Im Just a Girl, standing infront of my mirror, asking her to

Ok... i have been a very...VERY bad girl with this entire diet and exercise deal and even keeping my log into the site everyday.:embarassed: I used to be excited... and im still in love with this website... I just literally jumped off the wagon and fell hard into my love for food and being bad with the "healthy me routine". i dropped 7 pounds and before i know it, it was back on, and now i feel worse than ever. :yawn: :mad: :sick: I Work at a gym and i even still have a FREE membership too! UGH what is wrong with me.. Oh and to make thing even more tempting, i work very early morning shifts and I found a fattening coffee i love, and i was sinnfully introduced to WaWa's Sizzlies (breakfast sandwhiches)...(whyyyy)...:grumble: :sick: :sad: I am trying to get back to the outgoing, ready to lose weight, positive person i was and had already became. I am asking for helpful encourgment and to be re-reminded how amazing this site can be and how amazing I can be! Help me Unleash my inner strength! thank you!:drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

Please feel free to add me as a friend. i need all the friendly positive people i can find! I'll be there for you too!:wink:

Loren (bearface115)


  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Hi Loren,

    There are no two ways about is hard!! My journey to a healthy weight has been a long one and full of tiny little steps. First, I eliminated sugar because I was pre-diabetic and having all sorts of weird symptoms...dropped 10 pounds that year. Then I focused on eating better...dropped another 10 pounds. Then I had a stressful year but tried to maintain the same habits and still lost more weight. Then I discovered MFP and started exercising along with tracking calories. I have been here for 20 months and finally am within 1 pound of my goal.

    It doesn't happen fast and it doesn't happen easy but as long as you don't quit it does happen!!

    You are here!! That is half the battle. You are asking for help and the is the other half. You CAN do this!! What is in the past is gone. Just focus on today. Make today a good day. The tomorrow you can do it again.

    Love yourself today and get back on track! You know the saying..." A journey of a 1000 miles begins with one step."

  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Well done for logging back in and getting back on th wagon, that is an achievement in itself:flowerforyou:
    Good luck!
  • justahorsen
    The way I see it, you should take baby steps to get on track....If you can't live without the fattening coffee, buy one but pour half of it out BEFORE you have even one sip.....(I know, I know it is WASTING food and we are all taught not to do that, but better than WAISTING it,:laugh: )….and soon you will find that you stop having it because after all why stop and get a coffee just to pour half down the drain….
    I would also change my ticker to how much you have lost not what you have left to go. I know it is a minor thing but if you can look at what you have accomplished rather than the mountain you still have to climb it may be more inspiring (at least until you only have 5-10 lbs to go)
  • ndm531
    ndm531 Posts: 33 Member
    Hey Loren,

    You can check the first step off your list of things to do - you logged on, you got all those rotten feelings out and now you are ready to get going again. I think we all have shared the same sort of feelings of misery and setbacks. But the amazing thing is to read the others here who have been so successful - they all say the same thing. Shake it off and get started making healthy choices again today. And recognize this will happen again - but then you just keep going. It's not the failures that count, its getting over the failures that will get us to where we want to be. Good luck!
  • healthygrl
    healthygrl Posts: 33 Member
    Don't beat yourself up about the past! Just look forward and take one day at a time.

    Maybe just treat yourself to your special coffee once every few weeks. As soon as you break the habit of going to buy that coffee you won't crave it as often. I used to love getting my special coffee drink too...but I switched to just plain black coffee, and am totally used to it. It took a few weeks to make the switch, but it's been an easy way to shave off a couple hundred calories a day. Then take the money you would have saved after a couple weeks and treat yourself to a pedicure!
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    Losing weight is HARD. No question about it! You can do it, though. Baby steps!! I have a hard time saying goodbye to Soda, so I started replacing one soda per day with water or sugar free kool aid. Now that it's under control there, I'm trying to replace another one every day, and once I get that under control, I'll finally give up the last one. Same with sweets, I'm slowly phasing them out and it's making it a lot easier on me. I don't do well with complete deprivation, just moderation. Hang in there, you can do it!
  • carlita231
    Just take it one day at a time..You can do this! :smile:
  • possummama
    possummama Posts: 96 Member
    don't give up on yourself, remember - YOU ARE WORTH IT!
  • mytmom
    ok first off, love the subject line, LOL! One of my favorite movies ever! I used to be in really good shape and that was even after two babies, then three years ago my world fell apart in so many ways and I gained about 50 pounds. And I'm finding it harder to get in shape and harder to stay motivated this time. I try to make an effort to pop on the message boards each day and read a few for inspiration and motivation and know I'm not alone. Hang in there!
  • Motleybird
    Motleybird Posts: 119 Member
    Welcome back!

    Coffee, even good yummy coffee, doesn't have to be terrible if you make it yourself. If you don't already have a good, high quality coffee or espresso machine at home, get one! Some even have timers so that the hot coffee is waiting for you when you blearily stumble your way into the kitchen in the morning. From there you can control your portion size and what you decide to put in it. Set up your own coffee bar with cinnamon and nutmeg and milk or cocoa mix or sweetener.

    I personally can't live without my morning mocha. Non negotiable!