

  • hey heeters - did everyone have a good weekend? We spent the day walking around a zoo yesterday. It was a beautiful day in New England yesterday.
  • Hey all - How's it going? How's everyone's plan working?
  • Hi team, Sorry I've been MIA for a few days. I had a 1 pound gain last week and that totally bummed me out, but I'm still working the program - exercising 6 days per week - eating 3 meals and 3 snacks per day. To tell you the truth, it is HARD for me to eat that many times per day. It takes me forever to eat each meal. I…
  • Hey all, I haven't been able to post the last couple of days becaue I've had computer problems. I've been reading the threads at work, but I can't post from there. Congrats to all who lost this week - way to go! Callie
  • Hey Everyone - I haven't been able to post in a couple of days - problem with my computer - now resolved. I was able to read the posts at work, but I can't post a reply from work. Any way, glad to hear that you heal is getting better. I've been doing the 3 mile watp. Tues nite, I worked out with the Trainer - uGH - it was…
  • Good morning everyone - Cindy, you inspired me to do the 3 mile WATP dvd this morning. I haven't done that dvd in at least 2 years. I've been doing the 2 mile WATP dvds for a while. Part way through I didn't think that I was going to make it, but I DID it. I am so psyched. I was thinking about taking my daughter out for a…
  • good morning all, I worked out with my trainer yesterday - oh my - it was tough, but I love it. He makes me work harder than I think I can. So good for me. Today is my exercise day off - I feel a little guilty. Right now I'm watching my daugheter's diving lessons - so much fun (but sometime's its hard to watch because I'm…
  • good morning all, I worked out with my trainer yesterday - oh my - it was tough, but I love it. He makes me work harder than I think I can. So good for me. Today is my exercise day off - I feel a little guilty. Right now I'm watching my daugheter's diving lessons - so much fun (but sometime's its hard to watch because I'm…
  • hey everyone - I did my dvd this morning. In a little while, I'm off to the trainer. I'll walk on the treadmill for 30 mins then lift for another 30 mins...then I'll be exhausted this evening.
  • Hey guys, I've been reading your thread - so inspirational. I'm fairly new to the website - 2 weeks now - and loving it. I realize that you set new goals in June, but I'd like to join your goup - I've been using Leslie Sansone WAP dvds for a long time now. Every morning, I do the 2 mile, then try to get out for an evening…
  • awesome - that is great. I haven't re-measured since the most humilating experience of having him measure every circumfrence on my body! I do love working out with him though!
  • I recently started working with a trainer (2 weeks ago) I LOVE it. I have never worked so hard in my life. I'm going 2x's per week for 1 hour 1/2 hour of cardio and 1/2 hour work with the trainer. What's your schedule like?
  • hey all, sorry to be so late, i had to work late tonite... Anyway... lots of frustration here... I stayed exactly the same even though I weighed, measured & logged every mouthful! UGH... I also exercised EVERY DAY. ' Oh well... I'm not going to let it get to me, because I had a big loss the first week I started. Also, last…
  • Hey all, I haven't been able to post for a couple of days... I'm up for the challenge... go team black!
  • Hey every one, I'm new to this site and loving it. I'd love to join the black team. I have 100+ pounds to lose and am very motivated to do it. I'm working out at home (doing leslie sansone walk away the pounds dvds) - anyone ever try them, they're awesome. I'm also working out at a gym with a trainer 2x's per week. btw, I,…
  • this isn't a shake, but nutrionist recommended it to me... It's made by Nature's Best, Zero Carb Iso Pure ...20fl oz, 160 calories, no fat, no carbs 40 GRAMS OF PROTEIN. It comes in different flavors. You can buy it at GNC and other vitamin stores. It's a bit pricey for the premade bottles, but I think that they taste a…
  • Hi everyone, I'm brand new to this website. I stumbled across it when looking for a place to journal food and exericse. It is so easy to use. I'm a professional dieter (or should I say I'm professional at sabotaging my dieting efforts). I have just started working out AGAIN. I have 100+ pounds to lose... one day at a…
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