peaches32684 Member


  • Welcome to MFP!!! :) Im sure you will find this site not only helpful but full of people that want to help you meet your goals! If you need anything please feel free to friend me or message me anytime! :) Good Luck to you! I hope MFP has all that you were looking for :)
  • I struggle daily with motivation! I have so much trouble getting motivated to do my daily workout. I feel great when Im done, I always feel accomplished but getting off my butt and getting started is hard! Any motivation tips or support is greatly appreciated!!!
  • I weigh in on Tuesdays just because I started on a Tuesday! :)
  • My favorite go to's are : Whole grain oatmeal....with any fruit! Whole wheat toast and a hard boiled egg
  • Hello!! Im fairly new, I have tried this before and just didnt care. Im back and have been doing better!! Dont think of this as a "diet", think of it as a lifestyle change. Just try to add more "good for you" foods and slowly weed out the bad ones. If you go cold turkey on the sweets you will just crave them more. Have…
  • I too can not wait to be out of the plus sizes! Just to walk into Express and be able to try on a pair of jeans would make my year!!!
  • First of all, welcome to myfitnesspal!!! Second, congratulations on wanting to change! If you need an encouragement buddy, tips, recipes or just someone to talk too. You can message me anytime! I noticed you were asking about the 30 Day Shred. Its a DVD by Jillian Michaels and she does a 20 minute workout evey day. There…
  • I just finished Day 3 of the Shred. Its still challenging but it has gotten easier for me. I am definitely feeling the effects. My muscles are sore but they want more lol. Cheers to those pushing themselves!
  • Hi! I noticed you started the 30 Day shred on 1/18/2011. So did I!!!! I just finished Day 3 and I feel great! It is getting easier. I hope your doing well on it. Keep up the great work and let us know how your progressing! Happy Shredding!
  • I joined today! Your team is doing well and I am very happy and excited to be a part of it!!