under 1500 calories, lots of exercise no weight loss



  • connorsludge
    connorsludge Posts: 35 Member
    A lot of people will tell you that you're not eating enough. That's fine and it may be true. It's certainly something to consider. I have been at this thing for a while and it doesn't work that way for me.

    I must eat 1200-1300 calories to lose, even running miles and miles AND lifting weights. For all the haters out there, my body fat is going down too. :)

    One thing I noticed is that some of your calories seem off. For example, 333 calories for 2 cups of spaghetti and meatballs seems really low. And I don't know about you, but I've never actually EVER poured myself just 4 oz of wine. Maybe you are, but I actually measured one time and 4 oz is a tiny amount!

    Good luck! It can be so frustrating when you're not one of those easy-off people, but play around with your calories, refine until you're getting the best nutrition possible, and it will happen.
  • meechi53
    meechi53 Posts: 195 Member
    Why would you even be worrying about 4 pounds???
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    Increase your calories. Your metabolic rate is on a downward spiral because you aren't feeding your body enough. The body is refusing to lose without the assurance that it has incoming fuel. trust me
  • SuperAmie
    SuperAmie Posts: 307 Member
    A couple of things that jump out at me:

    (1) Your breakfast is a bit skimpy--mostly liquids and not much to start fueling your body for the day ahead.

    (2) Your protein numbers seem to be lacking--if you're working out heavily and doing weights, your muscles will be looking for that protein.

    THIS and water.. you dont seem to track it. I hope your drinking looottss!!!
  • susiebear29
    susiebear29 Posts: 266
    i'd try MORE protein LESS sugar!! works for me!! :smile:
  • domgirl85
    domgirl85 Posts: 295 Member
    Sometimes it takes a little while (month....or even 2) to start seeing scale progress. I didn't look at your diary but what you eat matters too, regardless of how many calories it is.
  • susjan
    susjan Posts: 105
    Bump! Same issue here...

    You are eating a lot of processed foods and going over your sodium every day... that's certainly not helping in losing weight. See if you can cut that down and make sure you're drinking enough water.
  • mondocurio
    mondocurio Posts: 4 Member
    I agree with another poster about the calorie counts being off - its frustrating because you find it on here and assume it's true, but yesterday you had - Pecans - supposedly 49 cals worth, but it was really - 196 calories in 1 ounce (20 halves) of Pecan Nuts.So there is 150 cals right there - I would guess you are really eating about 500 cals more than you think!
  • Watch your sodium, sugar, and alcohol intake. Sugar & alcohol can not be used by your body, so they get stored as fat. In my experience, too much sodium has been a huge contributor to me not losing the weight that I thought I should have been losing based on my calorie intake. Now I eat less than 1,000 mg a day and the weight is coming off easily.
  • PixEm
    PixEm Posts: 190 Member
    I'm no expert here but I looked at your last few days and noticed your snacks are full of sugar/candy. I realize you are within your set calories but you are probably throwing your body off eating all that sugar. I'd try healthier snacks and cut out the junk. Again, I'm no expert or I wouldn't be this fat. I'm here for a life change and candy and pop are not welcome in my new life.

    I noticed the same thing. You may want to show your sugars on your diary because that may be exactly where your problem lays.
  • andreachirillo
    andreachirillo Posts: 52 Member
    For the last two weeks I have consumed roughly 1500 calories/day. I have burned at least 300 calories a day with running, (sometimes more...6 miles yesterday) boot camp classes or overall weight training. I have not lost any weight! What is going on??

    Track your sodium and water intake. I was having the same problem and simply lowered my sodium since Sunday and have lost like 5 lbs in less than a week.
  • AmberLeighD
    AmberLeighD Posts: 112
    I agree with a few of the posters here!

    You also might want to track SUGAR.

    In the last 6 days you tracked... I found....
    6 days = 10 sweet things (such as candy - didn't count the waffles) & 22 oz of wine

    That might be part of the cause.

    If you are really working out and exercising as much as you say.. I'd really take a look at the nutrition part.
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    For the last two weeks I have consumed roughly 1500 calories/day. I have burned at least 300 calories a day with running, (sometimes more...6 miles yesterday) boot camp classes or overall weight training. I have not lost any weight! What is going on??

    Are you loosing inches, though? Has your body changed at all?

    ETA- oooh, you've only done this for two weeks? Well, don't fret. Eat clean, cut down on the refined sugars and keep at it. This isn't something that can or should happen overnight. Be easy on yourself! :)
  • tracykcarson
    tracykcarson Posts: 5 Member
    Totally busted. I am pretty addicted to sugar. I might be eating less but not smart...
  • tracykcarson
    tracykcarson Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for all the help! The sugar is really convicting. You guys called me on that one, thanks for the accountability. Interesting about the alcohol as well...thanks!
  • jessgarr27
    jessgarr27 Posts: 78
    No im trying to lose 70 .. i was just going to say to try and eat more ;)))