

  • I love the idea of the yoga pants. I hadn't even thought about wanting something super comfy, I had been thinking of jeans or denim capris. I like your idea much better! So now I have packed an extra running skirt to wear AFTER the race while we sight see. I almost forgot deodorant!
  • I agree that you should decrease your running to 3x a week or every other day. When I finished C25K, I was like you....I could run without stopping for 30 minutes but that didn't bring me to 5K. Getting to 4 miles was the hardest jump ever. I thought that I would never be able to run 4 miles (a year later, I am doing 10-11…
  • I like RunDouble which has Droid apps. Start with C25K and when you finish, they have a bunch of other apps that you will love!
  • I use them and feel that they do make a noticeable difference. I just bought some at Sam's Club and they were $11 for a 90-180 day supply (I don't recall if it was 180 days or 180 tablets which would be a 90 day supply).
  • I also find it helpful posting here on MFP. How many times have you seen me confess that I thought about you guys while running and decided that I couldn't fail because then I'd have to admit it to you. Yes, you would never really know if I'm telling the truth or not but it keeps me going. Perhaps signing up for a race…
  • I did the 10K training program through a local gym (and it was FREE!) at the beginning of the year. It yielded me a running partner! We do very well together. Our pace is very much the same (she did a 5K this weekend without me at a 10:19 pace and my last 3 mile run without her was at a 10:20 pace so even when we aren't…
  • One of the guys in P90X Plyometrics is an amputee with a prosthetic. I believe that the only move that he alters is a one-footed move. Good luck with your fitness goals!
  • I know that you said that you just got new running shoes but I would agree that the shoes are the culprit. Go someplace where all that they do is running shoes. They will check your gait and fit you into the right type of shoe. My guess is that what you bought will not be among their choices for you.
  • Your sister should be eligible for nutritional consultation through her insurance. If her current hospitalization is related to diabetes, you should be able to meet with the nutritionist before they discharge her. Good luck!
  • I would either skip ahead until you are being significantly challenged by the run times (and/or increase your pace) or add in some of your speed walking at the end to get you up to the hour that you are used to.
  • Are you very muscular? You are correct in thinking that 135 would be a good goal weight. However, body builders can have quite high BMIs and very low body fat. If you have a lot of muscle and very little fat, then I could understand your doctor's comment. Otherwise, I don't get it.
  • Go to a good running shoe store (Fleet Feet for example) and have them fit you for running shoes. Tell them of your previous injuries. The right shoes can make all of the difference.
  • I ran alone for the first 8-9 months of running. I then joined a training group for a local 10K, largely to meet other people who run and might not have any running friends like me. I wanted to have someone to talk to before and after local races. I rather enjoyed our group runs even though I tended to still be running by…
  • Amazing job! Like others, I cannot imagine how you got through making such a drastic calorie cut. I must ask.....how tall are you? When I looked at your profile and read that you are 260 lbs today, I am, once again, dumbstruck. The picture that I see of you today cannot be of someone who weighs 260 lbs! Time to check out…
  • I wear mine just under, or at, the bottom strap of my sports bra. I don't bother wetting the strap. It is only on a rare occasion that I have to wet it and when I do, I just wet my fingers and wet the sensor area, not the whole strap. Every so often, my HRM will act up and I just have to stop the recording and re-start it.…
  • Sounds like a call to the insurance company is in order. It sounds to me like the surgeon's office is violating their contract with the insurance company and I'm sure that the company would like to know :)
  • You told him what your weakness was; where your insecurities lay. What he said meant nothing. He was lashing out at you in anger and looking to hurt you. He went for your jugular....your weak point. If you had confided in him a different weakness, that is what he would say. His words are meaningless. His anger and desire…
  • Hmmm.....chocolate-flavored protein powder mixed in milk, heated. I think that I need to try that! Now that it's winter, I don't want to drink cold drinks, even after a hefty workout. I get chilled very quickly as soon as I stop exercising.
  • I would not worry about losing weight at the beginning. Maybe even get rid of the scale. How many calories a day do you think that you were eating before? Decrease it by 10-20%. Just get used to logging EVERYTHING that you eat and make sure that what you eat is healthy. Once that becomes comfortable, then start decreasing…
  • I think that you have put some good thought into this. You are thinking to get it somewhere where it can be covered and not limit any future career opportunities for you. You are giving yourself at least 3 months to "live with your decision" before you proceed. You are considering doing henna before going for permanent. I…
  • I would start with a short, easy run and see how you do.
  • I just borrowed the discs from a friend but haven't started them yet (been sick in bed....gotta love the holidays!) He said to "mix up" the workouts. Everything that I've heard of P90X sounds like a very regimented program not a just "mix them up" program. Can anyone help me out?
  • The pool sounds like a wonderful option for you. Can you do a 30 minute walk 2-3 times a day? If you get consistent with your walking, maybe next month you can do 35 minute walks and so on. Losing weight will help all of your physical ailments. How about some yoga? It doesn't tend to burn a lot of calories but it could…
  • Good for you for wanting to make lifestyle changes! I think that you've gotten some great advice. Check out the Leslie Sansone videos. The Wii is a great way to get some exercise while having a lot of fun. Have you tried a recumbent bike? They have them both as stationary bikes and outside bikes. You could also look into…
  • How many miles are you up to? Run one for me!
  • You look wonderful! Don't listen to those people. They are probably jealous. As long as you are eating healthy, with an adequate amount of calories, just be happy with your success!
  • Do the race. You are in this journey alone. If you lose your support here on mfp or in real life are you going to let yourself regain the weight? No. You are going to maintain your fabulous loss! So go out there and stand on your own. Take pride in your strength to do it alone and have a great race! Do not let others bring…