

  • My personal trainer says no more than 15g saturated fat per day and 70g polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat combined. He also advised that that you should have about 20g of protein per day.
  • Skipping is a really good form or cardio. You can find it under jump rope on the database. I've got a skipping rope that calculates the kcals you burn during your workout using your weight, and all I can say is that it says I'm burning more than I would when I run.
  • I've taken green tea tablets that can also be dissolved to make green tea, and I must say that it didn't make a difference to my weight loss. I've stopped taking them and still losing weight at the same rate.
  • You might need to mix things up a bit, as once your body gets used to a particular type of exercise the results tend to slow down. I'd probably try doing a different type of cardio a couple of times a week, and see if that makes a difference. However, If you've lost 3 inches, I'd guess the weightloss isn't showing on the…
  • Walking is definitely a good thing do. No point in forcing yourself to run if it's not for you, as you just won't keep it up. I've started walking to work since I moved house, and it's only about 1.5 miles each way which I do at around 3.5-4 mph and I can honestly say that I'm seeing a big difference with the weight coming…
  • Try roasting veg like swede, carrots and butternut squash, as they are pretty low on kcals, but a lot more filling than other veg. I know you want to cut down on carbs, but a few boiled new potatoes are good way of having carbs, without going OTT.
  • I generally blend a smoothie with frozen berries, yoghurt and milk the night before and pop it in fridge until I leave for work in the morning. If you want to bulk it up I normally add 1-2 tbsp of oatbran in the morning, not the night before as it would it would just soak up all the moisture and turn to gloop!
  • Congratulations on your upcoming wedding, and I can definitely say you've come to the right place for support. I also want to say well done on fitting in the gym 3 times week in your busy schedule! Having been to law school myself, I am so impressed you've fitted in workouts to your schedule with your heavy workload! With…
  • I have asthma and work out 4-5 times a week and find that taking my inhaler 5-10 mins before a work out really helps. I'd also suggest making sure you do a proper warm up also as I've found I can struggle with my breathing If I go full pelt right from the beginning, especially if I'm exercising outdoors. Like someone else…
  • How about purchasing a mini stepper. You can store it in a corner or your wardrobe and just whip it out for a work out in front of your tv or in your room.
  • Welcome to MFP!! I think with this site and the support of all the great people on this site, you'll definitely reach your goal! If you need any friends, feel free to add me. Good luck :happy:
  • If need any friends on here, feel free to add me. Good luck!
  • I'm defo up for that. If you make a facebook group I would love to be added!!