Is My Goal Weight Too Low?

I am 5'4.5" and started at 170. I am now at 160. I saw my doctor today who is helping me along this journey and is pleased with the progress I have made. However, when she asked me what my goal was and I replied with 135, she immediately told me that was too thin. REALLY? My current BMI is a 27. She said that is healthy, however, from what I have read, that is still considered overweight. A goal of 135 would make my BMI about 22.5. Wouldn't that be HEALTHIER? I tried to argue, because I know what I have read on many different BMI charts, but how do you argue with a doctor? According to the BMI calculator I used, a healthy weight for me is between 110 - 148. 135 is right in the middle. I am confused. Any suggestions? Along with trying to lose weight, I am exercising and trying to tone and tighten everything, so maybe if I continue with that, my weight may be higher...just not sure. I guess maybe I need to wait and see how I feel at 145. If I am happy with how I look and feel, I guess I will stop.


  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,020 Member
    Body composition beats overall body weight every time. When you happy with the way you look in the mirror, your done, then check your weight.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    I think once you get closer to your goal, you'll find that measurements and BF% mean more than the number on the scale.

    However, as far as picking a ball park goal, the middle of the healthy BMI range for your height is a wise choice as long as you are flexible with it.

    I don't know why your doctor didn't agree unless you have some underlying medical condition that would make getting to a lower weight difficult or unhealthy.
  • Etienne54
    Etienne54 Posts: 88 Member
    Really? I read that for women, BF of 27%+ is considered overweight. Not sure where she got her information from but hey, she's a doctor right? hmm..

    And you're right, anywhere between BF of 18%-22% IS healthy.
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    I am confused as to why your doctor would tell you that's too thin? I am also 5'4 and am currently at 140 lbs. 135 would be a good weight for me, even 120 wouldn't be too skinny. I've been in maintenance for about a year at my current weight and find that this weight is very healthy and practical for me, and my body naturally thrives at this weight, however I do want to tone up a little more and get down to around 125-128. I say get down some more weight and see how you feel. :smile:
  • lauramcconnell7535
    lauramcconnell7535 Posts: 33 Member
    I am the same height as you, I set my goal at 140 but I have been considering changing it to 135 too. I am going to wait and see how I look and feel at 140 and decide from then. The only real thing I can say is that muscle weighs more than fat, so where you end up being healthy and comfortable will depend on how muscular you are. Your doctor probably knows your health history best and it would be wise to follow her directions.
  • nucgirl13
    nucgirl13 Posts: 56 Member
    I wouldn't let that put you off of your goal. You will know when your body is at a comfortable and happy place. For what its worth my ultimate goal is to be between 135-145 and I am 5-9, and would say I have a medium to large frame (large hips and shoulders). I weighed 140 as a teenager and although I was slim I certainly wasn't too thin. It'll be interesting now that I am ten years older and plan on putting on a lot more muscle than I had back then. Right now I am at 168 and 27% body fat, so if I can get my bf% low enough I might be happy at 150-155, but mainly I am just going to see how I feel when I get closer. Congrats on the 10 lbs!
  • skinnydreams19
    skinnydreams19 Posts: 282 Member
    It depends on your individual build, body composition, and growth history. If your doctor recommends a higher goal, it's for a reason - I'd go with that. Who knows? The mirror might show you what you want to see at a higher BMI than you think!
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I'm also 5'4" and I have a goal weight of 135lbs. I personally don't think it is too low. I've been that weight before and loved the way I looked (have a picture on my profile from then). I'm not sure why your doctor would tell you that is too thin.
  • summery79
    summery79 Posts: 116 Member
    Your dr might be worried that if you aim too low, you will not be able to maintain. I had a dr who told me to try to get to/maintain at 160, after I dropped from 180 to 170. (I am 5'7.) I told her I wanted to get lower, and she said a 20 lb loss is really great, and I might have a hard time maintaining lower than that.

    I am currently at 125 (I think my BMI is around 20), and I fully plan on proving her wrong :) 160 really did not look great on my small frame, so I'm glad I kept going. Good luck!
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    Hmm, that is interesting. When I was 135. I was thin, but a healthy thin and I am 5'8.

    You will know when you get around the 140's if you want to keep going.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Really? I read that for women, BF of 27%+ is considered overweight. Not sure where she got her information from but hey, she's a doctor right? hmm..

    And you're right, anywhere between BF of 18%-22% IS healthy.

    I didn't think BMI and Bodyfat were the same thing. (But I don,t know overweight numbers for either)
  • Inshape13
    Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
    I was thinking the same thing about aiming for a body fat percentage rather than a number on the scale. Being below 165 was my initial goal, but I got there and then kept going because I wanted to have more muscle and be below 22% body fat. Go with what feels right for you as long as you are not under weight. Drs are not always right about everything and in the end of the day if you are healthy that is what matters.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Maybe look at aiming for a body fat % goal over a scale # goal.
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    Your dr might be worried that if you aim too low, you will not be able to maintain. I had a dr who told me to try to get to/maintain at 160, after I dropped from 180 to 170. (I am 5'7.) I told her I wanted to get lower, and she said a 20 lb loss is really great, and I might have a hard time maintaining lower than that.

    I am currently at 125 (I think my BMI is around 20), and I fully plan on proving her wrong :) 160 really did not look great on my small frame, so I'm glad I kept going. Good luck!

    Wow! You have done a great job.
  • yallcallmedeb
    Are you very muscular? You are correct in thinking that 135 would be a good goal weight. However, body builders can have quite high BMIs and very low body fat. If you have a lot of muscle and very little fat, then I could understand your doctor's comment. Otherwise, I don't get it.
  • GiddyNZ
    GiddyNZ Posts: 136 Member
    Hmm, that is interesting. When I was 135. I was thin, but a healthy thin and I am 5'8.

    You will know when you get around the 140's if you want to keep going.

    I find this interesting as I am also 5'8, at 160 (about 14 years ago) I had abs and bones poking out all over the place.. my Mum thought I had an eating disorder.. yeah right!!
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    Hmm, that is interesting. When I was 135. I was thin, but a healthy thin and I am 5'8.

    You will know when you get around the 140's if you want to keep going.

    I find this interesting as I am also 5'8, at 160 (about 14 years ago) I had abs and bones poking out all over the place.. my Mum thought I had an eating disorder.. yeah right!!

    I am 10 pounds from 160 and I am no where near abs ;). It is so strange how women are so different with their body frames and be the same weight and height..but look completely different.
  • Johlawrence
    Johlawrence Posts: 236 Member
    Are you very muscular? You are correct in thinking that 135 would be a good goal weight. However, body builders can have quite high BMIs and very low body fat. If you have a lot of muscle and very little fat, then I could understand your doctor's comment. Otherwise, I don't get it.

    Heck no, I'm not muscular, at least I don't look like it! LOL! But I am always told that I do not look like I weigh what I weigh, or that I carry my weight well. I wear a size 8/10 pants and a M/L shirt. But I have a good friend who has lost a lot of weight and is now at 140 and we share clothes. So, I don't know...Maybe all my muscle is well hidden under a nice layer of fat. I hope to help it find its way out!!!

    Thanks for all the comments and suggestions. It's interesting to me to get other people's perspectives.
  • agirlscamaro
    agirlscamaro Posts: 175 Member
    I personally don't think it's too thin. My goal weight is 135-140 and i'm 5'8". I think it depends on how your body feels and looks. If you've got some muscles that weight might not work.

    I realize to get the muscle tone I want 150 is probably more accurate but that's just me.
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    When my BMI was 27 I was 30 pounds over my current weight. I had a huge pot belly, large upper thighs and back rolls.
    Clothes didn't fit well and my cholesterol was borderline.

    If you like what you see in the mirror and your blood tests are normal, then maybe that BMI is fine for you.
    But at least for me, a BMI of 27 and even 25 looked high - and my health wasn't great, even with exercise.

    My doctor recommended a BMI of 20.