Does anybody know? Alcohol wuestion

So I was Out drinking last night/this morning, and ended the night with an Irish car bomb. So I go to put it in this morning in my food diary, look it up, and it is listed, but it says "shot" next to it.
Does anybody know if this is just the whiskey and bailey's part of the car bomb, and I still need to add the guiness myself, or is it supposed to be all inclusive?

or is there a site with more detailed listings?


  • DancingDreamer
    mmmm irish car bombs. i suggest adding it into the database yourself for accuracy. that way you know its the whole thing.
  • tater8589
    Hmm.. good question. You might try under recipe adding your own so you can make it the way you had it.

    Oh, since you like guiness you should try a snakebite.. half guiness and half (i prefer Ace over Woodchuck) pear ale. So yummy.
  • sallyLunn
    With the following ingredients:
    3/4 pint Guinness® stout
    1/2 shot Bailey's® Irish cream
    1/2 shot Jameson® Irish whiskey

    It has 237 calories

    I googled it and fished around.
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    Wull ta answere yur wuestion.....are sure you were drinking last night and not this morning:laugh: ???? Sorry I couldn't resist........

    I am thinking the shot is inclusive because it is a half shot each of baileys and whisky but maybe you can just put in the ingredients seperately in the food calculator and add it up that way.
    3/4 pint Guinness® stout
    1/2 shot Bailey's® Irish cream
    1/2 shot Jameson® Irish whiskey

    Hope this helps!!!!
  • atombud
    atombud Posts: 38 Member
    My guess would be just the shot, depending on much guiness you use a 16oz guiness is roughly 180 calories, where as the bailys is closer to the 237 count.
  • mytmom
    I always put each alcohol ingredient in as it's own item even when they are mixed. I use this to figure things sometimes, and when I'm not sure, I err on the side of putting down too many calories rather than too few.
  • mytmom
    I always put each alcohol ingredient in as it's own item even when they are mixed. I use this to figure things sometimes, and when I'm not sure, I err on the side of putting down too many calories rather than too few.