So I said I'd come back after 4 weeks of logging properly!



  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
  • lilacinfinity
    lilacinfinity Posts: 283 Member

    Right attitude.^^

    I'm going to suggest something a little different since you mentioned that lowering your calories was difficult.
    So, currently you seem to be close to maintenance and are not losing at the rate you want (but you are slowly losing)

    so 4 options
    a) stay at current loss rate and work with your exercise regimen (YAYOG) until weight loss occurs - this is called spinning your wheels, not very satisfactory.
    b) lower calories, get hungry, will result in greater loss but hunger, morale might result in quitting.
    c) increase activity with all else the same - take YAYOG to the next level as soon as possible. Push yourself to that, add a day. Whatever you need to increase your activity level. No need to cut further, activity can make the surplus sufficient to lose 1/2 lb a week. (Note initial increases in activity will not result in weight loss as swelling will mask it - expect 3-4 weeks before changes really appear)
    d) Add a new activity to the YAYOG - a one time a week increase in activity will make a difference at this cusp point. (see c) )

    BTW -- some errors from the previous posters.
    - metabolism isn't "naturally slowing down at 30" - this is incorrect none of the metabolic studies show this.
    - you are at a deficit, since you are losing (albeit slowly), saying you are not jsut doesn't serve the evidence
    - you don't need to forget the fitbit if you don't want to (looking at your diary, the adjustments it is providing are minimal) but can go to a fixed TDEE if that idea is something you want to try. A fixed TDEE just happens to include an exercise component. precalculated.

    Thanks : ) Can you explain the bolded bit a little more for me?
  • Healthy_4_Life2
    Healthy_4_Life2 Posts: 595 Member
    I didn't go back and read every post but the simple fact is if you are not losing weight you are not in a deficit. I did read some of the earlier posts and you said you have no medical issues so something is off in your logging. Either you are consuming more than you think or you are not burning as much as you think. One way or the other if you are not losing weight you have to take a step back and figure out why you are not in a deficit. That must be correct before anything else will matter. Good luck!

    ^^^^^^I agree with this, even though they may be few exceptions!!
  • Docpremie
    Docpremie Posts: 228 Member
    As an aside, I found my Fitbit UNDER ESTIMATED my caloric burn, not OVER ESTIMATED it!
  • Kymwho
    Kymwho Posts: 183 Member
  • sweetkat75
    my advice: don't take others advice.
    i did the tdee thing: gained weight.
    I did the whole restarting my metabolism: gained weight.
    i have my fitbit and love it..but while I enjoy my achieving 10000 steps a day, I focus more on the active minutes.
    After months of gaining weight on others advice, and getting shabby medical opinions... i got angry and did something.
    First, everyone is different. That is why advice should always be given with a grain of salt...what may work for most people may not work for you and me.
    I got pissed off, i felt i was on my last straw. I felt like giving up but i didn't want to give up. So I adjusted my calories radically to give myself a 1000 calorie deficit. I felt that maybe my metabolism was slower than others and so i couldn't use what eveyrone else was using.
    Then I gave myself a goal of 30 minutes high activity a day. I am a esl teacher so fairly active during the day anyways. I split up my minutes..instead of doing it all at once. Within a few weeks, i got up to sixty minutes a day in the morning and when i have free time at school i go for walks instead of sitting around (sometimes not all the time). Some days now i get over 20,000 steps or 110 very active minutes.
    Now I know it says on here i only lost 3 or 4 lbs. That's because when i did the tdee and the restarting metabolism it made me gain weight over the weight i originally started with. I have lost 12 lbs since july 17th.
    The other thing that works is more protein. I eat quest bars and they are filling along with vegetables and fruit and lean meats. I don't snack any more or crave chocolate like i used to.
    I started to track my period with a period tracker. This is how I learned more about my body. I started to compare weight gains and losses to times in my cycle. What i learned was...there are only about two weeks where I lose weight...and its consistent over the last three months, the other two i gain or stay the same. Doing this and being able to look at the charts on here helps me remain calm when the scale suddenly goes up for no reason. Unlike most women, i gain weight at the end of my period and hold on to it for about ten days. On the tenth day, suddenly my weight drops 2 lbs. Again, this has happened to me all three months.

    That is why i stress what works for some people may not work for you. Feel free to try what I did...but i do hope you find something that will help you in your journey that is sustainable and right for you.