connorsludge Member


  • Great story! Congratulations!
    in NSF'nV! Comment by connorsludge May 2013
  • What's wrong with dried beans? I feed a family of three (myself and two big eaters) on dried beans and brown rice or whole grain flour, all from the bulk section. We augment with different spices, vegetables, and sometimes tofu or cheese, depending on the meal. We eat fabulously and on the cheap, even with everything…
  • Before MFP: Meat White pasta/rice Juice (all the calories, none of the fiber!) Ice Cream Now, additionally: Cheez-its Wheat Thins Boulder potato chips Hint of Lime Tostidos and the biggest one... WINE! As lush-y as this sounds, I am uncontrollable around wine.
  • So, is there a Prism group on MFP or can I just friend people who are trying it? I had a lot of success with it about 10 years ago and kept the weight off for about 7 years then started gaining for an unexplained reason. I'd like to try it again because I'm wondering if wheat is my problem. I have the workbooks and…
  • I increased from 1200 calories to 2300 calories and had the same issue. I asked my nutritionist about it and she didn't seem that concerned because the sodium was coming from natural food sources. I looked at your diary and it didn't look like you were eating too many boxed/frozen foods, but just a lot of food with smaller…
  • Amazing photo with some great "hills"! Yes, I think from that view Estes Cone is just to the right. It's right by Mount Lady Washington. My husband's family is very fortunate to be one of only a handful with a cabin in Moraine Park. We spend a couple weeks up there every year. My son and nephew know every stone on that…
  • Yes, 2300 is high for losing weight! I was eating 1200 calories and it just wasn't enough, so I'm focusing on finding my top maintenance intake. I'm 30 years old and 5'9" or 5'10", so my BMR is pretty high anyway--almost 1900. Additionally, I bike commute, run, and lift weights, so there are a lot of calories to be burned.…
  • That's what I'm thinking, too. It just seems weird to burn so much then gain! We actually did that same hike on Saturday and summitted Estes Cone on Sunday. My son is only 8, so we stay on the smaller mountains for now. Did you camp at Moore Park off the Long's trailhead? That's my favorite place in the park! Between the…
  • Live in Colorado, so YakTrax are part of my winter running outfit. They are pretty comfortable when running in snow, ice, and especially refreeze, which is a huge problem here because the days are warm and sunny. I found that if I'm running on concrete, they mess up my gait, so if the snow and ice are patchy I usually opt…
  • Hey, OP, we're exactly alike! I started the weight loss journey in a pretty good place physically and nutritionally as well and I agree that it might make it harder. I, too, baffle doctors, nutritionists and all kinds of other people with my body's full refusal to lose weight despite daily biking, running, and weight…
  • I'm surprised I'm the second from the Napa Valley of beer. We're such snobs about it! Maybe it's because everyone in Colorado is skinny--no need for MFP! :) I love all of the above, but Great Divide's Titan IPA is my beer of the summer.
  • I've wondered about that, too. I've been running 3x week in the 2-6 mile range for about four years. Last month I used a HRM for the first time and it went crazy! Apparently, my running heart rate is about 174-186, which is too high according to Polar's calculations. I've been doing this for years and haven't died yet, so…
  • Looks yummy! I am a lacto (now ovo, too) vegetarian and very active. My weight didn't budge for months until I started eating a lot of protein. I think you can look at my diary. There is a lot of dairy right now, but usually I'm a little heavier on the beans, legumes, and tofu. You might have to look back a week or so, as…
  • A lot of people will tell you that you're not eating enough. That's fine and it may be true. It's certainly something to consider. I have been at this thing for a while and it doesn't work that way for me. I must eat 1200-1300 calories to lose, even running miles and miles AND lifting weights. For all the haters out there,…
  • I've been a cardio junkie for a long time and it's been really good for losing or maintaining weight while eating well. BUT, in the last six months I've really focused on a 50/50 mix of cardio and strength and the results have been great. even though I'm losing slowing my body looks much healthier. I'm actually considering…
  • That sounds awesome! After morning coffee I like to have fruit (bananas or berries) and low-fat string cheese.
  • Cottage cheese is some kind of super food, it turns out. If you can tolerate it, it has minimal calories/carbs/fat for maximum protein. Plus it's good with fruits and veggies.
  • I'm on week three of 30DS. I am not typically a DVD workout person, but I thought I'd give it a try since I needed a break from circuit training. I was pleasantly surprised by it and will probably buy another series. It's not all I do for exercise, but it's a nice thing to have for variety and it's good if I need to…
  • Yeah! I love C25K. I've done it three times and am now moving on to 10K now that I have more time. It definitely has changed my life for the better. About the shins: I wish someone had told me this. You're probably getting the start of shin splints. I get them every time I start running again after a break, so what I do…
    in c25k Comment by connorsludge June 2012
  • I have been using the iPhone apps by blue fin for years. You can just search c25k at the app store and you'll see a bunch of different ones from other developers, too. The blue fin ones don't require internet, so that should work fine. I really like the interface, so I have their apps for 5k, 8k, and now 10k. When I buy a…
  • Very timely...I just started yesterday. It was a good workout, but...I didn't really think it was that hard. In fact, I was so bummed when level one finished that I went ahead and did level 2 right after. I'm sore today, but definitely in a good way. If I can handle that, do you all think I should do the level 1/2 combo…
  • I'm a three-time C25K grad and I HATE week four. HATE. It's hard and it's a challenge, but go for it. Mostaverage is right, if you didn't struggle with week three, don't repeat because doing it a second time won't prepare you for week four. If you have to do week four twice, that's fine, but week four is the only thing…
  • Thanks, CM! I'm pretty precise with the food scale and measuring cups, so I don't think that's what the issue was. I did not exercise quite as much then--maybe only four days per week--so maybe that was it. That said, I have also been lurking the "EMTWL" group and I even picked up and read New Rules of Lifting for Women,…
  • I'm also finding that eating more is essential for running. I'm running 4 miles 3x week, plus heavy lifting and I couldn't shake the hunger. Even after weeks or months of adjustment to 1400 calories, I would eat a "full" meal and my stomach would still growl. One time I was hungry for a week! I look back and it seems…
  • Thank you so much! I think I'll start edging up a bit at a time. I really appreciate your insight. :)
  • So help me out, I'm very curious about this... I currently have a goal of 1450 on MFP, plus I tend to eat back most, but not all of my exercise calories. I exercise about 6 days per week and burn an average of 300-400 calories per workout. After two months, I think I've lost about 2 pounds, but with water weight, it's hard…
  • Very timely topic. I've been running in my neighborhood at night for years. It is a safe neighborhood in a very safe town. Two years ago I was attacked by a man who made it very clear that he would hurt me if able. I did not have any kind of protection on me (I hadn't ever thought it necessary) and was saved only because a…
  • Interesting to hear these stories. I was also SKINNY SKINNY as a kid and young adult. I gained a lot of weight with my first son because I was so skinny initially. The weight stuck on for a while, but with a conscious diet I was able to shed the pounds pretty quickly. In the 7 years since then I have inched up in pounds…
  • This is my third time through C25K and every time 5 is the hardest! I think it's all in my head, though. Staving off the mental fatigue and boredom was much harder than keeping my legs going. To me, the best part of running is conquering the mental aspect.
  • I'm sorry, I just saw this same thread below. Sorry to repeat a thread! Thanks again.