I'm new to this "group" referred to by a friend who says this has helped her a lot! I'm trying to get back into shape and into my skinny clothes again. I MISS THEM! I am struggling in finding myself again in the workout area. I use to be good at this and was a finatic at eating the right things and indulging once in a while and not going overboard. Now I feel like if I don't have something sweet I'm going to die, and working out for me was depressing the first day. I would really appreciate any support from anyone that would take the honor of being my fitness friend :) Tips for excersise, working out anything really!! Thanks and hope to get back to where I feel happy about myself again!!


  • ktndj82104
    The beginning is hard. The best advice I can give is push through it. It will get easier and when you start seeing results it will help keep you motivated. When I first started out I could barely do a 15 minute workout but I worked myself up to an hour. I lost track for awhile but I am back and its hard stating over again. We can do it!!!!

  • peaches32684
    peaches32684 Posts: 10 Member
    First of all, welcome to myfitnesspal!!! Second, congratulations on wanting to change!

    If you need an encouragement buddy, tips, recipes or just someone to talk too. You can message me anytime!

    I noticed you were asking about the 30 Day Shred. Its a DVD by Jillian Michaels and she does a 20 minute workout evey day. There is One 2 - minute warm up, Three 6 - minute circuits of Jillian's interval system: 3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of cardio and 1 minute of abs. then a 2 - minute cool down. The DVD has 3 levels and you do each level for 10 days.

    Its very tough! My first day I had to stop half way through to catch my breath. If you have any other questions about it feel free to ask! Good luck in all your future endeavors.