

  • Also how intense is your cardio work out? and when?
  • Add more protein and complex carbs to your meals to see if that helps. They digest more slowly and release into your blood stream at a more controlled rate. Sometimes those hunger pangs are a side effect of a blood sugar imbalance. I especially think this because of the time you mentioned 20-30 minutes.
  • I agree sounds like you thought it through at least and didn't just run blindly into the arms of sugary temptation! :heart:
  • Taking time off from your work outs probably won't help you feel less fatigued. What kind of vitamins do you take? They might be low quality.
    in fatigue Comment by meaganrh May 2009
  • Something I find helps beat those cravings is just drinking some water. Speaking of which! *wanders off for some water*
  • Catherine good luck with your loss this week! I'm a crazy Canuck myself, here to offer support to the rest of you!
  • Simple carbs are things like sugar, candy, refined flour... Fatty, Junky Foods! Complex carbs are more natural, whole grains, vegetables, fruits... So Complex Carbs are better for your body overall, more nutritious and packed with vitamins and minerals! make sense?
  • I usually average my protein out to about 30% of each meal. I follow pretty closely to the Barry Sears, Body for Life and U Weight Loss Clinic formula.
    in Protien Comment by meaganrh May 2009
  • I agree it is frustrating! But congrats on losing the inches!! Keep challenging your body - like was mentioned switch up your calories or the types of food you eat.
  • That works for some people but for myself I couldn't do that. I'd want them all.
  • The hard work has really paid off, congratulations!!
  • Wanting it is different than grabbing it and wolfing it down. Want away! :heart:
  • Fatigue can be a symptom of Iron or Vitamin Deficiencies, Thyroid issues, or simply an imbalance in the foods you eat. First thing I do when I feel fatigued is up my protein and make sure I'm remembering to take my vitamins! Second thing I do after a few days of that is see my doctor to make sure it's not something else.…
    in fatigue Comment by meaganrh May 2009
  • It's never enough of a boost even if it does help a bit. I'd say 75% of the people I build programs for have tried some kind of weight loss product like hydroxycut, or slimquick. It just didn't work for them. If someone does have a damaged liver from these sorts of products or a health concern it WILL be harder for them to…
  • Eating fiber would help, and if you have to have carbs try and make them complex carbs instead of starchy like white rice, potatos and white pasta. Whole Grain all the way! If you`re still hungry are you sure you`re eating enough protein I usually aim for 30% Protein per meal.
  • I love love love Raw, Fresh, Green veggies, Snap Peas, Brocolli, Celery, Cucumbers, Zuchinni, Green Peppers. With a bit of low fat dressing to dip them in. mmm.
  • I love the calorie counter on this site for that! Working in the weight loss clinic I see a lot of people that have no idea how many calories they eat per day. Actually that's how I found you guys and myfitnesspal, I was writing on my health blog about caloric intakes!
  • Quite a few of us from BC on here eh? :D
  • My clients have a hard time on weekends too, I usually recommend that they get a weekend routine going! Seems to help them keep on track.
  • I use the olive oil stuff - love it.
  • The clinic I work at is focused on all aspects of your health and weight loss journey. We're only in Canada at the moment. But you can check them out at if you're interested! :smile: We work alongside naturopathic doctors, medical doctors, personal trainers and nutritionists. In order to design programs…
  • Hey everyone I'm a new member here. I currently work in a healthy lifestyle and weight loss clinic, I joined here to keep accountable to myself and others so I can practice what I preach!
  • When you're having cravings are you physically hungry or is it fueled by boredom or emotions? Physical cravings are caused by blood sugar imbalances (a spike of insulin sent to your brain when you eat a lot of carbs or fat without much protein). Or by nutritional deficiancies which can be remedied by taking a good quality…
    in on the edge Comment by meaganrh May 2009