listabit Member


  • It would be great to take a diet break while breastfeeding. Good for you and the baby and maybe not as scary that way. Best of luck. I am definately in touch with the frustration feeling in the weight loss arena.
    in Frustrated Comment by listabit July 2012
  • Perhaps suggestions on various recommended strength training programs. I like the recipe idea, especially high veggie and high protein ideas.
  • You often find yourself saying, "I need to eat more."
  • I have similar stats: I'm 43, 189lbs, and pretty muscular from strength over the past three years. I have a body media fit that tracks my caloric burn - without any workout I burn 2400 cals a day; with any small amount of working out ( a three mile walk) it goes up to 2700-2800. Your workouts seem pretty intense. Under…
  • You have completely inspired me!
  • I had the exact same experience with my BMF. I've had it for about 2 weeks. My average burn is 2700. I was in a deficit of at least 1000 calories most of the time. There were many times when it had to have been much higher based on more strenuous workouts. NEVER LOST WEIGHT! I have been trying to increase to eat at my 15%…
  • My current obsession is a greek yogurt smoothie: 3/4 c fage 2% or nonfat plain greek yogurt, 1 cup unsweetened chocolate almond milk, 1/2 frozen banana (or more), and some stevia. Blend and drink. Often I'll add a TBSP of natural peanut butter. Sometimes I use vanilla almond milk and 1 TBSP unsweetened cocoa powder. It…
  • Thanks for all the responses! I appreciate other's perspectives and validation. While using my BMF this past week, I haven't really done that much exercise. I walk with my dogs at a moderate pace, I did NRLFW 2x, I only did one spinning class, and I took one 3 mi hike. It seems I burn a lot of calories without a lot of…
  • I need to lose at least 30 pounds. I'm setting 30 lbs as my current goal. I started eating more about 3 weeks ago. Still trying to get in the optimal calorie range. I'm 43, 5'7", and 189 lbs. I've been trying for years to lose weight after my second child (now 11 - no joke!). I have always worked out (with trainers and on…
  • I, too, have had this pattern including No. 5. Although my fatigue is not as bad as it was (after upping calories and, at first, feeling energized), I feel like I'm still slowly gaining more energy again. Weird. I'm still trying to figure out what is best for my body. I started slowly eating more about 3 weeks ago (from…
  • Thanks for responding. I think I should have bought the core I don' have a Bluetooth device. I thought I red it would interact though wirelessly. Oh well. Still looking forward to using it.
  • I've used almond milk, diet cranberry juice, and water with vanilla protein powder. All worked fine.
  • I have the timex ironman triathalon watch/hrm that came with a heart rate strap. I really like it - it's the second one I bought (the first got wet too much in the ocean and broke.). I bought a cheaper replacement, but sent it back and re-bought this. It is a digital watch with alarm and chronograph (stopwatch) features.…
  • Didn't it make you feel like you were going crazy doing all that work and NOT melting away? I'm not sure the eating more approach will work for me, but I'm going to give it a very serious try. I've finally gotten to the place where I figure I might as well be eating if my weight is staying the same. It's scary to feel like…
  • Thank you! Moderate for now. I didn't know if I should count the steps/walking as exercise (see how warped my mind is?) When my spin class is over, I'm planning to start a lifting program again. Thanks for giving me the limits for that with HITT. Seems I need to know when to stop. Such an ironic problem.
  • Nobody wants to help me? :frown:
  • I freeze bananas, and I buy other fruit frozen. Aldi's has the best prices for frozen fruit.
  • Trader Joe's brand Greek yogurt is THE best, even the nonfat. I highly recommend it.