Flan656 Member


  • I'm not great with making sauces, but instead of Mayo, I now use fat free Greek yoghurt - and mix in korma paste and curry spices, or garlic paste- makes good aioli! Or even yoghurt and green pesto- means you can have the same flavours but just a creamier version? I love it with chopped up veg! When I'm cooking chicken…
    in Sauces Comment by Flan656 June 2013
  • I chop up loads of cucumber/celery sticks and make the most amazing curry mayo dip/ garlic mayo dip- its barely 50 calories for loads of cucumber and dip! Dip directions- 2tbsp of either helmans 'lighter than light mayo'- = 20cal OR 2tbsp of fage, fat free greek yoghurt- = approx 30 cal AND 1 tsp of korma paste- I use a…
  • What about protein fluff? I'm totally addicted to it at the moment, so nice as a fruity breakfast or desert! Ingredients: Small Handful of frozen mixed berries (or unfrozen, but frozen make it nice and cold!) One scoop of strawberry whey protein Two tablespoons of milk (you may need a little more if it's too solid!)…
  • I gained loads of weight the first time I ever trained for a marathon- and completed it! The problem was, I was over estimating the calorie burn.. I was thinking that when the treadmill said I'd burned 600+ calories, I could eat this back, but alas, when I invested in a really good heart rate monitor I found the calorie…
  • I went through this last year, not a fun time! I did get into a little routine though and found it worked really well in the end, my day went like this: 30minute run or power walk before breakfast as soon as I woke up- I'd set my alarm earlier as this really got me up and ready to start my day. Egg White omelette with…
  • I absolutely love this post!
  • Thanks, circuits went well! I had a look at the nerd fitness website, it's brilliant, definitely bookmarking that one for the future!
  • I'm 23, add me!! :)
  • My boyfriend and I make yummy protein pancakes with a scoop of protein powder, 2egg whites, half/3rd of a banana, a tbsp of oats.. Then while its cooking, throw on a few frozen/fresh blueberries- and serve with non fat Greek yoghurt! No dryness, nom nom. That's the recipe for one person anyways. We also found that…
  • Hello! Ive found that eating low carb has def got me the best results so far.. Would love a few more low carb friends! Although I've had a pretty bad week with mid term holidays, but back to normal today! Love coming up with new low carb ideas and recipes.. I eat a lot of omelettes, chicken, nuts, fage Greek yoghurt,…
  • Thanks! Looks delicious, will be giving this a go,! :)
  • I'm here tooo!xxx
  • I suffer from shin splints too! I used to do loads and loads of running (3 marathons so far and loads of half ones) but shins got really bad a while ago, mainly due to just over training and not stretching properly, my physio said there was too much scar tissue around the calf that I never gave a chance to heal so I would…
  • I go to the gym most mornings before work, so every night before I go to bed I fill a little tupaware tub with: 150g - ish of 0%fage Greek yoghurt (around 100 cals, and the protein in it keeps you really full!) A couple of chopped strawberries/blueberries 6 walnut halves 2table spoons of oats Then I mix it all up, the oats…
  • Hi! My name is Caroline, I've been on this for ages, but have only recently started taking things seriously, I'm 23, and looking to loose about 15lb, but I have a holiday coming up in a couple of weeks, scared!! :/ Anyways, I'm always up for a new bud! :) x
  • Waaaah I just saw this post and I'm starting today, 4th July, I need to break this horrible habit!!