff and workout strenuously such as a professional athlete or Olympic competitor. Eating them back is a maintenance rule. MFP is crazy to suggest to all users. It's probably o.k. to eat back a small amount, but the purpose of exercise is to burn calories and lose weight. Eating them back halts weight loss. It's ridiculous to listen to people on here who have no idea what they are talking about. Listen to your dietitian and your doctor and follow what they tell you. I guarantee that there is NO dietitian who will recommend eating back the calories you burn during exercise if you are overweight and trying to shed those unwanted pounds!

    You must not have fully explained to them how MFP works. I normally eat back my calories because I still have a large enough deficit to lose. MFP is set up to eat them back, unless you are someone who includes exercise in your TDEE and manually change your calorie goal, then you should be eating them back.
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    i am on my feet about 2 hours and 40 minutes a day teaching. I work out four to five times a week, with my average heart rate in 30 minutes between 138 and 148, which i think is moderate to intense. But other than that i am on my butt. My diary will be opened shortly.

    Then I would put in as sedentary and log the calories from the exercise. If you are not losing I would suggest evaluating how well you are logging. If your logging is extremely accurate cut your calories 10%.
  • meskibrp
    meskibrp Posts: 23 Member
    look,,, all formulas and charts and blah blah are here to assist you,,, it may not me correct for everyone,,, i personally do not use all this stuff,,, i just make sure i hit my macros because i bb,,, i start my self off at a certain aount of cals per week if i see o change i take it down a bit an go from there,,, every work out isnt going to be the same,,, every expenditure isnt going to be the same,,

    When it comes to you not losing weight,,, theres 3 thigs that can be going on,,,
    1) you're not measuring your food properly,,, which means youre eating to much
    2) you're not exercising as much as you think,,,, which means youre eating to much

    If theres a deficit, you WILL lose weight...

    3) If you're a hundred percent certain of your deficit,,, seek medical attention, there could be an underlying cause
  • sweetkat75
    just to let everyone know i adjusted my calorie goal to 1730 from 1580. i am going to try and be a better logger and eat some of my exercise calories back and see how that works. Thank you everyone for your responses.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    just to let everyone know i adjusted my calorie goal to 1730 from 1580. i am going to try and be a better logger and eat some of my exercise calories back and see how that works. Thank you everyone for your responses.

    1730 is significantly closer to your TDEE (maintenance) at sedentary. Standing around for 2 hours 40 minutes a day 5 days a week is not significant enough activity to suggest a higher activity level. This is based on your BMR determined by your doctor, not by websites.

    If you eat this amount and do not exercise, you should keep at the same weight roughly. If you create a 500 calorie deficit a day, every day of the week, then you should lose 1 pound of fat. This deficit can be done by eating less and/or exercising more.

    If you exercise 500 calories a day, 7 days a week, you can still eat 1730 a day.
    If you only burn 250 a day, 7 days a week, then you'll have to eat 1480 a day.

    When exercising, it is VERY important you get enough protein. The FDA suggests 15% of calories from protein for the AVERAGE American. People that exercise are NOT average. They require more, roughly 25% to 30% of calories from protein.

    My suggestion for now: Eat 1550 on days you do not exercise. Eat 1700 on days you do exercise. Get 30% of your calories from protein every day and drink plenty of water.
  • sweetkat75
    this is why i am so confused. Everyone is giving me a different answer. I have no idea what I should do. some people say i should eat 1700, some are saying i should eat more, some less. Who is right?
  • sweetkat75
    ok i changed from lightly active to sedentary. And will log in my exercise. So i am at 1560 now. we will see how it goes.
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    this is why i am so confused. Everyone is giving me a different answer. I have no idea what I should do. some people say i should eat 1700, some are saying i should eat more, some less. Who is right?

    It is not the same for everyone. Go with what you have and wait a few weeks and tweek it from there. Good luck.:happy:
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    ok i changed from lightly active to sedentary. And will log in my exercise. So i am at 1560 now. we will see how it goes.

    Try to eat "clean" whole foods and log everything that crosses your lips.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    I have lost 70 pounds in 4 months and I haven't crunched any numbers or gotten any scans. Don't look into this too much. Burn more calories than you consume and you will lose weight. Use MFP to determine your needs and have patience.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    this is why i am confused. THe hospital body scan says my bmr is 1445. Other calculators say its 1600-1700. and then the tdee difference is over 200 so i really have no clue where i am at. i've tried 1900 1700 1300 1500 and i can't find the perfect place yet. and i have tried eating all my exercise calories, eating only some and eating none, and i seem to get the same result, initial loss and then stagnant. it's just so frustrating really. and then some people say eat all your calories, my doctor says eat a straight 1700 and up to 1800 if i work out. and then some say eat only some calories.

    ONe doctor told me i should only eat 800 calories a day. This was unsolicited advice when i did my health check a year ago. He had me in tears. He treated me as if i didn't know how to lose weight. i said to him eating 800 calories a day is not a great way to lose weight and i couldn't do it.

    A hospital body scan didn't say your BMR was 1445.
    It told you your % of bodyfat likely.

    What was that? BF%.

    That will help nail your BMR better, and indeed, as other posts have shown, BMR based on age, weight, height, you have less LBM than expected, so your BMR is lower than those other estimates, so your TDEE would be lower, so you would eat less.

    Use the spreadsheet linked here that will use your bodyfat% they scanned you with, or get it from them, don't accept their BMR number, because usually they hand out an RMR number even, which is actually 150-250 more than BMR.

    Plug in your real activity times at the different levels, be honest if on your feet.

    Read the descriptions of BMR/TDEE if not really understanding it, otherwise skip to the bottom for the link.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I have lost 70 pounds in 4 months and I haven't crunched any numbers or gotten any scans. Don't look into this too much. Burn more calories than you consume and you will lose weight. Use MFP to determine your needs and have patience.

    But you are crunching the numbers on one side of the equation - food eaten.

    Why wouldn't you crunch the numbers on the other side - calories burned?

    Most people would be very sadly shocked how much unnecessary muscle is being lost if they don't actually estimate the burned side of the equation just as well as the eating side.

    You might be lucking out if doing enough strength training to retain muscle, and that's our lucky male genetics at help there.
  • mrs520
    It can take up to 30 days for your body to adjust from eating too low of calories. If you had been eating way below your calorie recommendations, what happens is your body slows it's metablolism to try to counter that to keep you from becoming malnourished. It can take up to 30 days before you will start seeing results after adding in the neccessary calories. Just keep it up! If you are still not seeing results in January I would speak to your doctor about rethinking the 1800 calories. So stick with the 1800 calories and just be consistent. This is a long, long, long, process and it is easy to get discouraged when that scale is not budging. So I would also recomend getting rid of the scale, and only way yourself when you check in with your doctor.

    As far as fat is concerned, don't worry about it too much. I would check to be sure you are not over your carb limit though. Sugar, and high starchy foods can also deter weight loss. More fresh produce is always a good way to go.

    Hope this helps.