jelr Member


  • if you haven't lookd there yet you can find lots of before and afters as well!
  • never heard of it but I am not that versed in programs. Your results are fantastic though!
  • Is there a particular pilates program you have been following such as a dvd? or just gym classes?
  • Bumping this thread. I have been using the playlists everyone has shared pretty often almost nightly along with my 30DS and I enjoy it. I made a list of routines I liked as well (may need to adjust the order I haven't quite got it perfect yet) but I really like one lady's routines (GetYourFitOnWithTara) they are fun, you…
  • Awesome NSV!
    in Today's NSV Comment by jelr March 2013
  • I am always more successful when I preplan. Make what I can ahead of time such as a large batch of health tuna salad for tuna melts, make turkey curry and portion it out in pyrex dishes for single meals, and have a meal plan each week that I shop for a few days ahead of time.
  • I definitely see a large difference, you are shrinking lady! Keep up the great work!
  • Love it! Congratulations! Having two c-sections myself within 16 months of each other I totally know what you are talking about! I hope I have the same observation in the mirror one day, which is what I am working towards.
  • When i know i am in the mood to skip my workout that day i get on youtube and watch other peoples transformation slideshows. Usually in about thirty minutes i am ready to get off my toosh and workout so that one day I can have my own transformation .
  • Not disagreeing with your point here. I said this only because the person I was replying to seemed to suggest one cannot lift heavy with dumbbells. Whether it is dumbbells or barbell regardless a deadlift is a deadlift. I figure perhaps something like this would still help with adjusting to balance up to use of a barbell…
  • Most gyms keep dumbbells atleast 100lbs-150lbs so you could hit around 300 easily with dumbbells at a well stocked gym. I don't think the OP is in need of that kind of weight yet however.
  • You can use a plate but barbell is out, maybe try dumbbells if you have not yet? I am doing Chalean Extreme and just starting out I wanted to start with something that I could really learn form with and for me watching other people's correct form while i work helps me. I use dumbbells and am currently doing 25lbs-35lbs on…
  • Considering the extent of your injuries have you done any Physical Therapy? May be a good place to start to see if you can find a sports therapy rehab center to get you started up building strength and gaining flexibility back. A place like that should be able to give you ample exercise plans/ideas as well as guide you in…
  • Vinegar does help. I think leave the fabric softener out as it causes a residue on any type of clothing and will only make clothes you sweat in even worse. Also perhaps try Nelli's laundry soda. We live overseas and I was noticing my clothes smelling sometimes for no reason (the whole load, I attribute it to the water…
  • I think you meant to say "way less expensive" I have a set of the bodylastics bands and I love them, to a degree. My complaint with them is I am short 5'2'' and the handle portion are rather long so it makes certain moves very awkward for me to get into a position where the resistance is right and I can keep proper form…
  • As far as recovery drink just go simple. If you don't have medical reason to avoid actual milk a cup of chocolate milk is a simple, quick and easy recovery pick me up. Also that is a huge calorie burn and you may really want to double check that you are eating enough calories, and the right types, you do need carbs fats…
  • I'm Angele, I am in another group with Brooke but a military spouse as well. My husband is Air Force Combat Search and Rescue. He's only been in 4 years but already has been on 3 deployments. I know how frustrating it is when things change but I learned after the first deployment not to get my hopes up on anything set in…
  • Sure I am in =)
  • I am unsure. I know that my heart rate monitor and my BMF are greatly off for my workouts. I can exercise for an hour all out killing myself and it will give me about a 200-300 calorie burn on my BMF for that time period! Whereas depending on what I did my HRM gives me between 600-900 calories for the same time period.…
  • currently in week two of chalean extreme (CLX). I am doing it along with 30ds and adjusting my 30DS to have the same rest days as CLX. I am enjoying it so far but it is a very different program as it really is weight focused.
  • I don't know why people are in such a huffy. It is an increasing trend in our society that being a mom entitles you to be okay with letting yourself go. I gained 45lbs with my first pregnancy put me at 160. My son was an April baby. I never managed to lose all the weight breast feeding. I had a c-section so I had that…
  • More then likely as others have mentioned your protein goals are understated anyway unless you have self adjusted your macro numbers with MFP. I pretty much aim for 40% carbs 30% Protein 30% fats. I try to actually hit more protein and less fat when I can but generally just watch my carbs. Don't be afraid to go over on…
  • I like to cut it up and saute it til it starts to get clear, lightly season it then add either kimchi sauce (a spicy korean sauce) or even regular tomato sauce and serve it over rice.
  • I am in. Will do it in my morning though since these challenges always show up at night for me (11pm here already! eek!)
  • Also having just done level 2 for the first time as well I can say I noticed my workout wasn't as up to par as I normally feel it was because I was getting accustomed to the different routine that I did not know. That alone is frustrating and probably a large part of what got in your head yesterday. I was finding myself…
  • Besides this topic has already been brought up several times and it's always the same science being discussed. No one wants to see you fail and so they want you to consider certain things when it seems you may not be taking them into account. THis really all depends how you have your stuff set up, whether you are saying…
  • This, I am sorry if not everyone responded to the poster as she hoped but if she wanted pat on the back she should have posted in motivation and support. You posted in fitness and exercise and some of us do not want people getting the wrong impression that including things that already add up in your total daily…
  • To me this is something included in your activity level/lifestyle. We clean our houses it's part of our daily lives, I would not include it in your exercise allotment, and definitely would not eat extra calories from it.
  • I get your are mentally exhausted. Whether you just feel you aren't getting anywhere still, or you are frustrated others you know are having more success with what you view as less efforts. This isn't about them, it is about YOU. You want to be healthier, you want to be thinner, you want to look better, feel better, etc so…
  • shoes and clothes alone probably weigh up to three pounds. If you weighed naked before but in clothes, even in light gym clothes, at the gym you will automatically see an increase of probably 3 lbs.