

  • Well what are your goals? If you have been cutting for several months and want to start bulking I'd say go for it! Plus it's getting colder and *I* feel like it's OK to put on a few extra pounds while you build muscle.
  • Hi everyone. I'm female, 34 y/o, 165# Bench 130x1 Squat 215x1 Deadlift 275x1 I'm hoping for some PR's soon:)
  • I totally feel your pain. My kindergartner had two projects week one, and has homework every night. I have 4 other kids and I don't think they had nearly as much homework in kindergarten as he does. Maybe schools are just trying to step their game up to prepare them for the future. Good luck girl.
  • Did you ever decide what hrm to get? I'm looking for one myself and cant decide between the New balance and Polar.
  • so extremely sorry to hear of all the things you went through. but you're stronger now, and an inspiration to many. peace and love to you. God Bless.
  • Also, I'd like to add, your calories seem a little low for all the activity you're doing. Try upping it to 1700 for a week or two to see if the scale budges.
  • I dont know either. The only time I see it is on the forums under their picture. I guess if you really wanted to know, you can find out by going to their profile page, looking at their activity and clicking it to find their post or response and looking under their picture. Its private detective type stuff but it will work.
  • you know, whenever I'm hitting the gym hard and not seeing any weightloss after weeks I will up my calories some. Perhaps that is why I hit the plateu. Also you can't really spot reduce. A combo of better food choices, cardio, and strength training program should suffice. It may take some time, but dont get discouraged.…
  • if your class is at 7, I would try to eat by 6 atleast. Eat fairly light. After your class have a whey protein shake or cup of milk.
  • yes rest days are really important. muscle building is really important to weightloss and lean physiques. But rest and recovery is important to muscle building. you see, you arent building muscle while you're working out. The muscle building comes when your torn muscle fibers are able to recover (on rest days). Thats why…
  • Do you go to the gym any or just do at home programs? Jamie Easons Live Fit trainer is really good, but you'll need free weights and/or machines.
  • I'm no doctor but it sound to me like a stress fracture. I get shin splints usually when I start running again after a long break, but they go away after 4 days. You should go to the doctor and get it checked out. If that is not possible, take a break from running for a week or two. If it gets better then its shin splints.…
  • if you want to "tone" areas of your body, you're not going to get that from a cardio machine. try weight training. squats, lunges, deadlifts are all good choices.
  • my favorite is bodybuilding.com. its very informative.
  • because it is very difficult to measure calorie burn based on a certain exercise, say like dumbell curls. There are many deciding factors like weight lifted, your weight, reps, sets....
  • What kind of workouts are you doing? Do you do strength training? Adding weightlifting can help tremendously. What I started doing was weighted crunches, weighted leg lifts, and planks.
  • Incorporating strength training will help with extra skin from weight loss. It wont happen over night, so dont give up. And dont worry, you wont bulk up. Strength training adds lean muscle to women. We dont gain muscle mass like men because we dont have the testosterone they have. The bodybuilding women you may see are…