The Daily HEET...May Thread...Open to Everyone!



  • bbogart
    bbogart Posts: 113
    Just finished my workout for the day... 30minutes on the eliptical, 20 minutes on the stationary bike, and 10 minutes of strength training (trying to rehab an injured shoulder blade). Hope y'all have a great night.
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Options said a bad word....shhhhh....(elliptical, we don't say that word in this thread, LOL!)....I tried, I really convince myself it was my Healthier Me Machine...but it's EVIL I tell ya...just EVIL!!!

    All kidding aside, it's not that bad...well, yeah it is but...Hooray for you for doing 30 minutes. I was only able to work my up to 20 minutes and then got sidetracked. Guess I need to get back to it considering it's sitting right behind me...hovering behind me...breathing down my neck...shadowing me as I type...

    <<<sigh>>> OK, now I have the *E* machine, a bicycle and a pool. What's my excuse??? :ohwell: :ohwell:

    I hope you all had a great day. I took a day off from the bike ride. I really think my body needed a break. I'll get back to it tomorrow and threatened DH with his life to get the chemicals in the pool straightened out because I was swimming this weekend. Scale or no scale. It won't hurt me, it just makes the bottom of the pool look ugly which is sad. But I can't swim until we get the chemical treatments straightened out again. :ohwell:

    NItey NIte HEETers! And congrats to Cindy on those clothing sizes! I missed that earlier but you are ON YOUR WAY girlfriend!!

  • bbogart
    bbogart Posts: 113
    Good morning Heeters!!! I don't know what my problem has been over the past week, but I feel better today. A little more motivated, a little more willing to pass on the garbage food...just better. I am going to ride my bike in to work today...11 miles one way, and then home again. The way there is usually the worst because of the ungodly amount of wind here in Corpus. That's ok. When I ride my bikie to work I usually earn about 900-1200 calories. This means I can take my sweety out to breakfast this morning. I hope y'all have a great day and I'll check in later...
  • hazelmichling
    hazelmichling Posts: 145
    Morning all..... BBogart, way to go. I see you have found your motivation back and I say WAY TO GO! Riding your bike 11 miles to work one way is just great. You need to get to work and what a great idea to bike it and get in your exercise at the same time. And then rewarding yourself by being able to take your DW to breakfast .... what a FANTASTIC idea. And she will love you for doing all you do for her too. Oh, you are so special alright.

    I am still working on balancing my schedule of life. Did have my yogurt with Flax Plus cereal for breakfast with a nice banana. Great start of the day. now to remember to take my meds and drink H2o. Bible study next and then cleaning to get ready for my daughter's return from college for a few weeks. Hooray!

    We are having such humid weather today. Think you are sending it up from Corpus to North Texas. At least we are not getting the 100 degrees that Cindy is experiencing in West Texas. Don't look forward to it this summer. I say, thank you Jesus for working airconditioners.

    Juiie,l I know you are going to enjoy your pool and swimming. I enjoy the pool too. But, don't have the convenience of having one in my backyard. May go to water aerobics class this evening. Now, i know I will enjoy it once I get there. The problem is getting there. (Procrastination problem).

    Lucy, last days of finals? Graduation party all planned? Post when you can. We would love hearing from you.

    Debbie, I know your project is coming along just great and think of how proud you will be of your renovation when it is all done. How is Kay doing? Back to health? And how is your health going with the sore throat and diabetes? Saw you on that diabetes thread. Seems like an interesting and informative group. Have you got your garden planted?

    Bebe, how you doing my Bahama sistah? Hope you will be able to jump on to the thread from time to time from your work computer. Miss you gal. Have a fresh mango for me, will you?

    Cindy, thank you for being there for all of us. I am so proud of you losing all that weight and dropping your dress sizes. You do deserve it for working so hard on your exercise and being so focused on your healthy eating which is not only good for you, but for your family as well. How cool is that Avery loves the challenge of your pace on your walks. She is getting such great training in her upbringing with healthy lifestyle which will be her lifestyle. I recall when I was younger and babysat my sister's girls and girl friend's children, I took them to the beach a lot and that got me in the water playing with them. I enjoyed that soooo much. But then, living in Hawaii at that time, my life was spent so much outdoors and here now, my life is spent indoors. It has made me just now realize how much I miss living in Hawaii. Lifestyle there is so different than this metrocrest living.:glasses: :glasses: :bigsmile:

    Yari, Noey and rest to follow .... missing you all. Come back and visit.

    TTFN ... Hazel
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Good morning Heeters, I hope everyone is doing great today! We just got back from our morning 2 miles. Wheww It's already HOT out there! We did it in 33 minutes. I'm going to walk 2 more miles tonight after the sun goes down. It's gonna be 106 here today. :glasses: I 'm going to fill the kiddie pool up for the itsy bittie kiddos today. We have a shady spot on our deck. They'll have a blast. I'll take Avery to the big pool when Eddie goes home. Hazel, thank you so much hon! You are so sweet. Julie, it's great your giving your body a rest. We all need that. Bbogart, 22 miles- wooohoooo!!!!!!!!! That is awesome!!!!!! I hope your wife finds a bike she likes. I love riding with my family. Where is everyone else? I know Bebe has computer issues and Debbie is fighting a cold. I hope you both get back soon. Lucy where are you? Come on guys, We want to hear from you. Your team misses you!!! Ok here's your friendly reminder to- drink that water * eat those veggies* log that food * get moving* have a great day * I'll talk to ya all later on. Have fun today! :smile: :heart: Cindy :heart:
  • bbogart
    bbogart Posts: 113
    What's up? Just got back from a 56:00 bike ride with the wife. She just bought a new road bike and we did 10.3 miles for her first ride. Pretty good. I burned about 544 calories on that ride and I'll do a little eliptical later...ssshhh, don't tell LilWaterBug I said another bad word. Earmuffs!!! Anyway...gotta go get ready for work. TTYL
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Team ! How is everyone doing? Bbogart, Great job on that bike ride! You and your wife are well on your way to a healthier lifestyle :flowerforyou: Eddie woke up from his nap at 2pm. I decided we would go to the big pool. We swam for 3 hours. It's super hot here . :glasses: I put on spf 50 and I still burned a little. I do not tan. I turn pink than red. I am super cautious about the sun. I wish I didn't burn. We had a blast though. :smile: I plan to do a 2 mile walk after the sun goes down. I don't know how many calories I burned in the pool. My heart rate monitor says its water proof but I don't trust that it is. What's for dinner? I'm making turkey meatball whole wheat subs with low fat mozz. I'll make baked sweet potatoes to go along. I ate about a cup of green peppers and a cup of tomato for lunch so I'm set for my veggies. Everyone in my neighborhood is noticing my weight loss. They see me walk every day and a few of them even cheer me on as I pass their homes. I feel so great! I know I tell you all how mucjh I love this way of life but boy , I realy mean it!!!! I'm so glad this way of life finally clicked with me. I know this time I will keep the weight off once I lose it all. I also know I will see my goal weight of 160 pounds. I'm 5' 8 tall. I've weighed 160 before when I was 17. I felt great at that weight. at 160 I wear a size 8. I hope you all feel as exited as I do. Just from losing the weight i have I feel like a new person. :heart: Ok everyone, I hope you all have a great evening! ttfn- :heart: Cindy :heart:
  • bbogart
    bbogart Posts: 113
    Just did another 23 miles on the bike...normally I wouldn't ride twice in 1 day, but I had a [personal challenge to ride 150 miles in 30 days. It ended today and I had to do 23 miles this evening on top of what I did with my wife this afternoon. I am beat, but I finished it. Time for some dinner!!! TTYL
  • hazelmichling
    hazelmichling Posts: 145
    Woo hoo .... way to go Cindy and BBogart. BBogart, you have no motivational problems anymore. Just keep your goal infront of you and you are well on your way bruddah HEETER.

    Between the two of you, think you can get me going? Reading all your success stories sure is getting me thinking good and hard. That's for sure. My DD is coming come and I know she will be kicking me in the butt to get to the gym. Maybe that is what I need to get back on track again.

    She is driving back today from Tennessee but I won't see her until late Saturday night or Sunday morning for church. She has such a busy lifestyle as she will be attending her best girlfriends college graduation ceremony in Abilene upon her return. She will jump and catch an ride with another of her best friend for that ride after driving all the way from Tennessee (12 hours). I'm so glad that young people have soooo much energy and pliable bodies. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Will be checking back later for more posts to read. Waving good morning to Julie, Bebe, Debbie, Noey, Yari, Lucy, Cindy, BBogart, Kathy and all that follows. Have a healthy eating day and drinking that H2o. It is getting warmer and we need to hydrate ourselves.

    BBL ... Hazel
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    :heart: Goood morning Heeters, How is everyone today? I just finished my AM 2 miles -33 minutes - 421 calories burned. I want to do my 3 milr workout sometime today. Eddie will be here until 7 pm so I'm not sure when I'll get it in . Thanks a bunch Hazel! :smile: You can do it too! Get yourself back to that gym! I wish I could take some classes at the gym. I would love to try water aerobics and spinning. You are doing so well with the weight loss. You can't let yourself become too comfortable with this. Keep pushing yourself. I have confidence in you friend. :flowerforyou: It's gonna be a scorcher here again today. 109 degrees . Yikes!! :glasses: Julie, Have you been in that pool yet? How are your bike rides going? Hey everyone remember to drink that water ! I know that you all know how important it is. Hazel how are you doing with your water? Has anyone tried cold water with a wedge of lemon it it? What is everyone doing for exercise today? What fun plans do we all have for the weekend? Well the troops are getting restless- ttfn- :heart: Cindy :heart:
  • hazelmichling
    hazelmichling Posts: 145
    Hi ya Cindy. Don't see any other posting today yet. But I am sure it will be coming along.

    Well, I want you to know that I have been doing well with my H2o now that I realize what size my glass is. LOL. Okay, went for my weigh in this morning and no gain no loss. i will take it this week not bad for not weighing last week due to my bad week and attitude with my stomach problem. So, onward and downward with the weight loss program with DH encouraging me.

    Your weather ... omg! Please do not send it over here. You may keep it to yourself, thank you. We are exeriencing 93 today with high humidity thanks to BBogart probably sharing all that humidity from down south.

    Followed DH to Mesquite this am to take our RV for servicing and such. It was quite a drive but I did well on the freeway, TYJ. Went to lunch and had a garden salad with minimal italian dressing and had to have a roll (shucks). Yes, drank water and i normally take lemon in my water.

    Thanks, Cindy, for your help and encouragement. You are so inspiring with all your energy and all that you do. You and Julie are great team leaders, that is for sure. Have a fantastic day with the children.

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hazel, Great job with the water! Maintaining your weight is great. You can jump right back in and get losing again. :flowerforyou: Your so very welcome Hazel ! I :heart: you ! I know we all have in us what we need to suceed in this weigh of life. :smile: ok off to get the kiddos some ice cream. ttfn- Cindy :heart:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Heeters where are you? Calling all Heeters- we all have to remember to post ! I know we're all super busy BUT our team is important . I just came in from my am 2 miles- Avery and I walked it in 32 minutes. I burned 424 calories doing it. I peeked at the scale this morning and my ticker will be updated tomorrow at weigh in. :smile: I hope you all are having a great day so far. I have Eddie for a few hours today. I need to go to HEB for fruits and veggies. I also need to find a life jacket for Eddie at a reasonable price. He's becoming a little fishy. Avery loves to swim and has been in the pool since she was 2 . She is a strong swimmer. :smile: I love that. I didn't learn to swim until I was 9 . Hugh, isn't it funny how we do things differantly with our children than what was done with us? I had a great childhood but I didn't learn to ride a bike until I was 8 or 9. Avery has been riding a 2 wheeler since she was 5. I never hold my kids back . I encourage them to try new things and tell them the sky's the limit on what they can accomplish . Our saying is" you can do it- there's nothing to it but to do it !" I want you all to remember that ! This applies to all of you too. We can do ANYTHING we set our minds to do. Mindset is such an part of this way of life. :smile: OK team- I better go- ttfn- :heart: Cindy :heart:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Wow, you all are still MIA- where is everyone? heloooooooo ?????????
  • lucyfan2009
    lucyfan2009 Posts: 51
    Hi everyone. I know it's been awhile. Matt is at prom tonight and I can't sleep. I am finished with finals and school until Fall again. Currently gardening and cleaning like a mad woman to get the house in order for graduation and open house and all that...sorry I haven't posted in a long while.

    Hazel, thanks for not forgetting me!

    I tried reading all the posts but honestly can't remember much except that it seems we have a newbie, at least for me, hello to you!!!

    I'm maintaining my weight and for now I'm grateful for that...there is so much other things to focus on.

    I'll try to check back later. Everyone have a wonderful Mother's Day!

  • hazelmichling
    hazelmichling Posts: 145
    Here I am to say "good night". Had a busy day trying to finish cleaning before DH comes in sometime tonight or early in the morning. :bigsmile: That should count for exercising since it was a LOT of hardwork of dusting and running of the vacuum. :laugh:

    Took some time out to spend with DH and we attended a community concert for "seniors" or, should I say, the band was made up of "seniors" and they really did a FANTASTIC job. Enjoyed listening to their music and can't wait until their next concert.

    Lucyfan, I can't forget you. I know you are buy with Matt's prom and graduation coming up and planning for a party and all. But, I know you can do it and will do a great job of it. Have a great time with your garden and all the summer fun before classes begin again next fall. My hat goes off to you.

    Cindy, Julie, Debbie, Lucy, Noey, Yari Happy Mother's Day for tomorrow. And, BBogard, a Happy Mother's Day to your DW too. Nite all.....

  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Happy Mother's Day Moms!!!!!! How is everyone today??? At weigh in I'm down 3.6 pounds. :love: Hey I just checked my log and I lost exactly 3.6 pounds last weigh in too. Hugh. I burned 6,041 calories through my workouts last week. I walked 26 miles- I exercised for a little over 9 hours. :smile: Ok guys, make it a great day- ttfn- Cindy :heart:
  • hazelmichling
    hazelmichling Posts: 145
    Cindy .... CONGRATULATIONS on that weight loss! I think by your keeping such good records of your exercise time along with what kind of exercise you do and your other loggings, that is great and keeps you on top of your goals set. I know I need to follow your great examples.

    My sister suggested I stay away from the "fried foods" which after she mentioned to me, I realized how much of it I had eaten this past couple weeks. Need to remember that.

    Hope your Mother's Day is going just super. Keep up the great work with the children and your healthy lifestyle. You are a keeper and an insparational person.

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Thanks a bunch Hazel ! Oh my dear, you must stay away from those fried foods. I bake everything. I did a 3 mile bike ride with Avery earlier. I'm well on my way to riding 10 miles . We rode for 3 today. It was too hot or we would have gone further. :smile: I love keeping accurate records of my foods and exercise. It keeps me accountable. I keep my exercise log on my fridge so it's a constant reminder. I hope you're a great day! :flowerforyou: Cindy :heart: