The Daily HEET...May Thread...Open to Everyone!



  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    WOOHOO!!! Cindy!! You Go-Giril!! Awesome Job!!!

    I just got out of the pool. I spent most the entire day in it. Noon to 6:15 pm. I'm pickled. Did some swimming, some wallowing :tongue: , and a Whole-Lot-A-Scrubbing. Still trying to get the "scale" off. It's coming, maybe another week or so and we'll have the last of it off. I'm using a pool brush about 2" in diameter. I liken it to scrubbing hard water deposits off your entire bathroom with a scrub brush the size of a Q-Tip. :angry: :angry:

    I'm hoping to ride the bike tomorrow if I'm not too sore then come home and get some more swimming in. I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Thanks Julie, I can just imagine your pool nightmare. :grumble: Great job on the swimming :flowerforyou: Have a great night! We're off to the pool now. :smile: Cindy :heart:
  • hazelmichling
    hazelmichling Posts: 145
    Hiya all.... Hope you all had a great Mother's Day yesterday. I had a fantastic one with my daughter sitting next to me at church yesterday and we went to lunch with her fiance and his brother along. Met some friends there and another couple came in whom I had not seen in ages. So, yes, I would say i had a wonderful day yesterday visiting more than eating. :bigsmile: DH and DD took a nap while I ran my computer and then had some time to start working on reception catering ideas with DD before her fiance picked her up for dinner with his mom. :smile: He brought me a nice bouquet of crysanthemums which I love. Now that was so sweet of him and made me feel like I am really accepted as his Mother too. :smile: :smile: :bigsmile:

    Today I am off to ride the Dart rail and TRE train into Ft. Worth for a day of fun and lotsa walking with DD and her fiance is tagging along. Should be a great time.

    Julie, you go girl. With all that scrubbing and swimming, you will be down in your lbs without your realizing it. I know you are going to enjoy your swimming with a scale free pool. :smile: :bigsmile: :heart:

    I wonder what happened to everyone else? Have not seen much posting lately. But, Cindy, you keep on posting cause I look forward to reading your postings. You too, Julie. perhaps BBogard will be back soon. With the warmer weather, don't forget to hydrate with H2o. That goes for me too. :laugh: :laugh:

    BTW, Julie, how is DH doing in his health? Update please.

    TTFN. Hazel
  • bbogart
    bbogart Posts: 113
    Hey Heeters... I know I have been out of the loop for a couple of days, but we have been wicked busy. We had a benefit Chili cook off for one of our Coast GUard friends that was killed last year on Saturday. It was pretty much a day in the sun on the beach in Port Aransas, TX. Not complaining... We were completely whipped Saturday night and then we had lots of stuff for Mother's Day, so...I guess I'm just checking in. I am going for a bike ride w/ my wife here shirtly, but I'll check back in later. Hope y'all have a great day.
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Heeters, I hope everyone is doing well. Hazel, it sounds like you had a lovely Mother's day. :flowerforyou: Last night we ran to Walmart and bought a tent and snacks for Avery. She had one of her friends spend the night. We set the tent up on our deck. They only slept for about 3 hours. Me too. I'm pooped. They had a blast though so that's all that matters. :smile: It's overcast and cold here today. I doubt we see 80 degrees. We did our AM 2 miles in 33 minutes. I'm going to do my WATP 3 mile workout after Eddie gets picked up. I had a nice Mother's day too. Avery suprised me with pink roses and a cute card. Dh grilled steaks and I steamed up some fresh broccoli. I also got Eddie a life jacket last night. I can't wait to see him in it in the pool. He's a little fishy! :smile: Ok guys, are you drinking that water? How about those veggies? Bbogart is going for a bike ride :smile: what is everyone else doing for exercise? Julie are you swimming today? Hazel, you are out having fun and walking. :flowerforyou: Have a great day guys!!!!! ttfn- :heart: Cindy :heart:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Hey HEETers!

    A quick post and run for me...

    I'll be MIA for the most part this week. I may pop in but my "meeting" is this coming Saturday and has taken off like gangbusters. I have 80 confirmed and 33 maybes!!! Did I tell you the story about David H??? The guy I haven't seen since High School and church youth group? Anyway, he's helping me pull this thing together as it has grown out of a good way! :love:

    I'm trying really hard to stay focused on my eating and water drinking. I didn't ride the bike today although I wanted to. Was just too busy and a little bit sore from all the pool scrubbing. Didn't swim today as we had our first "summer" rain this afternoon but hope to tomorrow, weather permitting.

    Keep up the good work!!! I'll check back as soon as I can!

    Julie :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi team. I hope everyone is having a great night. Julie, Good luck with your meeting. Great job on staying focused during this busy time for you. :flowerforyou: Hazel, I hope you had a wonderful fun filled day today. :smile: I was pooped all day from that sleepover last night. I didn't get my WATP workout in but I will walk 2 more miles when Dh gets home from work tonight. I hope it's warm enough to hit the pool tomorrow. :glasses: I hope Lucy, Debbie, Bebe, Bbogart , Noeh, and anyone else I may be missing are doing well. We miss you guys!!! Remember our team here. We all need each others support and motivation and above all friendship. :smile: I'll check in tomorrow with you all. Sweet dreams- :heart: Cindy :heart:
  • hazelmichling
    hazelmichling Posts: 145
    My dear Heeters .... boy, guess everyone is so busy with the coming of summer and end of school and all. Hope to hear from ya'll soon to know how you all doing.

    Bebe has been MIA and I sure hope she can get her computer fixed or at least find time at work to jump on and check in. I hope she is enjoying some of that good fresh mango from her tree for me. :smile:

    Julie, I know your meeting is going to be a success especially with a reliable helper from an old friend. With your keen mind on your goals, I know you will be able to keep up with your good habits formed and will come back giving us good reports. After all, I look up to you as one great leader. In the mean time, I know Cindy will be holding up her end and continue to do her posting and encouraging despite her hectic schedule as well.

    My day at Ft. Worth yesterday was a great one. Did a lot of walking and my hips tell me how great a walk I had. After returning to Dallas, went to North Park mall for some shopping with DD and more walking. Boy, I was so happy to finally be able to sit in the car on the drive home. Great fellowship on the train ride and we all had a nice lunch together at Qroba's in Ft. Worth. Ended up at the WaterPark and more walking but it was well worth it.

    BBogart, I guess you must have been busy with your activities. Sound like it was a lot of fun. Keep up with your bike riding as it is good exercise. I enjoy reading your posts so looking forward to more.

    Ya'll have a great evening and look forward to reading your posts tomorrow.

    Nite all. Hazel
  • bbogart
    bbogart Posts: 113
    Hey, y'all. Sorry I have been so scarce over the past couple of days. I have been having super late nights at work and I have been trying to maintain my good habits without falling back into the bad ones that usually acompany the late nights. I've been doing pretty good, too. I took my wife to the gym this morning and we did 30 mins of strength training and I just finished off my lunch hour with 30 mins of elliptical and 15 mins on the rowing machine. I need some food!! I hope y'all have a great night and bear with me while I finish out the work week. I'll post as often as I can.

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hey team ! I'm getting ready to go walk but I'll post when I return. :flowerforyou:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    I'm back from my walk. 2 miles in 34 minutes. Dh hs an achy knee but he still walked with me. I need to get him to rest so he'll heal. So how is everyone? We spent most of the day at the pool. Summer is in full force here. I got my 4 miles in today. I have to do that darn 3 mile WATP workout tomorrow. I'm tired at 5.30 when Eddie leaves but I have to get my butt in gear and just get it done ! I made a pinapple/orange diet pop cake and I'm going to go enjoy a piece. 45 calories in a good size piece. :smile: I hope everyone is doing great! I'll talk to ya all tomorrow. Nighty night- :heart: Cindy :heart:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Morning Everyone! Tried to get on last night but I couldn't connect to this site. I assumed they were doing some kind of maintenance or something.'s not your *darn* 3 mile walk! Don't let your mind start playing tricks on you!! :wink:

    Have a great day everyone!!

    Julie :flowerforyou:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Good Morning team. I'm home from my 2 mile AM walk. It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. :smile: Julie, I know what you mean. I love that 3 mile workout. It's just so hard to fit it in now. When I walk outside I can take all the kiddos with me. When I do my WATP workout I have to keep them busy on their own for 45 minutes. I'm going to start doing it at 5.30 pm though. If I just do it a few days at 5.30 it will become a habit. I hope everyone is having a great day . What is everyone doing? Hey team - remember to do all the things your body needs ! Water- good foods- exercise !!! How is everyone doing on their May goals? My goal was to ride my bike more minutes at a time. I'm proud to report I'm well on my way. I think after the little ones wake from naps we'll go to the pool. It's supposed to be 100 degrees here today. What is everyone having for dinner? I'm making turkey italian sausages with lots of peppers and onions . I'm serving them with homade marina and whole wheat noodles. :smile: ok guys- I'll talk to ya all later- Make it a great day team ! :heart: Cindy :heart:
  • bbogart
    bbogart Posts: 113
    Hello Heeters!!! I had my weigh in today and I'm down to 247.4 which is 3.6 lbs down from last Wed. I'm happy with that, but I have noticed severe fatigue this week. I think I will adjust the amount of excercise I do, and calories I take in to more accurately reflect what I want, which is 1-2 lbs/week. It should give me more energy as well as more calories for the same amount of excercise. I am taking today off of excercise to recover a little. I hope y'all have a great night. TTYL.

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi team ! Well, I did it! I did my 3 mile WATP workout after Eddie left for the day. :smile: I spent 3 hours today in the pool with the kids. :smile: I'm loving the swimming ! I hope everyone had a super great day! :flowerforyou: I need to go start dinner. I'll talk to ya all later on- ttfn- Cindy
  • hazelmichling
    hazelmichling Posts: 145
    Good morning, Cindy, Bryce, Julie and all that follows~

    Didn't get a chance to post yesterday. With the DD home, it's busy time. Good news is that she has me MOVING! Much to do and so little time to do it in.

    Bryce, Cindy ... good work with the routine of healthy eating and exercise. You are so disciplined, I congratulate you both. And, Julie, you too. I know the others are doing it although we don't hear about it often enough.

    DD got me to the gym yesterday after a full day of running around and trying on wedding dresses. :-) I did a mile on tread mill and a mile biking and then went and did some free weights. Whew! Came home and did some chicken stir fry with veggies for dinner. I cheated and bought DH Taco Bueno platter for his meal so he could eat earlier than us.

    It is hard with DD home, schedule gets turned upside down. She is keeping me running but I like it.

    Weather is getting hotter so getting better with H2o. :-) Now to get into the routine of the gym sounds good to me an that is my May goal which has not yet been consistent, but trying to get there. The pool looked good to me yesterday evening as I was so hot with the sun beating into the exercise room. May be adding that in after my workout for more workout as water aerobics. Sounds good to me.

    Weight in for me this morning since I have doctor appointment tomorrow morning. Keeping my fingers crossed for a little weight loss. :-)

    have a great day and I will too ... TTFN. Hazel
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Good Morning Team ! Hazel , great job at the gym !!!! You go girl !! I'm so glad you're having a great visit with your daughter. We just came in from our AM 2 miles. 33 minutes- I burned 377 calories doing it. I will do my 3 mile WATP workout when Eddie goes home. We're going to the pool again after the kids naps. I like that schedule. We stay at the pool from about 2 pm -4.30 pm. We come home and the kids have snacks and I straighten up a bit and at 5.15 Eddie goes home . I hope all of you have a great day ! Remember your water,veggies and exercise . :smile: ttfn- Cindy :heart:
  • hazelmichling
    hazelmichling Posts: 145
    I love the fact that you are so organized and have your schedule so intact. Spending time with the children and they are loving it and you are getting some activity in to stay on track with your exercise program. Way to go, Julie!

    Went for my weigh in this morning and I am down 1.9#. Hooray! Now to keep this off and keep going in the right direction on the scale. :smile:

    More shopping for supplies for favors this afternoon. Today is laundry, Bible study and to come up with idea for dinner. Thinking of making chili with ground turkey since it is such a rainy, stormy kinda day. Sound good to me. Think that is what I will do. :smile:

    Received my new book "Foods You Crave" by Ellie Krieger. She is a nutrionalist and I enjoyed watching her on the Food Network on t.v. Now to read the book and see what kind of healthy menu I can create. Should be fun.

    TTFN. Hazel
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hazel way to go on the loss !!!!!!!! :flowerforyou: Turkey chili sounds yummy . Have a great day !!!! Cindy :heart:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Good evening Heeters. I hope this post finds everyone doing well. Another day coming to a close. How was your day? Mine was good. Eddie and his dad were out late last night so today Eddie was cranky and grumpy. We skipped the pool today. We played inside. I hope Eddie feels better tomorrow. We'll hit the pool tomorrow for sure. I did my 3 mile WATP workout again this afternoon. I am gald tomorrow is Friday. I have alot of housework to get done. I want to clean out my cupboards this weekend amoung other things. What fun plans do you guys have for this weekend? Avery is almost done with her lessons for the year. I can not believe we'll be doing 5th grade in August. It seems like yesterday I decided to homeschool her . We started when she was 5 years old. She'll be 11 in November. Time flies by too fast . They grow up way too quick! I am so very proud of the young lady she is. People tell me all the time how sweet,kind and lovely she is. I had a mom of one of her younger playmates tell me Avery is one in a million. :smile: God realy blessed us when he entrusted Avery to my dh and I. :heart: Ok guys, I'm going to go get ready to hit the hay. Nighty night- Cindy :heart: