The Daily HEET...May Thread...Open to Everyone!



  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Team- Bryce-way to go on the loss !!!! Hey julie- Thanks so much for telling me to take my measurments. I did . In 20 days I've lost 1/2" off my neck- 1.5" off my waist- 2.5" off my hips -1" off my chest and 7 " off my thighs. WOW- that's 12.5 inches gone in 20 days! :smile: I just love ,love ,love this way of life !!!! I did 5 miles today . I hope everyone had a fantastic day! Cindy :heart:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Good morning Team ! I just came back from my 2 mile walk. On my walk a woman came up to me and said " I see you walk everyday and your weight loss is realy showing " That is great to hear ! I hope everyone is having a great day. What are the plans for today? We are going swimming around 2 pm today. It's a beautiful day here . I'll talk to you all later- Cindy :heart:
  • bbogart
    bbogart Posts: 113
    Good morning Team ! I just came back from my 2 mile walk. On my walk a woman came up to me and said " I see you walk everyday and your weight loss is realy showing " That is great to hear ! I hope everyone is having a great day. What are the plans for today? We are going swimming around 2 pm today. It's a beautiful day here . I'll talk to you all later- Cindy :heart:

    THAT...IS...AWESOME!!!! I am so happy for you! I can't wait til I (and others, of course) can see the weight loss. This is one of my major "goals" and is just about the only thing that keeps me motivated sometimes.

    I have a quick question just to see what y'all think. Over the past couple of weeks, I have noticed that I am not as hungry as I used to be. I have not only stopped eating so much all at one, but I am not eating as much over all. Do y'all think this might be a sign of my metabolism slowing down? Should I make a better attempt to eat all the calories I earn from excercise, or just take it as extra weight loss?
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Team, Thanks a bunch Bryce. :flowerforyou: In my opinion you should listen to your body regarding hunger. If your not eating as much now it might be because your body is adjusting to what your doing. I do not in any way mean your metabolism is slowing down. Your doing monster bike rides and working all the time. If you're still seing your numbers go down on the scale than I think all is ok. :smile: ttfn- Cindy :heart:
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    Hey gals! I'm Amy. Can I join? I know I'm a little late for the month but I can still share my goals with you all...

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Amy, Welcome to the Team ! It's never too late to join us. In June we all will set a new goal for the month. If you have any questions or just want to chat just let me know. Have a great afternoon- Cindy :heart:
  • bbogart
    bbogart Posts: 113
    Hey gals! I'm Amy. Can I join? I know I'm a little late for the month but I can still share my goals with you all...

    ...don't forget about us guys, too. :wink:
  • bbogart
    bbogart Posts: 113
    Options's everyone today? I just finished my workout for the day...30 mins on the elliptical, and 30 mins on the stationary bike. Not a bad workout for a day when I wanted to do nothing... I gotta get back to work, but I hope y'all have a great evening.

    BTW, welcome aboard Ahmee. This is a great group. Very supportive.
  • emsmom2009
    emsmom2009 Posts: 23
    Hey guys,

    I've been reading your thread - so inspirational.

    I'm fairly new to the website - 2 weeks now - and loving it.

    I realize that you set new goals in June, but I'd like to join your goup -

    I've been using Leslie Sansone WAP dvds for a long time now. Every morning, I do the 2 mile, then try to get out for an evening walk w/my family. Then, 2 times per week I work out with a trainer (also a new experience)...

    I'm in this for the LONG haul -

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Team- Welcome Callie ! I'm soo happy to welcome you to our team ! If you have any questions or just want to chat just let me know. Bryce- great job on the workout ! Sometimes just doing ten minutes of a workout gets you going when you don't realy feel like doing it. :smile: I did 4 miles today. I swam for about an hour and I did upper body work with my resistance band and 5 lb. weights. Callie, I like the WATP workouts too. I usualy do the 3 mile walk. I have been just walking outside lately though. I walk my miles fast. I walk 1 mile in 15 minutes. I do 4 miles one day 5 miles the next 7 days a week. I hope all our members that are MIA are doing well. I miss everyone. I'm glad Hazel, Bryce and now Amie and Callie are posting. Let's keep our team going strong Heeters ! What is everyone doing over the holiday weekend? I hope to do alot of swimming and outside fun stuff. Ok guys, I'm off for the night. See ya all tomorrow. :smile: Cindy :heart:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Team, How is everyone? I'm good exept for the fact I just came back from my 3 mile walk. I wore a pair of shoes I have had for awhile but never realy wore much before. My right heel has the skin rubbed off in a boo boo that's across my entire heel. :frown: I felt it hurting while walking but I thought it would be ok. Now I don't know if I'll be able to walk until it heals. :frown: I am going to put some neosporin on it and bandage it up. Maybe if I wear 2 pairs of socks and wear diferant shoes I'll be able to walk. I realy hope so. Ughhh - :frown: I hope everyone is having a good day. I'm gald it's Friday. I can not wait to weigh in on Sunday. Eddie gets picked up at 1.30 today and I doubt I have him again until Tuesday. I hope to get alot done in these 3 days without him. I need to clean . For the new members, Eddie is the 20 month old little boy I watch. I hope everyone has a fantastic day. Cindy :heart:
  • emsmom2009
    emsmom2009 Posts: 23
    hey everyone -

    I did my dvd this morning. In a little while, I'm off to the trainer. I'll walk on the treadmill for 30 mins then lift for another 30 mins...then I'll be exhausted this evening.
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    Hey y'all. Cindy - I hope your heel heals well. I know that is painful. Good job on not letting the pain stop you from walking! I have such a low tolerence for pain I probably would have hobbled back to my house.:grumble:

    I did my Pilates today. I missed Tues & Wed 'cause my tummy was not feeling well. I sure made up for it today! I always look forward to that workout.

    Anyway, what's for dinner? I didn't eat lunch (forgot to) and I'm still not that hungry. Someone tempt me...:devil:
  • hazelmichling
    hazelmichling Posts: 145
    Hey fellow HEETERS! Welcome to all new members, Starrot, Amy, Callie, EM and yes, Cindy, Bryce and all that follows. Sorry I was MIA. So busy with DD and her wedding shopping. Finally found her dress and got that ordered. Whew! Went to food tasting for reception and that is in the works of being worked out for pricing and such. Next, flowers and invitations. Gosh, so many little things to take care of. But it is fun!!!

    Went for my weigh in yesterday and down another 1.6#. Hooray! Didn't get to the gym all week so I wondered how I was going to do. I will take it as every little bit counts. Then went to lunch with DH, DD, her fiance' and mother in law to be. I had 1/2 order of this Mexican Shrimp Cocktail. ooooh, yummy! Then a little shopping and finally, the pool! Exercised for about an hour and it started getting a bit cool so ended up sitting in the hot tub.....ahhhhh warmth!

    Cindy, I know there will be another big loss for you on your weigh in tomorrow. I am as excited to learn about it as you are to find out what it is. :laugh: Sorry to hear about your boo boo on your heal. I pray it will not keep you from your walk as I know how much you enjoy it.

    Just want to share some interesting fact about band aids..... my daughter had gotten a blister on her foot and after apply neosporin to it, placed a band aid to cover. She ended up having this big bruise like discoloration where the band aid was. It is there til today and that has been at least a month now. Strange isn't it? To make things even stranger, I had received some insect bite on my arm and cleaned it, applied neosporin and used a band aid to cover. I changed the band aid daily and now, to my dismay, I have this same discoloration that my DD received. I am now app;ying some Xango on it and it looks better but not completely gone. Now, isn't that strange? Cindy, I pray this will not happen to you. All sorts of weird things happening these days, so please be mindful of any reactions you may get. Sorry to be on the negative, but I did want to bring this incidence to your attention so you can be aware and hope it doesn't happen to you. I have used this brand of bandaid in the past and not received this kind of reaction. Hmmmm. Maybe someone out there can explain this to me.

    'Today is family day and am looking forward to day starting with breakfast with DD and DH. Walking in the park sounds wonderful, doesn't it?

    BTW, Bryce, congratulations on your focus and weight loss. We are all so proud of your accomplishments. We are out here rooting for you. :drinker: :drinker: Let's not forget our H2o!

    Have a great, fun day with your goals and accomplishments. It's one day at a time for me. :smile:

    TTFN. Hazel
  • emsmom2009
    emsmom2009 Posts: 23
    good morning all,

    I worked out with my trainer yesterday - oh my - it was tough, but I love it.
    He makes me work harder than I think I can. So good for me.
    Today is my exercise day off - I feel a little guilty.
    Right now I'm watching my daugheter's diving lessons - so much fun (but sometime's its hard to watch because I'm afraid for her).
    I'm going to a picnic later on - but have planned the menu with my mom - so it will have "friendly" foods for me. I'm sure that there will still be junk, but I'm resolved to stay away from it. Fingers crossed....

    Have a good day

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    :heart: Hi Team, Hazel it's soo great to hear from you ! I can just imagine the day my dd decides to wed. I am the type of person that LOVES wedding planning and all that goes in to it. I hope you are having fun and making tons of memories. :heart: Great news on your loss too. I am not walking today. It's raining right now anyway. I think if I keep off it today I might be able to ride my bike tomorrow. I am going to do my weight training today. I appreciate your band -aid caution. This heel thing is bad. I have to keep a band -aid on it as of now. Thanks to everyone for the "get well" wishes. This is kinds freaking me out a bit. My dh keeps saying " you should let it heal completely before you walk again" ughhhhh that might be a week or more ! We went out to dinner last night and to the mall and to Sams club. I hobbled around fine. :smile: I'm a bit limpy. But as I said if I don't walk today and just ride my bike tomorrow Monday I think I'll be ready to get back to my miles. We went to Kracker Barel for dinner. I ate a grilled chicken salad with no cheese or croutons . I dipped it in fat free ranch. I was not even tempted to eat the onion rings that were on the table or order anything bad. :smile: This truly is a lifestyle for me. :smile: Callie- Way to go on that workout!!! I would love to have a trainer. :smile: Do not feel guilty. Your body needs to recover. ohhh driving lessons - I am not looking forward to that. My dd is 10. I'm the type of mom that cried when she learned to ride a 2 wheeler and when she learned cursive ect. ect. I can't imagine how I'll be when she learns to drive. :heart: Ok guys, everyone have a super great day !!! Cindy :heart:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi guys, Well I did my 3 mile watp workout. I feel sooo much better now ! I did it barefoot and it did not bother my heel at all. :smile: I burned about 50 less calories than usual doing it barefoot and I was being careful not to hurt my heel. I can live with that though! I'll do the watp workout until I can walk again. :smile: I will also strength train and ride my bike if I can. Cindy :heart:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Team. I hope everyone had a terrific day today. I also hope to see more of you post tomorrow. I want to say again that I miss you guys! Our team seems to be comming apart at the seams. I want to stress the importance of all of us posting for support and encouragement and also accountability. I know first hand how busy life can be. I also know how important you all are to me. Ok guys, I'm gonna hit the hay- I hope to hear from you ALL tomorrow- nighty night- Cindy :heart:
  • emsmom2009
    emsmom2009 Posts: 23
    Good morning everyone -

    Cindy, you inspired me to do the 3 mile WATP dvd this morning. I haven't done that dvd in at least 2 years. I've been doing the 2 mile WATP dvds for a while. Part way through I didn't think that I was going to make it, but I DID it. I am so psyched.

    I was thinking about taking my daughter out for a walk in a little, but I'm a little nervous because a bear family has taken up residence in our neighborhood (and have been sited at all times of day). In fact, my daughter's school was in lock down 3x's last week because one of the cubs was playing on the kids' playground. This is very unusual because I live in a fairly big town in CT in a well populated area.

    Oh, btw, Cindy, I may have written "driving" lessons in an earlier email but I meant "diving" lessons. Watch her do flips and tuck dives and others into the pool can be a little gut wrenching. My daughter is only 8 so we have a ways to go before we have driving lessons... thank goodness!

    Have a great day all!
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Team- Callie, lol, you wrote diving. I read driving. Diving lessons . That's sooo cool !!!!!! Way to go on the 3 mile watp workout !!!!!! I love those workouts. OHH I love all things bear ! I collect teddy bears. My dad has a cabin in W.V. He has a family of bears too. I just LOVE watching them !!! I know how dangerous they are so please be careful. I weighed in this morning and I'm down 3 pounds. I'm a little bummed because I think doing my watp workout yesterday hurt my heel more. I have stop messing around if I want this thing to heal. I usualy walk 1 to 1.5 hours a day . Not doing my walking is driving me nuts. :frown: I don't know what kind of weigh in I'll have next week. Of course I'll stay within my calories all week but with little to no exercise I doubt I'll see much of a loss. :frown: Ok enough belly aching. Let's all have a super great day !!! ttfn- Cindy :heart: