jagodragon Member


  • I took over a job for some one else and spent over 8 hours on it yesterday finishing it ON TIME! (wound up staying late by more than two hours) so this morning i walk in and I'm expecting some thing along the lines of "thank you" but instead i hear "we gave you bad directions, the whole job needs to be undone and done…
  • wow...i was gone a few hours and so many posts...thanks guys.. :happy: actually i am asleep when i do it, to answer the question... i have no recollection of it the next day. :mad: and unfortunately obstacles have no affect, i just go around them... that part of my brain is still working :tongue: and i feel the same way…
  • well...sorry all..i am a bit frustrated with the lack of help from my doctor.... but i must say..thank you every one... the amount of support and addvice that the members of this site offer with open hearts is staggering... this is a great bunch of people and i am proud to be among such great company :happy: oh and by the…
  • EVIDENCE :wink: lol that and my wife has cought me doing it several times... i know i had the peanut butter becouse it was on the counter to day when i woke and there were 3 spoon tracks and a spoon and no appitite in sight...and damnit... i don't even remember enjoying the deliciousness of peanut butter :mad: .. but…
  • I never considered that i might not be eating enough in the day... i was tooooo BIG {chuckles} for that to even cross my mind :laugh: and i will look into malitonin... thank you :happy:
  • no, i asked the doc about it but they said that sense it doesn't happen "often enough" they wouldn't recommend any :noway: i was told to just limit my caffine and sugar to zero about 2 hours before bed... i thought to my self "duhh you SOB... don't you think i tried that" ) i replied simply, it doesn't help. they scratched…
  • sorry your spouse is out of town...i hope you have relatives to help you with your kids..... :flowerforyou: my wife would kill me if i did that to her for more than a couple days lol
  • yes...but I almost always stop myself before i get in to any thing :wink: almost... i do have the occasional slip up still lol
  • oh...i should probably mention...the hiding part is actually more for another problem i have...i have been battleing with sleep eating while i am trying to loose weight.... i can honestly say that's how i got so big...i have woke up and found my self sitting infront of a bowl of {chuckles} peanut butter, a nearly empty,…
  • OMG....SWEETS!!!! and PEANUT BUTTER.....I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and ice cream (any flavor really) baked good (i LOVE to bake...it's a passion) chips (crunchy, salty, delicious....) and to make matters worse.... i have 3 kids, just try to keep those things out of the house.... AINT GONNA HAPPEN lol but seriously, it's all…
  • veggies crackers (watch the portions on these though :P ) fruit
  • Is there and better way to pamper your self?!?!?!? MMMMmmmm BACON ............
  • did they x-ray your neck...i have a really bad neck and when it goes way out of place i get the same kind of pain..if your neck is out, i would suggest going to the chiropractor and having a realignment done...it's not to expensive and i think most insurances cover a portion of it. but trust me, if your neck is out of wack…
  • {APPLAUSE} well said Das_Modell!! but might i add....you need a REAL man...one who can spend time with you in real life (not on the computer) and who can give you the physical as well as emotional contact you need and deserve. no offence intended and good luck, i am sure you'll find some one :wink:
  • lol the woman in the picture is my wife..i won't tell her she looks like she belongs here :laugh: {smacks forehead with palm} DUHHH thank you...i should have thought to look there, very helpfull :happy: and thanks so much for all the help every one...it's so great to have the support that every one here gives:happy:
    in Water? Comment by jagodragon July 2009
  • ok..i think i have had the same problem as you....can you tell me how long it took for your metabolism to kick back in and your energy level to get back to normal?
  • I do....i have one dog and when i walk her i count it... perhaps i am doing it wrong, but, i am still losing weight and have gone...FINALY...into a size 36 pants size :happy: and i'm now as of this morning using my last belt buckle hole :wink: in the end it is such a small amount of calories burned that it probably doesn't…
  • It is wonderfull :happy: i love this site too. it has given me the tool i have needed to stay motivated as i am shure it has done for countless others, and i hope it will do the same for you as well :wink: Good luck in your goals and remember, if you ever need support or suggestions, this is a wonderfull comunity of…
  • i tend to fail once or twice a week and i am still averaging about 2 pounds a week, so just like ilovedogs said, just be carfull about it and you should still be fine ;) good luck and try to enjoy your day off from the diet, and try not to get depressed if it shows the next day. it will come back off a day later (if you…
  • try this web site, it looks like it might have what you need, or at least a rough estimate. http://www.nutritiondata.com/
  • WOW so many good people :bigsmile: i appreciate the kind words and ecuragment, realy it's awsome
  • thank you ladies, :happy: it's wonderfull to fionally have some real support aside from my coworker lol
  • i would be happy to but i am affraid that if i had regular communications with a woman my wife might be a bit jealous lol besides, i think it would be best if it's some one in your real life, some one who can see your progress and compliment you when it's going well, a familoy member or friend or even coworker that sees…
  • i am new here...duhhh.....thats why i'm posting here lol any ways i used to be very fit but then i got my desk job.....long story short, i'm a blimp....gotta fix that. i would love to make some friends and find may be loose some weight...well reverse that the weight is my first goal here but making friends would be a nice…
  • support...some one to talk to when you need a shoulder and most importantly, some one to keep you on track:wink: lord nows i could use all the help i can get lol