Running - Traveling to a Race

what did you forget? Anyone care to share their packing list?

I'm off to my first road-trip race and my first half marathon! I am so afraid that I will forget to bring something. I am driving so I don't have to pack light but I will be too far from home to go back to get anything that I forgot.


  • twinmom_112002
    twinmom_112002 Posts: 739 Member
    I pack my gym bag with all my running gear (just like I would if I were running right after work). This includes my outfit for the day (check the forecast), my socks, shoes and bodyglide.

    In my suit case I pack what I would normally pack for a weekend away. I will also throw in my breakfast (I tend to eat a granola bar or two before a race). Make sure to have comfy shoes for after your race...for me there is nothing better than throwing on a pair of flip flops after a long run. I would also pack some advil since its your first half.
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I make sure I start packing a couple of days before I leave when I have a race (a normal vacation...I just throw stuff in my suitcase the night before!). This way I can keep looking around to see what I may have missed. Usually it is my Garmin that I end up packing last. And make sure you bring the power cords to charge stuff up like the Garmin or iPod as well.

    And since a lot of my races are at Disney and it is tradition to wear your medal around the parks that day, I also make sure I pack one shirt with a good collar or hoodie so the strap of the medal isn't scratching the back of my neck all day.

    Good luck with your race!
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    I forgot socks last time I travelled for a race. I had them out when I was packing somehow they never made it into the bag. Luckily I discovered this the day before the race and had time to replace them.

    My Packing list:

    running shoes (make sure to pack right and left of the same pair - yes I have heard of people finding mismatched pairs in thier bag when they arrive at destination :noway: )
    couple pairs of running socks
    favorite road tested sports bra (take 2 if you plan on doing shake out run before race day)
    running tops (one tank & one long sleeve)
    running bottoms (usually compression shorts)
    1 running jacket if its cold
    GPS watch and charger
    IPod shuffle and charger
    Body glide
    running sunglasses
    belt - usually the fuel belt without the water bottles
    race day fuel (gels or bloks)
    race day breakfast
    crocs, yoga pants and tank or long sleeve, sweat shirt for after race (plus super comfy stretchy bra)

    I also like to put body wipes (like baby wipes for grownups) and witch hazel wipes in my bag for after the race.
  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    For a marathon, here's my fairly exhaustive list:

    Race / Hotel / Flight / Car rental info in PDF on iPhone and computer
    Body Glide
    Sunscreen (in ziploc w/gels & toothpaste)
    Fruit and Granola bars for flight (buy bottle of water at airport)
    Camera / Card reader
    Extra cash/credit cards
    Street clothes and shoes
    Toiletries including a travel-sized first aid kit
    Watch with alarm for race-day wake-up
    Buy food for race-day breakfast in advance when I arrive
    Computer / iPad / cords / iPhone charger
    Compression socks for flights/post-race/the race itself if it's colder than expected.

    Shoes, orthotics if necessary
    Short-sleeve compression shirt
    Long-sleeve compression shirt
    Spi-Belt to hold gels/bib
    Compression underwear
    Gloves, which will probably be tossed after a few miles if worn at all
    GPS and charger
    Racing prescription sunglasses. Contact lenses as backup.
    Old sweats I can toss after a few miles
    Gels - in easily accessible ziploc for security checkpoint!
    Knee brace

    Extra socks
    Extra shirt and shorts/pants
    Waterproof jacket
    Plastic bag for ice, dirty clothes, etc.

    Tourism items:

    The nice thing about going to a big race with a giant expo and arriving early is that if there's something you forgot (or didn't know you needed), you can always buy it there.
  • sarah456s
    sarah456s Posts: 98 Member
    Good luck!

    What I did was to write out a list of things to do in the morning, in order. Including what to eat when, what clothes to put on, even when to poop. Haha. [But seriously, I was stressing about forgetting to do part of my routine, and then needing to poop while running - you do come across horror stories.] Then for packing, I was able to go down the list and make sure I had everything I needed to get through the morning.

    So this isn't a packing list, but here's my to do list (the things marked with asterisks were where I had to remember to pack or buy something):

    Set alarm before bed
    Charge phone

    Wash face, clean teeth
    *sun block
    *sports bra
    *shoes (I don't wear socks)
    *fuel belt - water, Gu, phone, ID, money, keys, chapstick
    *hat, ponytail band
    attach timing chip/bib
    water again
    pee again
  • I love the idea of the yoga pants. I hadn't even thought about wanting something super comfy, I had been thinking of jeans or denim capris. I like your idea much better! So now I have packed an extra running skirt to wear AFTER the race while we sight see.

    I almost forgot deodorant!
  • rmdaly
    rmdaly Posts: 250 Member
    After a few hours of being stinky, I like to make sure that I have nice smelling lotion or perfume for afterward.