

  • I always put each alcohol ingredient in as it's own item even when they are mixed. I use this to figure things sometimes, and when I'm not sure, I err on the side of putting down too many calories rather than too few.
  • I always put each alcohol ingredient in as it's own item even when they are mixed. I use this to figure things sometimes, and when I'm not sure, I err on the side of putting down too many calories rather than too few.
  • ok first off, love the subject line, LOL! One of my favorite movies ever! I used to be in really good shape and that was even after two babies, then three years ago my world fell apart in so many ways and I gained about 50 pounds. And I'm finding it harder to get in shape and harder to stay motivated this time. I try to…
  • I like the 10 minute solutions videos because they are several 10 minute workouts you can do one, or more. You can also shuffle them up, do thiem in the order you want, etc. But even if you only have 10 minutes, you can do at least one section!
  • I think I'm the only person WW never worked for, I lost a few pounds but I don't know, I just never liked it. I love MFP and being able to go back and forth between laptop and iPhone and it's always synced. I have recently gotten our my WW points calculator and kind of been just keeping track of points just to get an idea,…
  • Yea, this happens, you just have to keep going and do better the next day. I ate my entire days calories in wings and wine last night hanging with my bestie watching chic flicks. So, today I'll do better, get in some decent exercise, and watch what I eat very carefully. I find that after a day or night of "blowing it" i…
  • I love mine! I've had it for years and use it a lot. When my 14 year old son who was severly overweight decided to start loosing it really helped him to use it and be able to actually SEE what 1 oz of potato chips was, etc.
  • Good for you! I have a wii and the wii fitness but I haven't been using it, I'm so lazy it's horrible. Which has gotten me in the shape (or lack there of) a long with a few other factors, I'm in. I really want to get this weight off and I know there is no magic way for it to happen, so I have to take a day at a time,…
  • I am seriously haveing a brain fade on the message boards this morning. I'm 42 and also have a good 60-70 pounds to loose. It's very hard for me to get motivated, stay motivated and just do what I know is all I need to do. Why is it so hard? It's nice and cool out this morning, I should be out walking the dogs, but here I…
  • Me Me me!!! I've really got to get this weigh off and was doing good, then kind of hit a mental wall and now working to get back on track!
  • I have a Polar but bought it so many years ago i have no idea what model it is, but it still works. When money isn't so tight I'll probably buy a new one. I do like that I can just wear my chest strap when I'm doing my elliptical and it reads it from there. Also a little tip, if you feel you aren't getting a good reading…
  • i'd rather err on the side of putting down too few calories burned rather than too many. but I do use a heart rate monitor, although tonight I did a two mile walk, pushing baby in a stroller, using the Walkfit on my iPhone and my HRM but messed somthing up when I was trying to get the info and compare the two. but I'm…
  • I didn't gain any weight with my first pregnancy until I was 21 weeks, and I wasn't trying to watch what I was eating or anything. I just had really bad food aversions and it was hard to find something to eat. I gained 25 pounds, didn't exercise a lot, mostly just easy walking. With my second, I was way sicker, but also…
  • My ex has this and no, it's not mental, but stress will flair his up for sure. Also he has the same thing with alchohol, was told not to drink it but discovered that if he has a cocktail before a meal he is unsure about (like at a resturaunt) he has better results. I think the alcohol just relaxes you both mentally and…
  • I figured out, for me, if I tell myself I can have it and it's ok, I tend to want it less. It's the big no-nno's that I crave, so I just don't have anything i consider off limits. I have actually driven to the store with the plans to get somthing really good and realy bad for me, and not been able to find a single thing in…
  • What type of exercise do you normally do and for how long? have you seen the 10 minute solutions workout videos? I am a huge fan of them. They have 5, 10 minutes workouts on them. you can do one all or mix and match. I usually pick three, you put in your choices at the beginning and it just goes from one to the next.…
  • You really need to just sit him down and talk, or if you are like me and my ex and suck at real communication, write him a note or e-mail. Tell him the reasons why you are loosing the weight. I had the opposite problem, I was a thin, buff, 20 years younger, wife and when I went through a few rough years and put on the…
  • I use the iPhone app Wallkmeter. I LOVE it! i have never been able to get a regular pedometer to work, never could get the stride length right, etc. The wlakmeter app uses the GPS in your phone and it's fun to go back and look at your route. I highly reccomend it. I tried several of these type of apps and this one is the…
    in Walking Comment by mytmom September 2010
  • Welcome madcat! I'm new here too but loving it. My favorite thing is that I can input on the computer or my iphone and it syncs automatically! Plus having it both places just seems to keep me more on track.
  • Welcome!
  • I don't wear the watch, just the chest band because my elliptical has a built in HRM so I can either hold the stationary handles or wear my HRM chest belt which is what I do. So the number was from the machine, but the machine got the number from my HRM chest belt. Make sense?
  • I was just looking at Zumba videos this morning on Amazon! I didn't see it but i'm going back to search, LOL! Does Zumba have a lot of jumping in it? I have a bad knee and a little bounce is ok, but full jumps like jumping jacks or some other moves in my dance exercise videos I can't do yet. having yet another procedure on…
  • I am on Facebook, actually way too much, LOL! I'll look for your group! I need all the support I can get right now.