Liberty_7728 Member


  • Thank you sooooo much for sharing! I'm more than half way to my goal and your story really gives me hope that i WILL get to that goal...down 58 pounds with 36 left to go! I love that you point out strength training...I have the same opinion, get it started early made a world of difference for me and I wish I had…
  • 5'4" and I have about 36 pounds left to go....feel free to add me!
  • Feel free to add me! I am looking to drop 80 pounds.
  • WOW! Thank you so much for sharing. You have truly inspired me. I am also a shorty and find that so many people talk about how much harder it is for short people to drop the give me faith that it CAN be done. You look amazing. I can't wait to share my success story some day....
  • I used to do Bloomsday every year....I can't wait to be able to do it again. I am able to do a 5K for now...working back up to do Bloomsday 2014! Nice job, by the way!
  • I have to figure out how to post pics, but I went from 244 pounds to my current weight of 197 in 14 months. The first 10 months I didn't really do a lot of exercise just tried to eat better counting all my calories...I only lost 20 pounds those first 10 months . I stopped tracking calories (just kept portions smaller) and…
  • Use the recipe tool on MFP to enter all the indigence and how many will tell you what the calories are per serving. The best tool on here since most of us want to cook fresh meals at home and still need to know what the nutritional value accurately is.
  • A your measurements before you start. The 30DS is excellent for dropping lots of inches but your scale may not budge. It is a great workout. I did it several months ago....actually, I think I will do it again too! Good idea...
  • If you plan to live on shakes then it might be worth it, but if you plan to learn how to function and live in the real world where there is food to eat then I would recommend learning to use the tools you have at home. Making chicken and fresh steamed asparagus with mashed sweet potatoes will probably give you more…
  • I'm 5'3.5 , as a short girl you all know how important that half inch! I would love to join. I have 60 pounds to go. Current weight is 220. I lost 25 pounds in 2012, but it was all in the first half of the year. I fell off MFP in July, but I kept off what I lost. This year I want to stay focused even through…
  • Please send me an invite. I would love to join! Been MIA from MFP since last summer. I really need a good group to get ready for summer 2013. With camping and boating scheduled this summer, I want to feel comfortable in shorts and a swim suite. Thanks!
  • At one point I was down to 147lbs and worked my way right up to 240! That is serious sabotage if you ask me...I had to look at my "relationship" with food. What is food to me? I started noticing when I felt accomplished or happy, it was my Que to "treat" myself or take my kids out for ice cream. Sadly when I was stressed…
  • I didn't realize 1200 calories was a bad thing...I am 5'4 and started at 240lbs. MFP set my calories at 1200 after I input my information. I had no idea where to start and I assume MFP wouldn't start me at a dangerous calorie base. I was really strict and serious for about 8-10 weeks when I started and dropped 20lbs no…
  • Thank you for putting that into perspective. You are absolutely right! We could all use a little reminder of a bigger picture. I appreciate your posting this.
  • Lots of sound advice here. I hope you read through it all and take it into consideration, but I really believe you have already thought it through. You seem like a very smart Step-Mom to consider what is best for them. I have a 15 year old and she has issues with her weight just like myself. I have begun to set the example…
  • 5"4 and 35 yr old SW: 240.5 CW: 221.5 GW: 150
  • My weight loss for the month of June came to 6 pounds. Starting challenge weight 228.5 wk1 -2.5 wk2 +2.5 wk3 -1.5 wk4 -1 As of today for wk5 -3.5 but I will wait to make it official Wed and record that weight. Week 1 and 2 were very emotional with the extreme up and down. PMS and my Husband's birthday really took me out,…
  • I don't know if you have it in Canada but I love using MIO in my water. There are a ton of flavors and zero calories! Even better it comes in a little bottle you put in as much or as little as you would like. Best thing ever!
  • I hope it isn't too late to get matched with a buddy.... Female Shooting for 30 lbs this challenge Right now I mostly jog, 3-5 miles @ 4-5 days per week. I am going to start 30DS 2-3 days per week also. I try to work out at least 5 days a week but some days are hard and I need a little push to do it. If I can lose 30 lbs…
  • I sent you a private message with my e-mail. Thank you for doing this!
  • Challenge Start Weight June 1: 228.5 Last Weeks Weight: 228.5 Current Weight: 226 Loss of: 2.5 lbs It was a great week, but with 20 miles ran in four days I had expected to see more drop off. I will take the 2.5 loss and keep jogging! Thank you for creating this challenge. I love it!
  • My goal is to complete 20 miles of jogging total by next Monday June 11th!
  • 5"4 HW 240.5 SW 229 (May 30th) CW 226 as of this morning (June 4th) My goal at the end of 90 days is to be at 199 **Under 200 pounds!!** I believe I am already on the spreadsheet....Added last week...
  • I started at 240 also....Down to 228.5 as of this morning You are doing great! I was 149 seven years ago....would like to get close to that again. Feel free to add me.
  • I started it a couple months ago but quite after two weeks when I went on vacation. June 1st sounds like a great day to start it back up! I'm in. Loved it!!!!
  • Really cool! Thank you for doing that. Love it!!!
  • I love the 400 Calorie Fix Cookbook by Liz Vaccariello. WalMart had it for under $20.
  • I weigh every morning but only record once a week or once every other week. Weighing in every morning keeps me going. I work harder when I see the scale stuck or go up. I feel encouraged when the scale goes down.
    in Weigh Comment by Liberty_7728 June 2012
  • I stay away from diet pop. I would recommend asking the waiter for the nutritional info on their drinks if they don't have it posted on the menu. They usually can recommend a low calorie option too. Try and stay away from heavy juices and pop. Look for something mixed with coconut water or iced tea. I prefer to mix a drink…