The Daily HEET...May Thread...Open to Everyone!



  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Good morning team ! I hope this finds everyone well. I just came in from my AM 2 miles. We did it in 33 minutes. :smile: We are going to the pool today around 2 pm. I hope you all have someting fun planned today. :smile: Wow guys, May is half over. Time is flying by! How are we all doing on our May goal? I hope to go on a long bike ride Sunday. How is everyone doing with their healthy lifestyle? I'm still going strong ! I know how easy it is to run out of steam or get bored with these healthy changes. I hope you're all still strong in your resolve to change your life. :smile: I worry that no one is posting on a regular basis. I know we're all busy. I do however think our group is an important part of our healthy lifestyle journey. I miss everyone. Ok team, I need to go log my miles. :smile: :heart: Cindy :heart:
  • Starrotts
    Starrotts Posts: 164
    hello heeters my goal for May is to lose10 pounds have lost 6...:flowerforyou:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Welcome Starrotts . You will love this team ! If you have any questions or just want to chat just post on this thread or send me a message. 6 pounds gone is super fantastic ! Congratulations !!!! Cindy :heart:
  • hazelmichling
    hazelmichling Posts: 145
    Welcome Starrott! Great news on your 6# loss. Way to go and only 4 more to go for the month. You can do it.

    Cindy, go girl! Good morning to you, oh mighty leader and motivator. I am fine. Had doctor appointment this morning and his scales showed I was down 4# for the past month. So we are very happy.

    Busy day and don't think I will get to the gym today. But, come next week, sure hope to be back on track.

    Talk to you soon.

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Team- Hazel, WAY TO GO !!!!!! I am so happy and proud of you! :flowerforyou: We spent about 2 hours at the pool this afternoon. I'm going to straighten up the living room a bit and do my 3 mile WATP workout. ttfn- Cindy :heart:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Happy Saturday Team ! What is everyone up too ? I need to rally the troops and get going on our AM 2 mile walk. :smile: I peeked at the scale this morning and I'll update my ticker tomorrow at official weigh in. The sun is shining and the birds are singing. It looks like it's going to be a beautiful day! I have Eddie till around 12 pm today. We are going to swim today sometime. Julie, how's your pool doing? Ok team -off for my 2 miles. ttfn- Cindy :heart:
  • hazelmichling
    hazelmichling Posts: 145
    Hi Cindy! Sounds like you had a great Saturday. Mine was a lazy day with overcast skies, rain and even some thunder and lightening. Stayed up until 3:30 this morning watching some t.v. with DH and so spent a lazy day relaxing and doing not much. Went to visit a friend in the hospital after having surgery and that was a nice thing to do.

    Now, I know your scales will show you a big loss tomorrow. You are so on schedule. Looking forward to celebrate your loss with you.

    Gotta go fix some turkey burgers for dinner now.

    TTFN. Hazel
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    :heart: Good Sunday morning Team ! I'm walking on sunshine!!!! I lost 4.4 pounds this week ! I'm so happy. :smile: :heart: :smile: Hazel, thanks Your such a sweetie ! I know you'll see sucess as well ! We're going on a bike ride today. I want to make it a long one . I have to check how warm it's going to be today. We may hit the pool too. I will also walk my miles of course. I hope everyone has a great day !!! ttfn- Cindy :heart:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hey Team, I just came back from a 40 minute bike ride. I think it was about 6 miles. I'm going to have dh drive it tonight to see how far it was. I need to get one of those mile trackers that hook to your bike. I just love my bike. :heart: It is a great workout !! I guess I'm taking Avery to the pool in a little bit. It's a bit chilly to me so I won't be swimming today. I need to make hummingbird food and do the dishes. All I want to do is be outside. The sun is shining and it is such a beautiful day ! I have kinda something naughty to share with you all, My dh told me that he feels like he's with a diferant woman in bed. He said " it feels like I'm cheating on my wife" He tells me everty day he can see a diferance in my body. :embarassed: That's kinda embarrasing but sweet too. :heart: I thought it was funny. I hope you get a chuckle out of it too. :blushing: Where is everyone??????? Come on Heeters , What are you all doing today? Has anyone exercised today yet? Are you all drinking your water? Are you eating those veggies? Come out ,come out wherever you are ! Cindy :heart:
  • hazelmichling
    hazelmichling Posts: 145
    Whoo Hoo Cindy and Starrot! Way to go gals on your weight losses. I am so very pleased for ya'll. Now, Starrot, you see how Cindy does it. You can too.

    Cindy, you foxy thing, I am pleased for you and your DH noticing and appreciating you. Hey, that's great!

    Now, I know the sun is shining brightly down on your place. Enjoy your day with Avery at the pool and good bike riding. You will be at your goal in no time at all.

    We are driving out to Weatherford for a wedding tonight and soon need to geet ready. it will be a long drive but I know it will be a nice ride with DH and giving a lady friend and her son a ride too. DH is bridesmaid and she also will be doing a solo playing with the piano and singing. I am always excited to listen to her perform since she grew up being so shy but she loves being on stage. Isn't that funny? She does a great job too.

    TTFN and hope to see the other Heeters on line soon. Come on out, ya'll! :smile: :smile:
  • hazelmichling
    hazelmichling Posts: 145
    Hi Heeters. Most of you know my struggle with not drinking too much water or enough for the day. I have received the following through email from nutritionist Ellie Krieger and want to share with you all. Hope this will help you to understand why we need to drink our water. have a great day all.

    Are You Drinking Enough Water?

    When you think about nutrition, do you think about water? Water is actually the most vital nutrient in our diets — being even just a little dehydrated can cause you to feel tired, weak, dizzy, and headachy, whereas getting enough water can help prevent serious conditions like kidney stones and certain cancers. That's why getting enough fluid in your body is a cornerstone of the Healthy Living With Ellie program. Today's small change is to make sure that you're getting enough water — at least five glasses a day.
    You've probably heard the traditional nutrition advice that you should drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. However, this is not completely accurate — fluid needs are very individual. According to the National Academy of Sciences Food and Nutrition Board, most men need to drink about 13 cups of fluid a day, and most women should aim to drink about nine cups a day. Plenty of liquids can count toward that grand total: Juices, milk, smoothies, sports drinks, soft drinks, and even caffeinated and alcoholic beverages contain water and count toward your total water intake.

    But water itself is the best beverage. It's absorbed quickly, it's calorie-free, and many studies have shown that it has an edge over other drinks when it comes to disease prevention. That's why it's a good idea to get at least half your daily fluid needs in the form of water itself. For women, that rounds off to about five cups a day, and for men, seven cups a day.

    One easy way to make sure you drink enough water is to carry a reusable water bottle with you. That way, you'll always have water on hand when you're thirsty, and you can keep tabs on your water intake by noting how many times you refill the bottle in a day.

    TTFN. Hazel Have a healthy water drinking day. :smile:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Team , How is everyone today? Hazel, thanks for passing along that article. I want to add that if you exercise alot you need to drink more water. We just returned from our AM walk . We did 3 miles instead of 2. Every other morning we'll do 3 miles . So today was 3 and tommorow will be 2 and so on. It's only supposed to get up to 85 degrees today so no pool for me. I will do my pm 2 miles and I want to get some strength training in too. An older lady in our neighborhood started walking with us today. She walked the 3 miles with us and is going to walk the 2 miles with us tonight. It's so nice to motivate others. :heart: I have Eddie in the highchair eating lunch so I better go clean him up. ttfn- Cindy :heart:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hazel , Thanks a bunch for the cheers and congrats. :heart: :smile: Your a great friend !!!! :flowerforyou: Have a super great day !!!!!!! Cindy :heart:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Heeters, Well I did 5 miles today. It feels great!!!!! I am anxious to see what my weigh in will be this Sunday. I plan to walk 35 miles this week. I walk fast too. I do 1 mile in 15 minutes. I am so loving this !!!!!! Have a super great night everyone! I'm going to go water my veggie plants and snuggle down for the night. ttfn- Cindy :heart:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Good morning Heeters ! I hope everyone is good. What does everyone have planned today ? I am going to walk my 2 miles in a an hour or so . I think when Eddie gets up from his after lunch nap we'll hit the pool. I will walk my pm 2 miles tonight and we have to go to the grocery store sometime. I hope everyone has a great day! Cindy :heart:
  • bbogart
    bbogart Posts: 113
    Hey, y'all. Sorry I haven't been around for a couple of days. I have been super busy at work. So busy thaty I had to ride my bike into work today. It is about 22 miles round trip and I should burn about 1200-1300 calories all told. Not too bad, but it just means that I am going to get off work late and then I have to ride 11 miles home. No biggie. I hope y'all are having a great week and I'll try to be more active.

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Team, Bryce- OMG- Now thats a bike ride !!!!! Way to go !! :smile: I hope everyone else is doing well. I did 4 miles today. I bought new walking shoes 2 months ago. I have walked the tread off. The tread is peeling away . Soooo I ordered a pair of New Balance cross trainers today. Jeez , I don't like to pay over $50.00 for a pair of tennis shoes but I figured since I'm walking 28-35 miles a week I deserve to have good shoes. I just hope dh feels that way too. I'm sure he will. Eddie had a runny nose all day. I sure hope we all don't get sick. I'm waiting on dh to get home so I can go grocery shopping. I realy do hate to go grocery shopping. Everything is so costly now. I can not wait until my veggie plants yeild some veggies. :smile: Well everyone ,have a great night. Cindy :heart:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Good Morning Heeters. How is everyone? Where is everyone? Come on team ! Please everyone come out of hiding. Bryce, how was that bike ride? I just came in from my 3 mile walk. I'll do another 2 tonight for a total of 5 miles today. I hope everyone has a great day ! Cindy :heart:
  • hazelmichling
    hazelmichling Posts: 145
    Good morning, HEETERS!

    Cindy and Bryce, I really admire you for your bike riding. Iused to enjoy it when I was young and now you got me looking at some different models. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Julie got her one too :smile: :smile:

    Looks like May is going too fast for me. Haven't gone to the gym like I had wanted to. Trying to keep my focus on healthy eating,however.

    Want to share with ya'll if you don't already know. I cooked my omelet in a sandwich bag this morning in boiling water. If you haven't tried it, I think it is a very interesting and great idea. Especially if you have multiple people to cook for that want different ingredients in their omelet and you can mix it the night before and have it ready to put into a pot of boiling water in the morning. No oil required to lessen dalorie count. :smile: It comes out on a nice roll too. Cook in rapid boiling water for 13 to 15 minutes.:bigsmile:

    Have been busy with DD going shopping for her wedding dress. We finally found one yesterday afternoon and got that ordered. Hooray! She is soooo happy and just smiled from ear to ear all the way home. She looks gorgeous in it. Tomorrow we go to taste food for the wedding reception. I have ordered my card stock for the favors that we are going to make. So much to do and the next 8 months will fly on by. Surely, my weight we be coming off too. :smile:

    Have a wonderful sunshine day! TTFN
  • bbogart
    bbogart Posts: 113
    Bryce, how was that bike ride? Cindy :heart:

    I was friggin' beat last night whe I got home. I think I burned 1360 cal for the round trip which is good, and I had over 1000 cals left over for the day which is even better!! Today was weigh ins for me and I'm down 1.2 lbs, so that's good. Especially since I didn't get in as much excercise as I wanted to. Either way, I hope y'all have a great night.
