Seaduck79 Member


  • True. I'm just looking for a ratio to shoot for. Whether the machines are accurate representations of true load may be another story, but that's a separate issue I can deal with in other ways.
  • Mustard. And bacon. Well, ok, maybe just the mustard.
  • You don't sweat much for a fat guy.
  • Too many people, including medical professionals, don't understand the different between weight training and strength training. What they don't want is you (or anyone) hitting the weights and hurting yourself by lifting things too heavy for you. What is good for you is using appropriate (i.e. light at first) weights to get…
  • Here's what I do. Wasn't sure if it was really circuit training, but the way I do it kind of is. Each round takes about 7-8 minutes, and I do 3 rounds. By the middle of the first round, my heart rate is up about where it is when I'm running. I structure mine this way for two reasons: 1) I have 2 arm/shoulder exercises…
  • It depends on your speed. The need to incline is based on compensating for no wind resistance, so if you're faster than 8 minutes/mile, 1% is about right, from what I've read. If you're just a slow jogger, you probably don't need to worry about it. I am about 8m/m in my running, and I find that I run a little faster…
  • You may consider a different approach. Rather than looking at it like a weight loss program, look at it as a lifestyle issue. There are many facets to health, and our food intake is just one of them. Are there other parts of your life that make it harder to lose weight? Perhaps look at working on better controlling those.
  • I've been maintaining for about 5 months now. It would seem foolish to me to abandon the methods and practices and habits I used to lose the weight, so while I upped my daily caloric allowance to a weight-neutral number, I still track my exercise and calories, just so I don't slip into old habits. As long as I stay within…
  • I would agree. Doing things like pushups or other body weight exercises seem to be a good fit for your current strength level. Once you get to where those are easy, then start with the weights, because you'll have built the muscle strength to use weights more safely and productively.
  • Hmmm...I shoulda used some Google magic. Joe Henderson says that 10 lbs. can make 20 seconds/mile difference. That's over half what I need to make, and I think my speed work can make up that difference. The weight loss alone would put my half time around 1:38, and full around 3:40. Guess I start next week. Thanks, guys!
  • I should also say that as a much younger man in my 20s, I was in the 155 range, and felt light and fast. But I'm not sure I'd look as good as a more mature man carrying that little weight.
  • I would advise you to not take them. They are more potent and contain substances that you won't find in, say, a 5 hour energy or NOS. I'm not a doctor or health professional, but I remember looking them up on line once when one of my teen kids had the same question.
  • Walking around the office, no. Walking briskly 10 minutes each way to and from the bus stop, yes. Cleaning things, shopping, doing laundry, no. Mowing the lawn, yes. If my pulse/respiration are taxed significantly for more than a few minutes at a time, I count it.
  • Stock your own drinks and snacks in your room, and only eat those - no desserts at restaurants. Get into a schedule of what you will have for breakfast and/or lunch, so that dinner is the only major wild card of the day. Limit alcohol; the calories add up fast. I used to buy a package of cookies and a bag of chips or…
  • First, let's establish whether you indeed ARE too skinny. Elite male distance runners weigh about 2 lbs. for every inch of height, females a bit less because of having smaller frames. So if you're 5' tall, 110-120 lbs is a good weight. I agree with the strength training tips, and while normally I would weigh my additional…
  • Thanks for the feedback, all! I had a bit of an epiphany this morning as I walked past a mostly empty cookie jar. I think that in those moments when I still have some calories that I COULD use on a snack, I'll ask myself if I would rather have what I'm thinking about right now, or a Mai Tai or slice of Hula Pie in Maui.…
  • I used to have a recipe card that I would fill at the stores that sell individual flavors. Several parts Chocolate Pudding, and some Cherry, Orange, Peanut Butter, etc. to pair them with, so I got like a mini candy bar with each pair, and I could easily tailor it to what I wanted at the time. BTW, the factory in Fairfield,…
  • I work out in the morning as well, and have spent the last year getting up at 4 am so that I could work out, eat breakfast, and be at the office by 7:00. It was hard, but not as hard as looking at what I used to look like in the mirror. Also, the alternative for me was to work out after a day at the office, which meant…
  • If the MFP told you to jump off a bridge, would you do it? We're through.
  • You should figure out what works for YOUR body, and do that. Here is what works for me: If I were just doing weights, a light snack (banana or a protein shake) 30-60 minutes before works just fine. So does eating nothing at all. If I am doing cardio, and I don't mean 15 minutes on the elliptical, I mean running like 8-10…
  • I do. It is the main reason I work out, so that I can eat pretty much as I like, and still lose weight. As long as you burn off more than you take in, the pounds should come off.
  • I had to do the same thing, for weather and other reasons. I've gotten used to it, though I still prefer to run outside. Big thumbs up to the fan suggestion. Having a water bottle and small towel to keep the sweat out of my eyes is easier on a treadmill. Hadn't heard the tip on the incline - might try it. On a treadmill,…
  • Large Caesar salad with just enough dressing to moisten it, and some bacon bits thrown in for flavor and a spot of protein.
  • If this level of mistrust is present before you're married, it will only get worse afterward. Do NOT marry this man unless the two of you can work through the trust issues - not just this one, but whatever is at the core of it so that he can trust you from here on out. Mistrustful men often turn into controllers, to cover…
  • Go for quality over quantity. Like one or two Dove chocolates, or a square of a nice Lindt or Ghirardelli gourmet bar that you can savor instead of a pack of M&Ms.
  • Only the one sponsored by the Marine Corps lo, these many moons ago. Apart from that, it's just hard work and self-discipline.
  • First thing, pay off all my bills and those of my family and close friends, and do some nice things for friends and family, like a nice long vacation in Hawaii. Do some traveling; always wanted to see Europe. Donate a substantial sum to the local Children's hospital and the Wounded Warriors project. Second thing, shield as…
  • Every mile you're doing, every calorie you're burning, is something the majority of other people, even relatively fit or thin ones, aren't doing. You're doing laps around the former football player eating chicken wings on the couch. You're climbing past the former cheerleader who can't dump the pregnancy weight from her 3…