intheflowers Member


  • I LOVE CRONOMETER. I usually trust cronometer over mfp.
  • lol did you even read what you replied to?
  • not new to the internet, not new to having an eating disorder. i know my own when i see it.
  • I've never seen forum users attack an OP like this before. She asked how she should log her calories if she threw a good amount of her food up and if she should eat more to compensate. There is nothing in there that suggests that she has an eating disorder. A person with an eating disorder would not worry about trying to…
  • I LOVE the honey mustard and onion one. It was one of my favorite binge foods (but hopefully that period of my life is over). I don't like to eat them anymore because they are ridiculously calorific and I really can't stop at just a serving or even two. Plus, the strong flavoring seeps out of my pores; when I take a shower…
  • About Time whey protein powder Edit* I just looked at the site and apparently it contains soy lechitin. Sorry :/
  • You seem to eat A LOT of peanut butter. Try cutting that out and replacing it with other protein/fat sources and see if anything changes.
  • you said you're taking creatine. creatine makes your muscles hold onto water. it can prevent you from losing 'weight' but you probably are still losing fat. it just won't show on the scale because of the creatine.
  • 42g of uncooked rice is 152 calories and 42g of cooked rice is 55 calories
  • I fractured my pelvis in a car wreck back in April and although I was in the process of losing weight when it happened, I did not try to lose weight while I was healing. I focused on eating at maintenance and GOOD NUTRITION to heal. Lots of protein, limited grains, lots of fruits and vegetables. I spent 2 months bed…
  • It seems like you're mainly eating grains. I count four servings alone in your breakfast and lunch, and no servings of fruits of vegetables. And the only good protein sources seem like the milk, ham, and yogurt, but I don't even think the quantities of those items are enough. For breakfast eat a couple eggs, drop the…
  • I think you're too busy. if you're doing cardio, stop; you're already running around after your kid and doing housework. Just focus on weights for a while. Also, have your husband help out more in order to give you a break.
  • I've actually been eating in this type of way for a while, without realizing. It's effortless. I haven't lost any weight though, just maintained, as my "non fast" days are a little higher calories than most.
  • eat full fat dairy, eat nuts and seeds, and make some vegetables and put butter on them. edit: also whole eggs!
  • gluten free oats are the same as non-gluten free oats. the only difference is the factory that they are processed in.
  • I had my family make me smoothies with protein powder when I was bedridden for a pelvic fracture and having Lovenox injections. Nothing bad happened, haha. If you're taking another blood thinner it might be different, but I don't see why not. It's just regular protein, albeit a concentrated source.
  • lol biscoff spread is just ground up cookies and oil. no comparison to a nut/seed/legume (peanut) butter. try almond butter, sunflower seed butter, macadamian butter, tahini, etc.
  • i put them in yogurt and juice for a little more vitamins/minerals. they don't increase my fullness. i buy them at
  • lower your calories. every time you struggle with a plateau, you decide to up your calories, which leads you to gain weight. the solution would be the opposite.
  • non-dairy milk is just soy/rice/coconut/almond + water + a calcium supplement added. just skip to the supplement part if you'd like. also, there are some really nice mineral waters out there that have tons of calcium. 2 cups of gerolsteiner mineral water has like 16% of your RDA
  • Quinoa or oven fries made with a little olive oil (white or sweet potato). Potatoes are actually a great source of potassium and vitamin c.
  • make a parchment paper pouch for chopped up veggies and like 1 tbsp water, seal edges by folding them over, and put it in a preheated 350 degree oven for about 30 minutes, more or less
  • it's probably some water retention, which causes the scale weight to go up. working out can cause that. but as long as you've lost some inches, you've probably lost fat. you're actually off to a good start!