ting001 Member


  • I am going to leave the house, I am going to leave the house, I am .... It has warmed up to -11, so I am going to try to make myself get dressed and go to the gym. The governor cancelled school on Monday and our district cancelled for today. This has never happened in my 12+ years of teaching, and I doubt, ever. My son had…
  • Hello My name is Carol. I am 44 and live in Minnesota. I am a high school teacher and mother of a 15-year-old boy. I enjoy running (after April) and run at least one half marathon and a duathlon each year. Three years ago, I completed a round of P90X, and although I did not lose any weight, I could tell that I had made…
  • Thanks! Cool idea!
  • go to http://jog.fm You can plug in your pace and it will recommend songs with the same number of beats per minute.
  • Try going to jog.fm. You can type in how fast you walk or run and it will list songs with equivalent beats per minute.
  • Target and most of the other grocery chains sell mint with the fresh herbs. If you mix it with cucumber, lemon and ginger it makes sassy water (google the recipe) which is delicious and a diuretic.:drinker:
    in mint water Comment by ting001 July 2011
  • I agree. We all have bad days. Figure out when and where you lost control and think of a plan for the next time you feel yourself starting to slip: go for a walk , drink a huge glass of water, etc.
  • I like them. I bought the ones that don't look like tennis shoes so that I could wear them at work. I can feel the difference in my legs and core when I wear them all day. I don't think they are a substitute for working out as they claim, but I feel it can't really hurt to add them to what I am already doing. They are very…
  • Was feeling the same way yesterday. I made chicken Gyros. Whole wheat pitas, grilled chicken, tomato, spinach, onion. Made the sauce out of non fat plain yogurt with chopped cucumber. Yum! The chicken had a Greek marinade.
    in Help! Comment by ting001 January 2010
  • A rep is how many times you lunge (both legs) A set is the number of times you do the lunges with a break in between So I usually do a rep of 12 (set 1 ), then rest , do 12 more (set 2), rest, do 12 more (set 3). That would be 3 sets of 12 reps.
  • I am having two scrambled eggs (only one yolk) with salsa and an apple.
  • The book is for people who want to lose the last 10-15 pounds. Not there yet. I did look through the metabolism boost book and she had some interesting things to say. Mainly, eat organic. I am just going to continue the videos for now.
  • I am on the 4th day of the 30-day shred. It was available On-Demand through cable TV. I love it. It seems easier to tell myself that it is only 25 minutes. I love it! The first couple of days it kicked my butt, but by today, I am starting to think about using the light weights with it tomorrow. Good luck. I am going to try…