

  • As a biomedical scientist, I would say, if you're eating the right amount of calories and you're not losing, have you taken a very close look at exactly what you're eating? And ask yourself this as you go through your food diary (btw, don't get tied up on the daily stuff, look at weekly-monthly habits, those I find give…
  • For cardio, you can do pretty much whenever without rest days - provided you don't strain anything. For strength training you need breaks for muscle recovery or else you'll screw up your body chemistry w/the metabolic byproducts of heavy exercise. I do cardio every day for 30 mins, also, to start burning fat, you need to…
  • BTW, bake sales in schools are now against the law too. But you don't have a problem with alcohol or cigarettes law, so what's so different about this? As for condoms, let me tell you a TRUE story - I have 20 something friends that are AFRAID of going into a store and getting condoms in case their family/friends/anyone…
  • 1) I used savory in quotes, I was translating from Chinese, which literally means "good-tasting" or "savory" not salt or sugar. 2) Cane sugar is NOT natural sugar if it's bleached and processed into powder/cubes. The only natural sugar you get out of cane is the brown sugar/unbleached/syrup. 3) Wrong, if you're diabetic,…
  • If you eat restaurant food, some chefs use sugar to "savory up" their foods. That's why restaurant foods taste better than home cooked meals, they have a tablespoon or so of sugar in it. Want to test it? Try making chicken broccoli stir fry at home, just add a bit of sugar to it, tastes like restaurant made. How do I know?…
  • You made 100 bucks selling cupcakes. We make 65 *per hour* (one afternoon, 4 hours) getting teachers on the dunk tank (that's after the fun day fees). We all get a good laugh, money gets raised for charity, everyone gets some out doors time. We also set up rotten tomato throwing booths, etc (those proceeds varied so it's…
  • Please see this chart: The "grains" I common think of when I speak is: oats, barley, wheat, and rice. And it's not vitamins you can't get anywhere else, just vitamins you won't be able to get in the same dosage per calorie. It's about the "efficiency" of…
  • Honestly, as a teenager, it would've been more mortifying and embarrassing to talk to my parents about sex and protection. I'm glad my school taught it to me and I can learn it and just skip "that talk" with my parents. I'm sure I'm not the only one in that position as a teenager. But I'd never admit that to my parents, it…
  • grains are like any other seeds/carbs, dependent upon the species (I could go on and on about the 100 varieties of rice, maize, wheat and their MUCH different percentage of protein versus carb content), eat sparingly, but do eat it, there's some very necessary vitamins in them, stay away from bleached, milled as much as…
  • You wouldn't sell cigarettes in schools because that might hurt the kids lungs. You wouldn't sell alcohol in schools because that might hurt the kids brains, liver, kidneys, etc. You wouldn't sell cupcakes because it's *not* an *essential* part of a kid's diet AND over consumption or putting "social value" (by this I mean…
  • Your body needs a good balance of carbs, proteins, and fats. This will not change. Ever. As a medical professional (biomed scientist), I see metabolism as a bunch of gears working to allow you to do the things you do every day. You would not cut engine oil out from your car because you mostly drive on gas, this is the same…
  • oh come on, not even hitting 100?
  • Lets just keep going at 62.5, add on!
  • needed to use lower case img tags :)
  • Breaking the Habit - Linkin Park Sexy and I Know It - LMFAO (this music video never fails to make me laugh) Shufflin' - LMFAO Hips Don't Lie - Shakira La Tortura - Shakira Free - VAST
  • Just try it for 2 weeks. Since your previous attempts didn't work, why harm could it be? You won't gain weight if you don't over-eat calories (like 3000 per day). Try going around 1500-1600.
  • Understand this: A BMI of 40 will get you on the surgery table. Any lower and the risk is too great for the reward. There is a studied MORTALITY rate of 0.5% within 6 months of surgery in 2005-2006. This means in every 1000 people who get the surgery, 5 are guaranteed to DIE. Or, 1 in 200. This may be less or more…
  • My friend had surgery to reduce his weight, but in order to stay alive, he followed the strict regiment of post-op care. *That* was more effective for maintaining his health than the surgery was. He wanted to lose weight for his newborn son, so that he would can chase after his son when he's old enough to run. Physical…
  • The fact that you gained all your weight back by not netting 1200 calories should have tipped you off. Fast and quick doesn't stick.
  • No, it is a vital component, not the magic key. Only if I lose loads, otherwise I drink if I anticipate being thirsty or to wash down stuff. False, tea, coffee, "diet" sodas are diuretics which makes you lose more fluid than you take in. You don't have to drink gallons of water, but you do need to replace the fluid that…
  • Water Aerobics, reduce the weight the knees have to support with water resistance workouts. Start with that, with less body weight, your knees can handle more
  • medically not healthy, make sure you do your FULL research
  • I looked at dead aphids on my broccoli with my microscope....that is, after I steamed it. I ate it anyway because I have an immune system that can deal with dead aphids and I was hungry.
  • Sea animals don't exist unless the caveman lived near oceans, which not all of them did. This makes no sense. Yes, they do feed the chickens slop, so you should buy free-range chickens that are allowed to forage.
  • I hate to tell you this, but after studying a lot of anthropology, there wasn't chicken mentioned anywhere in my teacher's lectures. He said a lot about nuts, fruits, roots, vegetation, occasional game but not much, lizards, wild birds, forest boars or monkeys (bush meat), and stuff like that... but no.. chicken ;)…
  • 1) Stretching them via pilates or yoga 2) It is genetic 3) Reduce the load they're carrying - less weight to carry, less need for muscle, your body will adjust 4) widen your stride, smaller steps use lower muscles
  • Commercial soda has high sugar, start off with making your own. There's a lot of cheap kits out there now that you can mix your own. I personally liked orange juice so I started carbonating that, then I started watering down a bit. I drink carbonated water now because I like the fizz, but that's about it. Oh and sometimes…
  • I scrolled through 2 weeks worth of food, I found 2 entries of celery and kale. You need to add more leafy greens into your diet. You're really good with staying away from fried foods and junk food in general, that's awesome. You need to think about replacing the breads that you do eat with romaine lettuce leafs, adding…
  • Go to a Running store, get fitted, not a Sports Store, but a Runner specific store, such as Fleet Feet. They will find you the right shoe. I had a lot of problems with mine, pain, tears and blood didn't quite cover it all. But 15 mins in Fleet Feet and it was like a shoe epiphany.